6505 Vs. Krankenstein

daemon097 said:
"I stood right in front of Jensen ..and his Krank sounded like complete shit."

... Andy was saying that he used the Krank on Nevermore's last album, and the guitars sound pretty good there as well.."

Dude I don't want to sound like a policeman, and I sure don't want to put words in anyone else's mouth, but you're losing points here.
Saying a Krank sucks is like saying Claudia Schiffer is ugly.

If Kranks "sucked" or sounded like shit, Andy would not use them. Nor would any of the bands on the Krank roster. I've had a Revolution now for over a year and really love it for rhythm. For leads I much prefer a JCM900 or 800.

I did hear from a credible source (a krank endorsee and someone who toured with damageplan) that Dime was still using Randall solid state pres but using the Krank for power.
cobhc said:
I agree that they are expensive, and to be honest I can't get to play a krank and can't currently afford one. I just wondered if I should save up and put the extra money to it to get a Krank, probably being swayed by the fact that I love the tone on the latest Nevermore album. Then again I like so many other bands who use 5150's (6505's), such as Machine Head, older Arch Enemy, Carcass, etc. On the other hand I like the fact of having a Krank since I'm sure noone where I live will have one. I think I liked the high end on the Krank samples better than the 5150 samples, but then again I wont be running them through the same cab as the samples. Gonna run it through my Marshall 1936 2x12 cab, which I'm gonna swap out the speakers for V30's, so I won't get as much low end as the 4x12 cab's. Kinda wish I'd bought a 4x12 now, cos I dont think they are much deeper or wider than the 2x12's only taller if I remember right. But then again that also double's the cost of replacing speakers lol. Anyway guys, I just wondered really if the 6505 could get near the tone on TGE?

if at all possible, try to go with an amp you can play with your cab...personally i don't like thos marshall cabs at all, i owned one for about a week before i resold it; but some guys swear by them so to each his own

if you're going after the nevermore TGE tone, you might be best off to name what inherent qualities you liked about the tone...and search for that in your quest for a new amp; considering that jeff loomis in amazing player, and andy is right up there as an engineer...nailing THAT tone with any rig is gonna leave you with some big shoes to fill

personally i don't think the krank is worth the extra v.s. the 6505 AT ALL
FWIW the only time i've ever heard a krank really impress me was when we played with shadows fall last year....they were using revolution heads modded for el34's as their main amps, and they really sounded great, funny enough tho the two rigs sounded nothing alike...with my eyes closed i would've guessed i was hearing a 5150 and recto! but they were using the same heads, thru the same cabs

they each had a chadwick head they used for cleans as well
yeah you wont go wrong with the 6505, I have to say though, you guys bashing the Kranks obviously haven't had chance to play around or there's something else in the chain that aint happenin, cause mine are rockin.

I've been playing for a while with a couple of revs. on stage and it kills my old recto setup and rack setup, which i was using a triaxis briefly.
It really does seem people either how NO clue how to EQ them or are just talkin' out of there asses to make them feel better about there subpar amps.
All this thin and brittle stuff makes me laugh so much, I get people to come down to my practice room and make shift studio to plug into my krank and vintage 30s cabs and then try to fucking tell me it's thin and brittle! lol
It's even better when I actually AB it with my recto or bandmates 5150 because then you really do PROVE most people talkin about kranks and sitting and their hands and typing with their asses :rock: