Greykiller said:I tried to like POS, I really did. I listened to a couple of their albums two or three times, trying to figure out what the heck they were all about.
To each his own, I guess--the only reason I would want to see POS come back is if a band I really liked scheduled a signing at the same time.
I'm with ya dude. Everybody was raving about them so I tried a couple tracks of their first two albums. Couldn't stand it. Then when PP1 was coming around, I decided to really give them a try since they were headlining and listened to THe Perfect Element like 5 times in a row. By the end of the fifth listen, I became a fan. After seeing them at PP1, I became a HUGE fan! The one CD that even I don't get (yet people are still raving about it) is Be. A few decent tracks, but I'm not feeling it.
So there is hope for you yet

Silent Song said:So I'm likely the first naysayer, but i'd sooner have PoS than Enchant, and I'm no PoS fanboy. Enchant is a good band, but they strike me as somewhat sluggish and slow for something like PP. They've got some great songs, but overall they're a bit mellow.
Well, I've seen PoS three times now. However, with the recent political ramblings of Daniel, I doubt it will happen again. And to be quite honest, if he hates us that much that he would hurt his band's possible success over here for political reasons, I don't care if they do come back. Also, the third time I saw them at PP, a bunch of us were let down with their weakest performance I've witnessed. Plus, they openly admitted to not really practicing and it showed. I think it is VERY unprofessional to come to PP and not give it your all -- and rude.
As far as your point goes, it doesn't really make sense to me since I think Enchant is highly energetic and more consistently so than PoS. I love Remedy Lane, but it is a very mellow CD. Be is a snooze fest. And that is the complaint I hear from most of my friends (such as JayDub). Damn, I can't believe I admitted that in public
PeteTheDrummer said:Well, I'd rather PoS myself as well, but theyve played PP twice, while Enchant hasnt at all.
Agreed. And Glenn is looking for new blood.