2009 budget combo amp advice needed


New Metal Member
Jan 15, 2009
hey guys, i will be selling my MG100HDFX with its Cab, hoping to get at least 500ish (canadian). i'm not feeling this amp anymore since i started to play much more heavier types of metal. What i am about to do isnt going to help much... i dont think... thats why i am here to ask for advice.

i will be looking for a combo amp, with a budget of what i sold my amp for, or throw in an extra 200-300 dollars on top of that, so $700-800 (canadian). after reading older threads it seems that everyone is suggesting $1000+ combos or used...

i have a Electronic Harmonix Metal Muff (i can get a pretty good sound from the marshall but at every setting i tried it always pierces the ear...)

i will eventually move to an apartment so getting rid of the head/cab is a good idea for that.

thanks in advace
I dunno dude, I really don't like tube combos at all, they're just too fucking heavy, and often don't have recessed side handles for easy carrying. A decent wattage combo won't be any softer in volume than a stack, so that rules out the apartment thing, and if you're concerned about space, just get a 2x12 (ideally this one, cuz it's vertical, though a 2x12 IME doesn't sound as full under a mic as a 4x12). As for good heads, a used 5150 is without a doubt the greatest bang for one's buck for a full-power tube head, but I much prefer the aggressive sound of a Krank Rev. Jr., and now that it's available in a 50-watt head for like $700, that would totally be my vote. Good luck!
i think what i will do is sell the marshall head/halfstack, bank the money, practice using plugins + impulses.. and see what kind of reviews the peavey 6505 1x12 combo will get.

by that time i should have (which i already do) enough money to buy something i dont wanna regret!
The 5150 combo is dead, long live the 6505 combo! ;) Same thing

And Bugera, eh....the speaker is gonna suck assholes - why are you set on a combo?
Ampeg VL-503 if you can find one for like $400 or so?
I've been looking for a good deal on one, but haven't found it yet.

Most of the combos I've been looking at aren't really for "them metalz", but I love the Peavey Classics and Delta Blues.
If you could deal with a solid state combo, the Vox Valvetronix amps are pretty good. when I was going around helping a buddy look for a practice amp, it killed absolutely everything we could find in its price range.
Haha, when I was in the exact same circumstance with a friend of mine, Temps, we found the Roland Cube 20 to kill everything in its price range :D (including the multiple Voxes they had there, one of which was a Valvetronix). Maybe the higher-powered ones are better...
Haha, when I was in the exact same circumstance with a friend of mine, Temps, we found the Roland Cube 20 to kill everything in its price range :D (including the multiple Voxes they had there, one of which was a Valvetronix). Maybe the higher-powered ones are better...

Yeah :lol: I was thinking 2x12 combos.. the Cube is definitely the best sounding small amp around, those things sound awesome.
Personally I'd say Orange Tiny Terror combo or the Krank Rev Jr + 1x12 cab. The Krank may be out of your price range though, I have no idea how much these are over in the US.

Other good combo's that can be found used:

Peavey Ultra/ Bravo
Engl Thunder

Personally if I wanted a small amp, I'd always prefer a head and 1x12 cab. You really need the speaker to be enclosed otherwise the bass is often too loose.
I use a randall g3 hybrid combo. I like it. I don't max out the gain though, I'm a bit more laid back with distortion. I was going to get a marshall mg50 for recording in conjunction with it though, cause I think the harshness of the mg would sound pretty cool alongside the bassier/smoother randall, kinda like Carcass mixing in the ol' Marshall SS lead 12 on Heartwork (or so the story goes).

Good thing about the hybrid - pretty freakin' easy to change the tube. Amp was getting really noisy; switched out the 1 tube and it was a done deal, no trip to an amp tech, no biasing of tubes. If I ever did a tube combo again, I'd have to get a self-biasing one for the simplicity of it.

I don't mind vox and cube modellers, but I just don't think they're for me.
Meh, it's just the awfully outdated Spider preamp going through a tube power amp (and some 12AX7 preamp tube buffering, maybe at the input stage and definitely at the phase inverter - still, nothing too spectacular IME)
Holy shit, I have a Marshall JCM2000 TSL602 (2x12" 60W combo) with only a handle on the top and FUCK ME is it heavy. Jesus! I would rather carry a quad w/ side handles and a head up stairs that this thing, it is the most awkward, heavy, annoying amp to transport ever!