A band no one has metioned...

I like Hammerfall, but it seems to me that they would probably cost a lot of money and not really be worth it for Glenn considering the lukewarm reception they'd likely receive.
Besides, they tour the US now.

I'd be more interested in Rhapsody myself. That would be more special.
I would like to see HammerFall again. The ruled on tour with Dio. I think they would fit well at ProgPower. They also toured the States back in 1998 with Death.
General Zod said:
OK. I'm sure someone has mentioned them. Pretty much every band that has ever released a 4-track demo has been requested by someone. How about Hammerfall? I'm not a huge fan. I liked the first two CDs, but "Crimson Thunder" was terrible. They haven't played the states much, they have a new CD coming out, and I'm guessing they'd be a big draw. Thoughts?

I like Hammerfall's first two as well, but I haven't followed them for years now. I can't say I've thought much about Hammerfall playing the fest, but there is another band that I've wondered about. Nobody ever mentions Helloween , and I would have thought they might have been attractive to several old time power metal fans. I can't say I'm a big fan, but I'm just suprised that they get no mention at all. I would have expected a band like that to have already played this fest, but no.
I don't know that their reception at ProgPower would be much different than any of the other bands that have played and/or been requested. While I'm by no means a big Hammerfall fan, I'd greatly prefer them to Stratovarius or Rhapsody.

Saw them with Dio.


Their drummer, Anders Johansson, is so unbelievably weak. I'm sorry. He wasn't even one-footing it through Heeding The Call! It's like it hurt him to try! We couldn't believe it. I wanted Lars316 to get up there and kick his ass off the drumset just to save the show! And trust me, we've played those Hammerfall songs A LOT in our band! He woulda tore that drumset apart for them! I'd still like to get us to play one for a show some time, just cuz they don't play it that strongly any more!

Lars and I had such an incredible respect and appreciation for Patrick Rafling. Legacy Of Kings was our introduction to power metal. It blew our minds that these guys could write such powerful music, and Patrick's drumming was the essential element of what we expect from power metal these days. He was pounding those bass drums with such precision! He didn't overdo it, he didn't underdo it, he simply played perfectly and tastefully. That album is still something I can go back to, and listen with a freshness and appreciation.
And then... Patrick left the band.

We soooo wish we coulda discovered them earlier, cuz they came through our town only a MONTH earlier with Death! If only we knew! We coulda seen Patrick, and see Chuck! CHUCK!!! We went online to try to find any information on HammerFall, and their tour dates showed us a month earlier, and we felt heartbroken about it. I've even got a bootleg disc of them with Patrick, and I just ache to have seen him play with them live. It woulda been a 100% difference to me.

And then they released the Renegade album, and just by the artwork, I thought it was gonna kick my ass.

Nope. Mediocre. Slow. Lackluster.

Even the high hat sound pissed me off! He had them wiiiide open and swishing around so blatantly, it washed out the rest of the album! You couldn't hear what the rest of his drumming sounded like, cuz that washing, floppy high hat drowned out all the dynamics of his drumming! The only song on that album I could bear to listen to was Renegade. They had both Renegade and Crimson Thunder out when we finally got to see them. Two full albums with Anders. I figured, maybe they'll still sound good live. I was wrong.

I do not want to see HammerFall again. I'm sorry. They lost their aggressiveness and their ferocity. Anders bores me to tears, and makes me sad. I lost all my respect and appreciation for them when they lost their power supply in Patrick. They just went soft.

And yes, Magnus is a monster on stage. He's definitely a great bassist.
I'd like to see them, but having to choose between them and Dragonforce or Rhapsody I'd have to go with the latter 2. I have all the Hammerfall discs and I pop them in every once in a while. Legacy of Kings is my favorite.

They did tour w/ Dio & Thunderstone and I couldnt make the show :hotjump:
Bryan316 said:
I lost all my respect and appreciation for them when they lost their power supply in Patrick.
I remember going on the Hammerfall board to trash "Renegade", and bitch about the loss of Patrick. People flamed me, screaming about how the new drummer is a God. Patrick made that band go.

Emerald Sword said:
I love Hammerfall. They are more the traditional style of metal. They are like Dream Evil in the sense that double bass really isn't Hammerfall's forte. I know it used to be that way, but they moved on. They don't even like being called a power metal band at all. That's not what they're about now. They have more of an Accept vibe now like Primal Fear had on Devil's Ground. I also love Primal Fear, too. For those of you who bitch about "cheese", I say this. Why does metal always have to be serious? Metal is also for fun and blasting it loud with your car windows down and annoying old people at red lights. Come on, lighten up.

I totally agree with you Emerald Sword. My take exactly, why does metal have to be about real life or so serious? One of my biggest gripes is when a band starts dogging religion! It's a touchy subject to begin with, so just leave it alone! Write about something else! I would love to see HammerFall play the festival as well as Primal Fear! Those would be fun bands to see play! That's why Brainstorm and Tad Morose stood out to me so much last year. It was nothing but 110% energy and fun! Those two bands are the most fun I've ever had at a concert! Another band that I would love to see that no one has mentioned to my knowledge is Magnitude 9. I think they would put on a killer set!
In my opinion (just my opinion) King's X should never play Prog Power... I really disliked their set opening for Dio... Idk, just don't like the band...

If we're to have a proggy band (not prog metal, just prog rock) to play ProgPower, bring The Flower Kings!
For straight up prog, bring the Kings! Certainly!

No for King's X, as well. I dunno why, but I can't get into any of their recent stuff. Any of it. No particular reason. I dunno.

And I'm with ya, Zod. I'll bash them without restraint or shame. Cuz they lost their edge. I love cheesy stuff just like the next guy, but you gotta be GOOD to be cheesy and get away with it. All cheese and no metal, nuh uh.
Hey Bryan, how about home-star runner for ProgPower, singing Trogdor??? LOL (I just saw your avatar again and it reminded me of it...)
Moving very slowlyyyah! Very Slowlyyyah!
Moving very slowlyyyah! Very Slowly slowlyaah!
Darkness the state of the world!
Master give up your soul!
Slowah and slowah and slowah and..
Slowah and slowah and slowah and..
Slowah and slowah and slowah and.. SLOWAAAAAH!!!

That cd is so fuckin hilarious. One day, we'll just bust out with a Limozeen song on stage. Nobody would know or care... just bust out the hairspray.
Here is a good one, but i don't think we will see them this year. How about Lanfear, excellent band from Germany. Or there is Dark Moor from Spain, or Icycore from Italy.
and one of my favorites Galloglass from Germany.
King's X is a classic band. No, not one for PP, but still a great band.

And to say they got the finger would imply that EVERONE gave them the finger (hardly the case.)

The show I saw that tour at (Milwaukee-Rave), the audience was obviously split. But all that meant was that you had people passionately clapping (like me) or some closed-minded 'tards giving them the finger. How lame.

Still was a great show, though.
4-String Annihilation said:
Well it doesn't help when Doug has a sticker on his bass that read "I f---ed your boyfriend"

No, it doesn't help anything (to homophobes anyways) but what did you make of that bass thing anyways? Doug Pinnick obviously did it for shock value, as he opened their set with a bass with nothing on it. He then switched it with the 'offensive' one about two songs into their set.

Now, he totally must have known that they were the oddball of the set and knew that with the other two bands that they would be playing to a mostly male, totally testosterone-laden crowd with a lot of stereotypes in their minds.

So, with that in mind, when he switched his bass and I saw the sticker, I burst out laughing and really enjoyed the reaction that his little stunt created. My girlfriend had a puzzled and bemused look on her face at the time, so I had to tell her that Doug Pinnick was gay. She then laughed as well.

My point is, everyone shouldn't be so damn serious. Take a joke every once in a while and enjoy life.

Kings X is a great ROCK band with awesome musical proficiency and their songs have great hooks and harmonies. To me, that made them belong on that tour. There should be more shows like that in the U.S. IMO.
So him being gay does not bother you?
I agree it was a good stunt to pull but it really got mixed reactions from what I saw. Me personally I was shocked when I saw it.