What band could be bigger than Strato?


I mean, come on! Get Jason Bonham, Zakk Wylde... everybody who recorded the songs for the movie, get em all together, and see them actually play those songs? It'd blow my mind! Get both the singers, maybe let them write a few more songs or the bonus or unused songs, and just kick our asses the way it should be.
My guess is that Demons & Wizards or Rhapsody could fit the bill because even though they may not be bigger than Stratovaius in record sales (I have no idea) the scarcity of live performances by either of these bands would make it a pretty special event.

At least, that's what I'm hoping especially in the case of Demons & Wizards, who I would very much love to see on the roster.
jkohn said:
My guess is that Demons & Wizards or Rhapsody could fit the bill because even though they may not be bigger than Stratovaius in record sales (I have no idea) the scarcity of live performances by either of these bands would make it a pretty special event.

At least, that's what I'm hoping especially in the case of Demons & Wizards, who I would very much love to see on the roster.

100% Agreed on all counts.
Friday night vs Saturday night headline slots have no effect on who I consider the overall headliner. I do that more in terms of balance, travel times, etc.

Blind Guardian played 4th on Friday back at PP III yet there was no doubt they were the headliner of the entire show.

Glenn H.
Aside from the fact that you just heard it from the horse's mouth, there's another consideration to take into account when considering the final band on Saturday the true "headliner". That's generally the case with the giant Euro festivals, where it's easy for bands to do one off shows in front of crowds of 35,000 or more, not to mention being a LOT closer to the bands' respective home countries. With an event like Progpower, the majority of "headlining" acts need to have their own schedules accomodated to justify the trek to America to play in front of a much, much, much smaller (albeit enthusiastic) audience.

Some of the "headlining" acts choose to play (Blind Guardian for example) the "4th slot" set due to time constraints as the Progpower fest appearance is part of a North American tour. Other "headlining" bands may choose other slots simply because it makes it easier for their own travel plans. (i.e. the band may be scheduled to go back to Europe Sunday morning, making it better for the band to play Friday as opposed to Saturday).
My comments on some bands you've all mentioned;

A Fates or DT side project as a headliner, not happening. I like the OSI disc, but at best 1st-3rd slot band.

Dickinson or Halford? Nice, but doubtful. Halford isn't going to leave Priest during a tour to do 1 show in the states of which he would have no rehearsal time for. Dickinson? Rumor is that Maiden may headline Ozfest next year, it was all over Sirius this past few weeks.

I could see Demons & Wizards headlining just because it would be special, it's not like they tour extensively.

Rhapsody would be a headliner, big fan base 8-9 releases, would be a no brainer 4-5th slot.

Steel Dragon would be the sh*t but we're reaching and they'd have to do filler from Zakk, Jeff Scott soto, Steelheart, Bonham.. or maybe just jam Zeppelin tunes w/ Jeff Scott Soto & that Steelheart doing duets. In other words we can dream on. Plus "Stand Up & Shout" is a Hagar tune, so you can bring him too.

Ayreon/Avantasia, you'd have a better chance of me getting back together with my ex-wife, and I'd rather be drug through hell on broken glass than do that.

Accept would rule just like Rage -nufff said

Now I'll throw some out eveyrone can commetn on.

Now how about HELLOWEEN? Sure, they toured, but what 16 dates and not nowhere near covering the entire country. You can't count that. They would for sure top Stratovarius as a headliner (if you want to think like that).

Manowar, I hate to bring em up, you either love em or hate em, but they never tour here either. I'd like to see them at least one time.
Creeps said:
Now how about HELLOWEEN? Sure, they toured, but what 16 dates and not nowhere near covering the entire country. You can't count that. They would for sure top Stratovarius as a headliner (if you want to think like that).

Helloween would certainly go over well at the festival - but I really think the only way to make their appearance "special" would be if the show was a "one-off" type show featuring Kai Hansen. Michael Kiske added to the mix would of course be phenominal but I could never see it happening based on Kiske's current "I never want to return to metal" belief system.

Now, the current Helloween would still be a viable drawing card choice for Progpower, but it just wouldn't have that "special" flair to it that a reunion style show featuring Hansen would have. Of course, after what happened at Progpower III, I'm not too certain Kai would be welcomed with open arms.
There is absolutely no issue between Kai/Gamma Ray and myself. After a professional discussion, we had a beer and watched part of Angra's set together.

Glenn H.
I think if Helloween was going to do some extensive tour in the US again then they could show up at Prog power, but last I heard they were working in studio on their latest release and I don't know if they'd just pick up and go to the US for a few days for a single show. I'm not sure if Glen pays 100% of the band and crew's expenses while they're here or they have to meet 50/50 or what, but I can understand how things could easily get out of hand money wise. And in the past other bands have gone on from Prog Power to do a US tour (if only for a few locations) so it may have been easier to come to an agreement with such a band if they're already planning to be here versus a one time fly here, play, and fly home kind of situation.
Harvester said:
There is absolutely no issue between Kai/Gamma Ray and myself. After a professional discussion, we had a beer and watched part of Angra's set together.

Glenn H.

Excellent. That's awesome to know Glenn. Perhaps a "special" Helloween show at some point would not be quite as difficult as imagined. :)
That's a pretty short list that's bigger than Stratovarius.

The only one that's played before that could probably be considered bigger nowadays is Nightwish. So if it's a returning band I have to think Nightwish.
Bryan316 said:

I mean, come on! Get Jason Bonham, Zakk Wylde... everybody who recorded the songs for the movie, get em all together, and see them actually play those songs? It'd blow my mind! Get both the singers, maybe let them write a few more songs or the bonus or unused songs, and just kick our asses the way it should be.

not to mention the bonus Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch set they could kick it off with before bringing on the metal...

Creeps said:
Ayreon/Avantasia, you'd have a better chance of me getting back together with my ex-wife, and I'd rather be drug through hell on broken glass than do that.

You shouldn't make statements like that just in case it actually happens :) . I certaintly wouldn't.

To reiterate, we are not looking for a returning act here.

To quote a previous post by Glen:
"Time to go in a different direction with the possiblity of a no-repeat lineup. However, that could change as I still have not confirmed the previously mentioned headliner slot."

Unless I'm reading this completely wrong, this means that if he confirms the headliner then it will be a no repeat lineup. Therefore, Angra, Gamma Ray, and all the other repeat bands mentioned here are out.

And to whoever mentioned Chumbawamba! I serious hope for your own sake you are joking. I am laughing.

Oh and Manowar, good thought. I didn't think of them.

Bryan316 said:

I mean, come on! Get Jason Bonham, Zakk Wylde... everybody who recorded the songs for the movie, get em all together, and see them actually play those songs? It'd blow my mind! Get both the singers, maybe let them write a few more songs or the bonus or unused songs, and just kick our asses the way it should be.

Yeah, just leave out Mark Wahlberg (decent actor but he was once ripping on how he was "forced" to listen to metal for this role - from the guy who brought us the Funky Bunch). Also, I think that the director and writer should be brought on stage so that the audience could pelt them with rotten fruit.

The music was great (Michael Matijevic is a excellent vocalist who I think should be singing power metal), but the movie was a bunch of tired rock cliches leading to an anti-metal ending, i.e. "Heavy metal is just an adolescent phase on the way to 'serious' coffee shop music."

So Steel Dragon in and of itself would be fine, but the filmmakers...bah! :)
Ruthven said:
Yeah, just leave out Mark Wahlberg (decent actor but he was once ripping on how he was "forced" to listen to metal for this role - from the guy who brought us the Funky Bunch). Also, I think that the director and writer should be brought on stage so that the audience could pelt them with rotten fruit.

The music was great (Michael Matijevic is a excellent vocalist who I think should be singing power metal), but the movie was a bunch of tired rock cliches leading to an anti-metal ending, i.e. "Heavy metal is just an adolescent phase on the way to 'serious' coffee shop music."

So Steel Dragon in and of itself would be fine, but the filmmakers...bah! :)

Mike Matijevic...what a guy...what a singer! Such a shame about his accident and multi-year recovery...but he's back and trying...

Yeah...I had such high hopes for the movie...but after the Hollywood suits got hold of it...it wasn't Metal God anymore...it was just Rock Star (big difference). The end message of the movie is: Metal is something you grow out of and then move to Seattle and write Hootie-esque tunes (or something).

I can totally see why Tim Owens bailed on the project after seeing it get horribly mutilated...

Still fun to watch sometimes, though...

Rock on!
I hate that movie with a passion :Puke: . 8 mile was better than that load of crap, hell I would rather watch Purple Rain.

Alright maybe Chumbawamba was too much, (Glenn is just afraid of how much ass they would kick :grin: )

I know a band bigger than Strato.....METALLICA FOR PROGPOWER 6!!!!! :rock: :lol:
Actually the unconfirmed band is the only incarnation of Interloper ever... performing THE POOPER!!

I think only three people will get that reference and if you do Ill give you a cookie.
