I'm sorry, but I vomited a little after reading that (must have been the wreak of cheese). Take no offense to anything I say but this to me just sounds like the typical American fundamentalist Christian, the same ones claim they're doing God's work while rallying a homosexual soldier's funeral - doing God's work of course!
Yes I'm Christian, I'm Irish (if anyone's had Christianity bashed into them, it's us) but you have no idea of the damage that religion alone has done to this country. I'm not referring to the north exactly (although that does speak for itself) but more-so the rest of the country. The Catholic church has run this country for hundreds of years and recently the government signed a bill
banning blasphemy in Ireland, a blatent obstruction of our right to freedom of speech.
I prefer my music without the writer's religious beliefs being an issue.
Religion = War.
It's pretty much my fault that this post was made anyway, since I said what I said to the "props for being Christian and not sucking" thing. I don't want to continue the derail the thread, but I do want to respond to digitaldeath.
Comparing me to deluded "Christians" who would rally a homosexual soldier's funeral and stand around with signs reading "GOD HATES GAYS" is pretty outrageous, especially considering you are making that comparison based off such a short statement I made (although you didn't offend me, so no worries with that). More than anything, it honestly just makes me sad that such a tiny minority of erroneous extremists can make so much of an impact on the world, that they actually cause other people to believe that
they are the definition of being Christian. There is absolutely nothing Christ-like in that kind of behavior; those people obviously have completely failed to learn from Jesus' teachings, and have forgotten that Jesus spent time ministering to all types of people that he encountered. There was no one that Jesus kept his distance from and instead opted to heckle and verbally torment.
And, Christianity (or any religion) is
not something that can be force fed to a person...
if anyone's had Christianity bashed into them, it's us
Your government can pass laws and suppress whatever freedoms they see fit to suppress, but is that
really going to create a nation of people who genuinely believe in and love God? Of course not. That's like a parent forcing their teenager to go to church who absolutely hates/disagrees with it and only goes because he has no option not to. Jesus never forced anyone to try to believe anything, so if a "Christian" government thinks that they're somehow helping to advance the message of Christ through passing laws, then the result will be a miserable country who is largely devoid of true believers.
/response to digital death
I am obviously not trying to make a pitiful attempt to force feed Christianity on anyone through my music. Sure, there are Christian songs that have lyrics that are meaningful to me (just as there are songs that have lyrical meaning to you), but music is
music, and I'm passionate about music for the very same reasons that all the rest of you are. It's just that as a Christian, I am called to strive to be like Christ in all that I do; this is something that is taken day by day and continues for the entirety of my life. If you understand my faith in that way, then how could I possibly pursue a serious music career without making my relationship with Christ the very heart of it? Bands like As I Lay Dying for whatever reason prefer to not be labeled as a "Christian band", but still have pretty blatant Christian lyrics, so what's the difference? Being labeled a "Christian band" doesn't bother me, because, well, I'm a Christian, and no matter what I'm still going to put as much energy and care into songwriting as any other secular band will. If my music sucks, it would have sucked anyway if I was an athiest

The lyrics are naturally going to be written from a Christian worldview, the exact same way that
any band writes lyrics from whatever worldview they have.
And that's what 7 Horns 7 Eyes is all about, and what I meant when I said:
...if I couldn't talk about Christ in the music I write, then I wouldn't be making music (or at least be seriously pursuing it)
If anyone wants to discuss this in a lengthy way, just send me a private message or start a new thread, so we can keep this thread on topic!
So are the hi-hats. Any particular reason for this?
The china was mic'd from underneath because it sounded great when we tried it that way, and thus had no reason to change it. With the hat, I decided to try it from underneath so that I could get the snare drum right in the microphone's rejection zone (my drummer has a pretty large distance between the hat and snare, which makes me smile). The hat sounded completely normal/the way it should, and although the snare is of course audible on that track, I'm confident that we minimized the snare bleed as much as mic placement will allow. Probably a dead room would have taken even more snare bleed out of the hat mic, but a bit more snare bleed is acceptable when the benefit is tracking in a nice sounding room!