30 Days of Night


Who drops crackers?
Apr 1, 2006
Albany, Ga
Please God, don't let this movie suck.

The comic series that the movie is based on is amazing, so I'm freaking the fuck out about the film comming out today.

Anyone else raiding their local Theater to catch it today?
I'm excited as hell about this flick

The comic series that the movie is based on is absolutely amazing, even if you're not that into comics, and I'l freaking the fuck out the closer to 7:00 it comes.

Anyone else seeing this movie today?
Naw, I'll wait for DVD. I just don't feel this movie for some reason, the concept seems decent enough though. I think the last genuinely good horror movie I've seen in a theatre was the Dawn of the Living Dead remake, the SAW's have been sort of a yearly Halloween tradition but I'm not feeling the 4th one this year either.

The only movie I was anticipating and heard good things about was called "Trick'R'Treat" and the stupid studio delayed it for fear of competition with 30 days and Saw 4, so they are going to sit on it for another year to compete against Saw 5 lol.
I have been looking at the poster in my garage for almost a year now waiting for this movie to come out.

Just got Death Proof and I luuuuuuv that movie!!:headbang: the trailers are absolutely hilarious!:loco:
I read the novelization, and it was cool. The only way the movie can fail is if it is horribly directed, acted, or the author of the tie-in made up all the best parts.

Whether it blows or not, I am going to support it. This is the first major vampire HORROR film in years. I feel like every dollar I spend on this movie is a fist in the face of the paranormal romance genre. I hope this movie is successful enough to at least start things moving in the right direction again.
The only movie I was anticipating and heard good things about was called "Trick'R'Treat" and the stupid studio delayed it for fear of competition with 30 days and Saw 4, so they are going to sit on it for another year to compete against Saw 5 lol.

What a brilliant move by the studio! Moving it out of the way of two horror films this year in the hopes that there will be no horror film releases next Halloween! Huzzah!

I wondered what happened to that Trick R Treat movie, because it looked cool.
SPOILER ALLERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fair warning. There are some minor story changes, the New Orleans angle from the comic is completely gone, and John Ikos is in the movie, but overall, fans of the comic should be extremly satisfied.
We watched this movie last night called "The Insatiable" http://www.netflix.com/Movie/The_Insatiable/70044374?strkid=913979002_0_0

"After watching beautiful vampire Tatiana (Charlotte Ayanna) suck her victim dry, good Samaritan Harry (Sean Patrick Flanery) falls hopelessly in love. To prevent her from claiming any more innocent lives, he takes it upon himself to follow Tatiana, kidnap her and lock her in his basement. Sure, it's twisted … but this relationship just may work. Josh Hopkins, Boyd Kestner and Michael Biehn co-star in this blend of the comic and the horrific."

I have to say it was decent for a low budget film, and reminded me a bit of the italian film short we saw at Dragoncon of a similar theme. Charlotte Ayanna is very good looking and has beatiful eyes, she sorta looks like Annette from Nightwish in this movie a little bit.
I was wondering about "The Insatiable," thanks for the heads up. I can't see you steering me wrong so I might check this one out.

As for "30 Days of Night," I loved it. I have seen some criticism of it but I don't think the complaints hold water. The movie delivered what it promised. And one thing I absolutely loved was that it was played completely seriously. There was no out-of-place humor or "winking at the audience." Time will tell if it stands up to the classics, but for now at least it was the Right Movie at the Right Time.
This looks cool... I happen to be a big fan of most of the graphic-novel-based movies out there... Sin City and V For Vendetta were two of my favorite flicks from recent years.
Just saw it this afternoon while in Worcester. I'm not big on horror movies but my boyfriend said it was the best horror movie he'd seen in awhile and he's a big fan of these.
My "review" that was posted on my blog...

Many horror fans would probably wonder why I still love vampires so much. To me, that's easy to answer. You have "Dracula," of course. "Nosferatu," "'Salem's Lot," "Near Dark, "The Hunger," "Fright Night," "Black Sabbath"...and that new kid on the block, "30 Days of Night." Time will tell if it is looked back on as an all-time vampire film great (probably not), but as far as I am concerned, it was the Right Movie at the Right Time.

I've read some criticism of the film, and while it certainly isn't a perfect film, you can't deny that it delivers what it promises. Which is to say, vampires attacking people for nearly 2 hours. And it looks great doing it. While not as baroque as Coppolla's "Dracula" or Jordan's "Interview With the Vampire," "30 Days of Night" is certainly one of the better-looking vampire films in recent memory.

I'll admit that I prefer my vampires with a little more personality (and it wouldn't hurt to wipe your mouth from time to time!). But with the rampage of "paranormal romance" hacks currently crashing the party, it was refreshing - and very possibly necessary - to see the vampire archetype pushed in the extreme opposite direction. The vampires in "30 Days" run in packs, bringing to mind werewolves and the fast-moving zombies of the "Dawn of the Dead" remake as much as they do traditional vampires. I also really dug the look, with the jet black pupils and scrunched-up animalistic faces. It was just enough to make them look odd and creepy without making them look like something Buffy the Vampire Slayer would beat up on. Some critics have made fun of the fact that the vampires speak in their own language; I for one thought that it worked. Unlike many recent vampire movies, there are no attempts to explain vampires or even give a dissertation on what will and will not work against them. What the viewer "knows" about the vampires is roughly what the survivors on screen do. The "vampire language" gave just enough of a hint that they had some form of culture without trying to introduce a lot of "mythology."

"30 Days of Night" also wins bonus points for its complete lack of comedy. This is a life and death situation and its treated as such. No out of place jokes or winking at the audience. High fives to director David Slade for making a serious horror film about vampires.

So please go see this movie. This is just what the vampire genre needs right now.
So I gave this movie a try. I am a big fan of good vampire movies, even if good ones are rarely done.

However, this was one of the worst movies I've seen in the theater in a couple years. Instead of doing a review, I'll argue, based on the above enjoyment of the film (those posting before me), why they are so wrong.

**Some Spoilers Below...Minor though since this movie has no plot anyhow**

First, lets start with the delivering on what it promises. If all it wanted to do was show 2 hours of vampires killing people, then it should have A) Gotten less talented actors to play these boring roles, B) not use a shakecam to hide so much of the killing. Ben Foster is very talented, as well as Josh Hartnett (when put in the right roles). However, their talent is wasted, though admittedly Ben Foster pulled off his role greatly. Its just that it was such a limited role that I don't see the need.

But that's all this film felt like anyhow. An attempt at making a zombie movie, that had vampires. These vampires don't really have too many special abilities. Primarily that of taking a number of bullets, jumping rooftops, and great strength. And of course the ability to puncture the bodies of victims to drink blood. We also know the vampires can be hurt by light. Duh. And we also know they sent a human ahead of them to scout out the camp, this human hopes to be turned into a vampire or something of that nature.

the vampires have big mouths, which is good to chomp down on bodies, and blood drenched clothes soon after their attack starts. I don't know how they lived so long when they are obviously so nearly mindless, and violent. Other than by sheer luck I guess. Violence is plenty in the movie, though as I already stated its done a lot with a shaky cam, which one would hope directors would finalize realize... doesnt' work anymore. Its an annoying effect, and we'd much rather take in the movie. The movie also likes loud music. Even though vampires are moving silently, loud music plays whenever they do. To no effect of course, since loud music and horror movies has been so overdone that it no longer shocks us, unless done very well.

We never find out where these vampires came from. And sure that is fine on a Lovecraft effect of not knowing, but even if we knew we wouldn't be any less scared, since we aren't scared as it is. It would at least be nice to not be sitting through the movie in the dry periods wondering 'how'd they get here, where will they go next why hasn't this happened before..' But the movie is too busy having no real concept other than 'vampires enter remote, cutoff town and kill people.' And we aren't scared because everything happens fast, and we don't care enough about the characters to want to see them through. Another annoyance, is there is one love interest, and they keep hinting at what its about, but all we know is that there was a marriage, and separation and several people of the town can't understand why.

I understand the desire not to have teen romance, or other such things in a vampire flick. But I thought it could have been done much better. The violence could have been more imaginary, the sense of the vampires existing in our world could have been done more convincingly, and the annoying cat hisses could have been just done away with.

So this movie ends up adding nothing new, and you are much better off just watching 28 Days Later or 28 Weeks Later and imagining that they are vampires.
Violence is plenty in the movie, though as I already stated its done a lot with a shaky cam, which one would hope directors would finalize realize... doesnt' work anymore. Its an annoying effect, and we'd much rather take in the movie.

Have you seen Children of Men? The last 20 minutes of that movie is pure brilliance with the unedited sequence taken with a handheld camera.
I'll argue, based on the above enjoyment of the film (those posting before me), why they are so wrong.

I don't feel I am wrong so much as have a different opinion. You make many good points, but I stand by mine.

Everyone else will probably find their opinion somewhere in the middle.
Yah I say wrong because I hate saying imho all the time ;)

And yes Jibrille I saw Children of Men, and that scene was done very well and artistically. Its not that it can't be used. Its about how much and how.