A band no one has metioned...

The drummer for King's X lives like a mile away from my house. My friend lived in the house(after they moved out), this used to be their old recording studio so it was already soundproof, and his bedroom was the recording console area. He knew them and he tells me that Dour really likes to screw with people just for kix :Spin:
okay,lets switch gears. Let the flaming begin. This thread started out with the idea of Hammerfall coming to PP. I for one would not be opposed to that at all. I actually am not a huge Hammerfall fan, I just think it would be a good change of pace. NOW, instead of Hamerfall,how about (que the flaming) MANOWAR! AH, I can just hear the gasps and the "what the f@#*" and that sort of stuff. I saw them a few years ago in Winston Salem ,NC @ Ziggy's and they just flat out kicked ass. Say what you will about these guys,they are pro's of the biz all the way. I think if they will play in front of 200 people in NC, they would play PP. I know this would never happen,but it would be awsome. OKAY...LET ME HAVE IT.
oh, and would the sound at earthlink even support manowar's show? the sound would definately have to be tweaked if manowar played. even though that will never happen
FatesFan said:
NOW, instead of Hamerfall,how about (que the flaming) MANOWAR! AH, I can just hear the gasps and the "what the f@#*" and that sort of stuff.
For whatever reason, I don't get the idea that Manowar would play this festival. Don't ask why, but I don't think Glenn would want them. Although their wildly popular in some parts, they're a total joke in others.

I know they(MANOWAR) would not be a fit for the festival. I also know that they would never be there for that reason among others. I just thought it would be interesting to see the reactions. As far as their sound at Earthlink goes, if they can play at a tiny club in NC, I think they could fit the sound for Earthlink. I know that Manowar is hokie and cheesy. Despite that I think they are tallented and put on one hell of a show. I think HAMMERFALL has just as much cheese. Don't take this(Manowar at PP) seriously, IT WAS KINDA MENT TO BE A JOKE. Although, if they did play in front of this audience anywhere, I believe there would be some new Manowar fans.
4-String Annihilation said:
So him being gay does not bother you?
I agree it was a good stunt to pull but it really got mixed reactions from what I saw. Me personally I was shocked when I saw it.

TheWhisper said:
Why the fuck would it?

Umm yeah, why the fuck would it? Last time I checked, being gay isn't some new condition to the world.

I am not gay nor does their lifestyle enthrall me at all, but what did we actually have to see? A sticker on a bass guitar made for shock value. It's not as if during the song "Dogman", he dropped his bass, dropped his pants and started pummelling Ty Tabor from behind.

Lighten up, bro.
FatesFan said:
okay,lets switch gears. Let the flaming begin. This thread started out with the idea of Hammerfall coming to PP. I for one would not be opposed to that at all. I actually am not a huge Hammerfall fan, I just think it would be a good change of pace. NOW, instead of Hamerfall,how about (que the flaming) MANOWAR! AH, I can just hear the gasps and the "what the f@#*" and that sort of stuff. I saw them a few years ago in Winston Salem ,NC @ Ziggy's and they just flat out kicked ass. Say what you will about these guys,they are pro's of the biz all the way. I think if they will play in front of 200 people in NC, they would play PP. I know this would never happen,but it would be awsome. OKAY...LET ME HAVE IT.

Wheels of Fire Burn the night
Riding 'cross the sky!!!!!
How about Nevermore? they would be pretty good in PP although some might consider them an oddball...
Ugh. I guess I can't be too harsh, because they are another band that has a really diehard following. Have to respect that. But they just aren't my cup of tea.
As far as the true metal bands go with a gimmick HammerFall (Warlords of Steel fighting under the crimson sky), Manowar (Warriors of the World fighting for true metal) bring in the fucking pirates, the kings of the buried treasure - Running fucking Wild!
I am a huge HammerFall fan from back in the beginning. Everyone praised them then, now they are one of those bands everyone loves to hate! I also saw them on the Kings X/Dio tour and they smoked!! Their set was too short and I could have done wiithout Kings X. I'd love to see HammerFall come to PP.
I remember when their first CD came out I was utterly confused at its popularity because it was absolutely nothing new or exceptional. Of all releases to spark a renewed interest in power metal, why that one? Jesper from In Flames being on it I think must have helped at least a little.