You have good vibrato, which is kinda of unusual to see these days. The amount of newly signed bands I see where the guitarist has no concept of what good vibrato is, is quite worrying.
So are you recording all the DI's then reamping after all the recording and editing is done? I agree with you, I think that editing and comping and is a lot of clearer and seems less cluttered when just recording the DI.
Nice work, look forward to the final product.
I couldn't agree more about the lack of good vibrato out there in new bands... There is nothing more irritating than a player who has a vibrato that sounds completely forced and without feeling. I would rather hear a solo with no vibrato at all, than a solo with poor attempts at vibrato! Although, no vibrato doesn't really hit the spot either (*cough*, JFAC "Genesis")...
You are correct, I'm not even worrying about any real tones until all the tracking is done. I got the POD Farm idea only about a week before I started tracking, and I was really excited to find that I could get the latency to be minimal enough that it's nearly impossible to even notice.
aaron, do you use a real TS in front of it? thx
I'm using the tubescreamer stompbox inside POD Farm, and it definitely helps the tone a lot. sysera nailed it- in this case, using a real tubescreamer would only make it more complicated to record totally dry DIs. However, if for some reason I wanted to use a POD tone for an actual mix tone (which I can't foresee ever doing), then it would definitely be worthwhile to mess with a real tubescreamer instead to test the benefits.
Why not just get a dedicated DI box?

(cuz it has an instrument through output, and will probably preserve the signal more than splitting it before it gets buffered/converted to low-impedance)
This still wouldn't solve the issue of auditioning the DI tracks through POD Farm while also hearing the analog tubescreamer in front. If you want to hear the analog tubescreamer while playing the guitar, but also hear the analog tubescreamer during playback, I don't think there's any efficient way to route that. It would be fine for reamping, but not going back and forth from listening to takes and actually tracking takes...if that makes sense.
Shit. I love your band's music. Will definitely look out for the finished CD. Just hope the vocals will be as good as the music ...
Glad you dig it! What kind of vocals are you into? I would say that the vocals on the Myspace songs are fairly representative of our vocal approach to the album. Mostly screaming/growling (also some lower doomy growls at times), and then some ambient Devin Townsend-esque "oohs" and "aahs" where appropriate. A
bit of actual singing parts with lyrics, but not really any reoccurring parts like choruses or anything...
Do you record riff by riff then chop it up into your song? Or are you just doing that for the leads, and actually playing the whole rhythm through?
As I mentioned before, this is my first time doing serious quad-tracking, and it can be tedious if you aren't careful with tuning. Thus far the guitar has been holding the tuning really well, but when it comes to really nailing all the little different subtleties that can occur between four tracks, I've found it very helpful to copy and paste where I can. Longer takes = more takes due to differences between takes = more tuning issues. However, I've been playing through at least two consecutive passes of each riff for everything, or more if the riff isn't very there aren't tons and tons of very small pasted sections (Dragonforce anyone?!). As far as I know, all of my favorite tones and albums out there have been achieved by using the copy/paste approach, so I don't have any "moral" issues doing it myself. As long as I don't suck live, then it doesn't really matter much to me if on the album I make use of comping, string muting, etc!
And Greg, it's a Schecter Elite 007. Pre-owned by Jeff Loomis, haha... Sean, our other guitar player, actually bought Jeff's black guitar that was used for the "Year Of The Voyager" DVD, so we're both using Loomis "hand-me-downs"

I wanted to buy it for myself, but I let him have it!