Alright, here's a little snippet of the raw drums. No post-EQ or gating or anything... Just a high-pass on the SM91 (kick), a low-pass on the NS10 speaker (kick of course), and a touch of the Neve EQ on the toms on the way in (the 421s were flat).
I'm pretty pleased with how the overhead spread was captured...a good balanced stereo image, and the Paistes sound really nice and smooth (which can also be attributed to the room, the mics, etc).
Cool of you all to check out the videos! And Loren, thank you for the album purchase, although it's HARDLY comparable to the new stuff

Different drummer/guitarist, different tuning (7-strings), and a different mindset and influence in songwriting. You've probably already heard those three pre-production songs on the Myspace... I feel like the new record is pretty diverse sounding, while still maintaining cohesiveness. There's a bit of obvious Meshuggah djent-ish influence at times, some really great slow parts, a few mellow parts, good chords and key changes, and just an awful lot of atmosphere/bigness to it. The best songs are the ones that I haven't posted anywhere online yet! Obviously you can all judge it for yourself when it's finished, but I'm very excited about every song, which is a great place to be I think when it comes time to actually record. I always hear about bands talking about how in the past they felt like on previous albums they had some filler songs that they aren't so proud of, and I've never wanted to release anything that makes me feel like that...
Ryan (drummer) does all the video editing, so it was his idea to experiment with the goofy music, and I think it's a pretty funny touch! I believe they're actually just from the stock audio library that comes with iMovie
PS, Loomis is doing a solo on the record!