Hey dudes, just thought I would report back. At the moment I'm tracking rhythm guitars for the record, and I'm through three songs of nine. As I mentioned in a different thread, I got a Peterson StroboRack recently, as I felt that it would be a wise decision to have one present for quad-tracking, and I absolutely do not regret the decision! I am picking myself to death with my playing, to the point that I'm just sick of the guitar after a few hours, but it's all going to be worth it in the end. I haven't taken any photos yet in the home studio (where everything but the drums is happening), although we filmed some footage tonight for a guitar video blog. Speaking of video blogs, there are currently three of them online. Video number one mostly just shows some setup, the second video is actually not studio related at all but is entertaining to watch if you've got time (we went mini golfing since due to studio scheduling we had a day off between setup and tracking), and then video three has some tracking footage. Check 'em out!
I've been meaning to upload a little piece of drumming audio too, so you guys can hear the raw drum sound we got at the studio! I'll pick a good part and get it up here soon...