8 albums you should own!

Don't want to. :p
Book of Shadows and Sinergy are somewhere on the list. Maybe they'll get bumped a little higher now. The rest can east shit and die.
Oooh, I just downloaded some newer Annihilator than I had heard. Me rikey!

I did have Alice in Hell, which I believe is a very early, if not their first, album. Which was pretty cool, even if the singer was funny. The later stuff is way harder.
I like the new stuff more, its much more aggressive, but its all good :)

Criteria For A Black Widow, Waking The Fury and Carnival Diablos are their best 3 albums! Buy them all.

Alice In Hell was their first one :D
Bloody PEM again Spawny :) Dimmu Borgir are like the CoF of black metal. Not that it's a bad thing, more black metal bands should take themselves less seriously and PEM isn't a bad album. Yes it is quite catchy...for about 4 listens. It ain't ground-breaking. There's nothing hugely spectacular about it.

My 2 cents.
I like you Kemmy, I really do, you are a nice lass. But you are a liar! A liar and a charlatan! PEM r0xx0rs! :) ;) :D

Dont COF suck? He sounds like someone is punching him in the balls repeatedly when he sings. Poor lad.
Spawny, I used to listen to PEM quite a bit. But that album is like candy. It's great the first few times you listen but then you get tired of it. After a few months it'll get stacked to the back of your CD shelf and you'll forget you ever had it.

Do CoF suck? Short answer, yes. Well, I can listen to them but they're not really the type of band you can take seriously - this includes the purchase of CoF merchandise.