What band could be bigger than Strato?

Well really it's hard to get much bigger than Stratovarius. Blind Guardian? Gamma Ray? Hammerfall?

I'd love to see Jag Panzer...

Queensryche? Probably too big, but won't Mindcrime II be out by September?

This is gonna be a badass show
dargormudshark said:
I hate that movie with a passion . 8 mile was better than that load of crap, hell I would rather watch Purple Rain.

The first half or so was actually pretty good. After the touring part started going downhill, it got silly and, as others pointed out, basically: "Metal is silly. Here, put on some flannels and sing mopey songs in some grungy Seattle coffeeshop-- Hey, wait! That's it! We'll call this New, Amazing Musical Style 'Grunge.' And all will look upon it and despair."

I liked the Brit who played Steel Dragon's road-manager. I've known a few Brit tour-managers, and it's as if that actor studied from the same exact play-book. It was almost scary.

I know a band bigger than Strato.....METALLICA FOR PROGPOWER 6!!!!!
Actually, Metallica was the band who those Brit tour-managers I used to know were managing. Ahh, those were the days, of being treated like royalty, snake-pit passes, everything. I used to know Kirk somewhat; my roommate (who knows EVERYONE) still keeps in touch with Jason. :rock:

Let's bring 'Tallica to ProgPower. Well, a reunion show with Jason, Kirk and a suitably drunk Jaymz. These days, Lars could be replaced by a moderately competent drum-machine, or indeed, ANY drummer who has EVER performed on ProgPower's stage.
Pellaz said:
Let's bring 'Tallica to ProgPower. Well, a reunion show with Jason, Kirk and a suitably drunk Jaymz. These days, Lars could be replaced by a moderately competent drum-machine, or indeed, ANY drummer who has EVER performed on ProgPower's stage.

Maybe if they had a reunion including Jason, James and Cliff Burton Metallica would be worth seeing at ProgPower. Heck, throw in Dave Mustane. That would really make it interesting.
Pellaz said:
Let's bring 'Tallica to ProgPower. Well, a reunion show with Jason, Kirk and a suitably drunk Jaymz. These days, Lars could be replaced by a moderately competent drum-machine, or indeed, ANY drummer who has EVER performed on ProgPower's stage.

At this point, Lars could be replaced by anyone in the audience. Or even anyone walking past the venue that's ever seen a drumkit. Perhaps even one of my cats, as they generate some pretty heavy percussive sounds when they knock stuff down in my office...

It depends on the American band. A shame Nevermore cancelled that one time, they seem to only get 30 min sets on those 7 band tours that the headliner only plays an hour :hotjump: .

Iced Earth, Savatage, Circle To Circle, Seven Witches, Jon Oliva's Pain & Kamelot (just a few off the top of my head) are all US born bands from Florida I might add (we rock). So having US bands play PP isn't a waste...it's been done :P
Se7enChurches said:
despite a lot of people's apparent opinion on this forum, Iced Earth just came to mind when I read this.


I am in complete agreement with you friend. It would be such a waste, in which I am sure Glenn realizies this, thus will not have them play. ;)
Trust me - just wait it out - you most likely won't be disappointed. Maybe some surprises, but not disappointment.
I mean, think about all the stuff Glenn has pulled off in the last few years in relation to this festival... ;)
The Fiddler said:
How about Virgin Steele?.

Oh how I wish Virgin Steele was bigger than Strat.!
I went to New York just to see them perform 2 years ago, and I think there were as many people there to see the KISS cover band as there were to see them!

They SHOULD be bigger than Stratovarius, but no...

I really do hope Glen can get them to play PP some year. They were awesome!