2012 Presidential election thread

Honestly, a Chinese presence in Texas might make it better there.

Though I agree with that for the most part.
The order of my hatred for the GOP candidates is as follows:

1. Herman Cain - He's a liar and doesn't know what he's talking about.
2. Rick Perry - What are you even fucking talking about most of the time?
3. Michele Bachmann - ugh
4. Mitt Romney - This guy is slick and so full of shit. Prototypical politician. How anyone could be willing to vote for this weasel is beyond me.
5. Rick Santorum - lol He's totally harmless but is he ever an annoying antagonizing little bastard. His foreign policy is shit.

My favs: Ron Paul with Newt Gingrich in a distant second.
You like Newt? lol, fuck that guy. If I had it my way, it would be Ron Paul vs Dennis Kucinich (who is running against Obama for the dem nomination, much to the chagrin of the DNC). While I'm fantasizing, a Michelle Bachman/Sarah Palin sex tape would get leaked and Jimmy McMillan would run as an independent, just to make the presidential debates between Paul and Kucinich interesting.
I can barely tolerate Ron Paul due to his statism, so anyone more extreme than him evokes nothing less than loathing and outrage from me. Gingrich would fall into that category.

Ron Paul mistakenly believes limited government can still work and is moral. The good thing is he at least wants limited government, unlike the rest of the candidates; sociopathic liars in suits.
I can barely tolerate Ron Paul due to his statism, so anyone more extreme than him evokes nothing less than loathing and outrage from me. Gingrich would fall into that category.

Ron Paul mistakenly believes limited government can still work and is moral. The good thing is he at least wants limited government, unlike the rest of the candidates; sociopathic liars in suits.

It amuses me that you expect candidates running for a position of state leadership to advocate a complete rejection of statism. Only revolution will bring about a complete overhaul, and it's unlikely an elected politician is going to be in the vanguard of such a movement.

Furthermore, the source of freedom as a value derives from societal convention; it's not an inherent trait. The value of freedom is actually only understood in relation to the subjection of others.
It amuses me that you expect candidates running for a position of state leadership to advocate a complete rejection of statism.

Of course I don't. Ron Paul at least adheres to the oath of office (unlike the rest of the politicans we have), and that I have to respect. He believes in limited government for generally the same reasons I believe in no government, he just obviously hasn't made that next logical step. He has definitely had a huge positive influence during his time in office, on starting many people on the path to anarchism/voluntaryism.

Only revolution will bring about a complete overhaul, and it's unlikely an elected politician is going to be in the vanguard of such a movement.

Of course, and if there was a politician in the forefront, it wouldn't be a legitimate revolution of (at least my own) desired type. I don't even think "revolution" is what is needed, at least not what the word generally brings to mind. Massive non-compliance. Not this mindless rioting bullshit.

Furthermore, the source of freedom as a value derives from societal convention; it's not an inherent trait. The value of freedom is actually only understood in relation to the subjection of others.

You need to elaborate on the first statement, because the way I perceive it makes it sound ridiculous.

@KR: What one(s)?
I would be a full-fledged anarchist except for the whole "I like civilization" part. Anarchy and an advanced civilization are not compatible, and as far as I can tell, this is not debatable.

I disagree. There are plenty of very cogent arguments that society is less advanced than could be, due to the repression inherent in coercive systems.
Of course I don't. Ron Paul at least adheres to the oath of office (unlike the rest of the politicans we have), and that I have to respect. He believes in limited government for generally the same reasons I believe in no government, he just obviously hasn't made that next logical step. He has definitely had a huge positive influence during his time in office, on starting many people on the path to anarchism/voluntaryism.

The proper services of government = police, armed forces and the law courts. All of this being funded voluntary. These services are demonstrably needed by individual citizens and affect their interest directly, therefore the citizens should and would be willing to pay for such services, just as they pay for insurance.

Anarchy (as a political concept) is a naive abstraction. A society without an organized government would be at the mercy of the first idiot criminal who came along and who would accelerate it into the chaos of gang warfare. but the possibility of human immorality is not the only objection to anarchy - even a society whose every member were fully rational and faultlessly moral could not function in a state of anarchy, it is the need of objective laws and of an arbiter for honest disagreements among men that necessitates the establishment of government.