7 Horns 7 Eyes tracking begins!

Another vote for drummer's perspective.

I'll have to ask some of my non-musician/engineer friends if they actually notice the difference and/or care about it.
I'm not replacing the kick out of necessity, just out of taste. I really dig the sound of a sampled kick (for metal) when it's done just right... Sneap's got it nailed in my opinion- super soggy and thwacky, and very consistent, but not blatantly fake sounding (although I'm sure some would argue that it is blatantly fake sounding).

+ a fuckload, screw natural kicks
sounds awesome dude!

One thing though...being a drummer myself, it always bothers me when drums are panned from the engineer's perspective instead of the drummer's perspective(assuming it's a right handed drummer). From what i've discussed with other drummers, i'm not the only drummer that is bothered by this. When i'm listening to a song, i tend to visualize myself behind the drum set if i'm mentally playing along with a song. It's really weird and kind of dumb, but it's something that non drummer engineers dont really think about. I know it seems like a dumb thing to nitpick about, but i always look at it like this: If it bothers drummers, and normal people dont care either way, might as well pan it from drummer's perspective:)

If there is a counter argument to this out there, i'd definitely be open to hearing it.

In my case I don´t mix music for my drummer, I do it for the people that buy our cd, and come to our shows. So drummer perspective sounds weird to me, if I were a fan hearing the show, I´d like to hear drums as I´m seeing it, not in reverse. But in the end, I´m afraid there´s not much people that realize that so I supose all options are ok
Aaron what happened to the beard? Have I missed something????


My favorite

Also great