What band could be bigger than Strato?

Harvester said:
Word of an official Therion tour was leaked....Therion confirmed.

Word of a potential Stratovarious NA tour was leaked....Stratovarius confirmed.

I'm tired of losing publicity to leaks so I put out the ones that people were already thinking about.

I will say that as of now, no other bands have tours/other shows planned around the festival. That could change, but not anytime soon.

Glenn H

I guess that rules out Nightwish and/or Sonata Arctica...

...or does it?
I'm not sure what the logic is here by deciding which band is 'bigger' than Stratovarius, but in terms of record sales, there are probably only two bands that qualify: Nightwish or Helloween.

My money's on Helloween.
ReaLM said:
Apparently Stratovarius is not the main headliner/biggest news.

Ayreon/Star One, as people have mentioned before, could probably pull it, especially with the famous guests they'd bring. If this happens, I will die of excitement long long before PP.

Accept Reunion - Would it be big enough?

What do the rest of you think?


I Agree with you with Ayreon/Star One (i will die too brother), and Accept,

also i include Rhapsody or Angra, (perhaps many people could be desagre)
I would say that Demons & Wizards and Rhapsody are big but not as big as Strato. My guess is Running Wild or something very close to the original Helloween line up.
I would say it is either a prog or classic metal band.
Ayreon-could happen, maybe just down to a smaller scale
Conception-Glenn did not specify whether it was big overall, or big for him (From whati Have heard he is a big Conception fan)
Shadow Gallery-first show, still would not top Strato overall

Classic Metal:
Accept-Could happen, don't think they are as big as Strato
Crimson Glory-Reunion might happen, once again would not bigger than Strato

Who I think it is:

In 1998 there was a great Brittish group called Chumbawamba they had a hit over in the states. They are a great band with Anarchistic values, they have a new one out called "Un". They are touring too!

04 Feb 05 Flüchtlingsball, Vienna (Austria)

16 Feb 05 Klub Aquarius, Zagreb (Croatia)
17 Feb 05 Kulturkeller, Leoben (Austria)
18 Feb 05 Schl8thof, Wels (Austria)
19 Feb 05 Jazzhaus, Freiburg (Germany)
20 Feb 05 Muhle Hunziken, Rubigen (Switzerland)
21 Feb 05 TBA (France)
22 Feb 05 Ninkasi, Lyon (France)
23 Feb 05 Friche Culturelle l'Antre Peaux, Bourges (France)

26 Feb 05 KEMPTEN - Big Box (Benefiz)

15 May 05 Elastiek Festival, Hilvarenbeek (Holland)

Glenn I know you can make it happen :rock:
Harvester said:
I will say that as of now, no other bands have tours/other shows planned around the festival. That could change, but not anytime soon.

Glenn H

It must Warrior with Parramore McCarty. You told me in '98 that you'd do anything to meet Misfit!

Or else, it really will be Dr. Dre. Boy I hope not.

Boy just when I was about to rule out Angra I get all hyped up on the hope that they will headline again. Personally my #1 fantasy choice would be Gamma Ray, but I get the impression they are not considered big enough for the headlining slot by most, is that correct to assume?
Soundscape said:
not happening, but Fates Warning and possibly any of their sideprojects (esp OSI) would no question Usurp them.


Indeed. I tell you, hearing that they've turned down the offer multiple times makes me seriously want to throttle Ray and smack Jim in the 4head. To hear *them* state how amazed they are at the audience reaction/interaction in Greece makes me wonder if they truly know what they're letting the band (not to mention the fans) miss out on by not playing this festival. :bah:

Okay... I'm gonna go cry now, and pray the Glenn is yanking our chain on Fates.
dargormudshark said:
In 1998 there was a great Brittish group called Chumbawamba they had a hit over in the states. They are a great band with Anarchistic values, they have a new one out called "Un". They are touring too!

I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!

Pissing the night away.....
I absolutely do not think that Angra or Rhapsody could presume to headline over Stratovarius. I have a pretty good feeling that if Rhapsody are playing, they are "band #3", the 4th slot Friday night. I don't think Angra's on the bill, folks. give it up.

I agree that Ayreon/Star One or Avantasia would be big enough, but I seriously doubt that either of these things are happening.

And to the poster who seems convinced that the big overall headliner is a return act, Glenn has said nothing to indicate this. he said that there would be a third slot return act (which fell through) and that his BACKUP for the headliner was a return act, if i remember correctly. Not the headliner itself.

Accept, Demons & Wizards, Bruce Dickinson (though he apparently doesn't enjoy playing the states, from most accounts), or Rob Halford (though he's presumably very busy with the Judas Priest reunion - would fucking love to see him solo though) would all fit the bill. Running Wild possibly as well; they've at least been around a great deal longer than Stratovarius. My money's on Demons & Wizards (with Blind Guardian or, less likely, Iced Earth, as the backup band).
As far as other ideas for who it could be... Annihilator? Metal Church? both of those are very iffy as to whether they would be a big overall headliner project of Glenn's for ProgPower, though I'd love to see either.
In keeping with this solo vocalist theme: Paul Di'anno? That would be interesting - some of his recent stuff was pretty good. Though I think I read an interview with him saying there was some legal reason that he couldn't come into the country (in addition to it being unlikely that someone who has been fairly low-key since singing for Iron Maiden over 20 years ago would headline over Tolkki and co.)
Hammerfall could possibly headline over Stratovarius, though again, not likely, and i doubt Glenn would be having to work that hard to make that happen since they're just a band like everyone else, after all...
A full on Angra reunion would probably qualify, though last time I checked Hell hadn't frozen over...
I guess there's a faint possibility that Glenn is wrangling someone really old school like Deep Purple or Uriah Heep, but i also doubt that...

Oh, put me down in total disagreement that a Dream Theater side project could headline over Stratovarius. I barely even like Stratovarius but i think that's asinine. Dream Theater themselves, yes. A side project, no way.

I don't think that a Cynic reunion would ever be billed over Stratovarius, nor i do i think it would possibly happen, but if it did ever happen, i bet it would be at ProgPower :rock: just throwin' that out there, like i always do...

Oh, and put me down as a full-fledged member of the "I would kill to see Arcturus at this show" bandwagon...

Ryan (I think that this is easily the longest post I've ever written on this forum that wasn't a review, and still i feel like I'm forgetting something.)
SyXified said:
Boy just when I was about to rule out Angra I get all hyped up on the hope that they will headline again. Personally my #1 fantasy choice would be Gamma Ray, but I get the impression they are not considered big enough for the headlining slot by most, is that correct to assume?

Not correct in my book. Gamma Ray would be great. Kai and the Timo's in one festival... <swoon>.
While I think it would be cool to see Ayreon, the scope of getting THAT whole mess together for the show would probably be far too big a task to ever hope to pull off. Plus, they would def. have to be headliner, and to me that's a waste of a headliner slot. Ayreon is cool and all, but really they don't have enough great songs, guitar work, and unique stuff going on. It's all a bit formulaic if you ask me and I think Arjen gets more credit then he deserves as a composer for those tunes.

I also really hope it isn't somthing like Bruce Dickinson or a LaBrie side project. I know those guys are considered legends for having been around so long and this and that, but I like to think of progpower as featuring more cutting edge, thriving artists in the genre in their prime. Bruce is a cool guy but him and Iron Maiden style groups are at the point that they should not be on this festival that really aims to capture the here and now of the prog and power genres. I thought the Savatage thing was already pushing it. I'd much prefer to see a band that is hitting their prime right now like Angra, Evergrey, Symphony X, etc. playing stuff off their new album as it begins to solidify as one of the all time greats.
Accept and Crimson Glory would be bigger than Strato in my humble opinion. Demons and Wizards, as a band and discography, may not be bigger than Strato, but as a one time appearance in North America I think would be bigger. I am looking forward to seeing Strao very much, but after all of the BS they went through last year I know many who are soured on them at the moment.
Well honestly, its not like the BS really hurt anybody. It didn't delay them from writing a new album nor do I think they cancelled an entire US tour or something. If anything it just kept more attention on the band as everybody, pissed off or not, was still curious to see how the soap opera played out.
One thing I don't get however is how the last band on Friday is considered the HEADLINER... Isn't it tranditional that the headliner is the last band playing? But in this case I would think the headliner is both the last bands on each night. I'm led to believe that as many people suspect, the reason that this unknown band slotted for headlining friday night is "bigger" than Strato is because its some special one time arrangment like a Demons and Wizards thing. However, I can't throw out Angra either because of rumors I've heard. However rumors are rumors and facts are facts and I doubt anybody here will know more facts until Feb 14th. And for the guys that will most likely be the day they go running to their spouse/girlfriend to tell them who's playing at progpower instead of running out to get roses (big mistake! lol)