7 Horns 7 Eyes tracking begins!

How is the drum rack setup working out? Our drummer uses one, and when we tracked his kit a few weeks back, I had a lot of transmitted resonance I didn't like since everything was hooked together. When he would hit the china the whole rack vibrated and was VERY audible.
Room looks nice, can't wait to hear how those drums sound! Btw, Aaron, what are those rings around the tom heads? I've used G2's before and liked them a great deal. Are those built into the heads themselves or something similar to dampening rings?

Oh yeah, best of luck and stay loose!
Whew, finally have a chance to come back here and post a bit. We got everything done as planned, and the tracks sound great. My main concern was getting the overhead spread right, and the Paiste cymbals recorded beautifully. Lots of separation, and I can't wait to mix it!

looks really awesome

what snare is that? how deep is it?

cant wait to hear this

The snare is a brass Mapex and is 6 1/2" deep. Really nice crack to it!

As requested, I will definitely post clips of the raw drums against the final drum mix when we get to that. I'm down to give out samples too, as long as my drummer doesn't have some issue with it! We tracked at 24/44.1.

How is the drum rack setup working out? Our drummer uses one, and when we tracked his kit a few weeks back, I had a lot of transmitted resonance I didn't like since everything was hooked together. When he would hit the china the whole rack vibrated and was VERY audible.

The rack worked out fine. I didn't notice any kind of vibration or any obviously offensive sounds, although I think the toms may have been resonating slightly more than they otherwise would have all along. Nothing that can't be fixed by manually editing the tom hits out, which I was going to do anyway!


I also forgot to mention how much I loved tracking with the ICON D-Command. It took a few minutes to get used to the workflow, but it was extremely nice once I did. Worth the $25,000 price tag? For my home studio, no, but for a pro-level Pro Tools based studio, it's definitely a big positive.
yeah i bet a snare that deep has an awesome crack, i love deep snares. think i have just about persuaded to get a 7" snare for his kit (along with a 24" kick i think :))

samples would be really cool as you know what you are doing aaron - but at the same time i know you are more a guy who would rather see people learning to make their own which is totally understandable
Hey dudes, just thought I would report back. At the moment I'm tracking rhythm guitars for the record, and I'm through three songs of nine. As I mentioned in a different thread, I got a Peterson StroboRack recently, as I felt that it would be a wise decision to have one present for quad-tracking, and I absolutely do not regret the decision! I am picking myself to death with my playing, to the point that I'm just sick of the guitar after a few hours, but it's all going to be worth it in the end. I haven't taken any photos yet in the home studio (where everything but the drums is happening), although we filmed some footage tonight for a guitar video blog. Speaking of video blogs, there are currently three of them online. Video number one mostly just shows some setup, the second video is actually not studio related at all but is entertaining to watch if you've got time (we went mini golfing since due to studio scheduling we had a day off between setup and tracking), and then video three has some tracking footage. Check 'em out!

I've been meaning to upload a little piece of drumming audio too, so you guys can hear the raw drum sound we got at the studio! I'll pick a good part and get it up here soon...
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