A bit of Dokken (in C) with the Rectifier :D


Feb 20, 2005
Felt compelled to record the riff to "Breakin' the Chains" today for more tone experimentation (and working in the "bass," AKA pitch-shifted guitar), and I'm starting to realize that the 2 channel Rectifiers are some mighty fizzy amps; I'm realizing that a lot of my favorite Recto tones (e.g. Behemoth) were recorded with 3-channels (or variants of them, e.g. Roadster/Road King) and are devoid of the fizz, so one of my projects this summer will be to rent one from a place in the city that has some and get to the bottom of this once and for all! Cuz I'm quite certain it's a particular frequency (~5-6k) that is too high to be affected by any of the amp knobs and too low to be affected by proximity of the 57 to the dustcap, it's just inherent to the amp (I hear it in the room too).

Anyway, I feel I cut it back to a satisfactory level with post-eq, but of course I'd rather not have to if a 3-channel will be without it! Anyway, please check it d00dz! :D

Breakin' the Chains.mp3

And here it is with no 5k/6k cuts, just HP/LP :ill: Breakin' the Chains (no eq).mp3
Rofl, dude just pick an amp and write some songs.

Anyways, sounds good but weird at the time.

There's this red 3 chan dual rec on CL for 1100 with a bunch of shit. Good deal?
Thanks for listening Jon! And I'm still writing plenty, don't worry - I just never finish anything (meaning, I'm usually waiting for some non-existent vocalist :erk: ) so I don't post it! I'd like to think I keep a healthy balance of writing and tone obsessing :D

And yeah, that's a good deal indeed, and I know I love the Rectifier tone, I just need to narrow down which of the many varieties is juuuuuuuust right :)
The tones are getting better and better Marcus!
Are you using a TS on this one? In that case, what is the tone at? It sounds like you have to crank the tone a bit!
Time to work on the rest of the mix :loco:
Sounds good Marcus. Nice and thick man. ;) There powerchords sound awesome but the fizz in those palm mutes is sticking out just a TAD.

I think a lot of that kind of fizz might be a bit annoying, but at the same time, a lot of it could disappear with some really well mixed drums. some of my favourite Dual Recto tones are some of the tones you mentioned and when the guitars are playing aside from the rest of the band mix, there is a bit more audible fizz than when they aren't playing.

Having said that, I own a 3 channel recto and have never played a 2 channel so I am not sure how they stack up, but my general understanding based on comments from everyone here was that the 2 channels were smoother and with less fizz to them? To get a lot of the fizz out of the dedicated heavy rhythm channel on the 3 channels, you have to have the presence dialed back SO much, because it's so sensitive.

Keep the tones coming man, and post stuff you've written as well. I'd always love to hear some good original material from boards members over some 30 second long clip of a cover - although I do enjoy it when you play Behemoth songs! :D You see the vocal video for the studio update? I am so keen! :D
Thanks guys! Dylan, the only thing I've really ever heard is "the 2-channels sound better than the 3-channels," which is of course suspiciously vague forum-speak, but I had always thought from my experience that the 2-channels sounded rawer and more organic; that said, here's the same clip without the cuts at 5 and 6k (just HP/LP), and I think you'll agree the fizz is quite unbearable, especially when the end chord rings out! Ermz suggested the opening guitars in Behemoth's "Before Aeons Came" (off of Demigod) as a good reference for a solo guitar tone devoid of fizz, and since I'm pretty sure that was a 3-channel Rectifier (or Roadster/Road King), that's the main motivation for me to want to rent one and find out! And actually, as for original stuff, me and Bernhard (abyssofdreams) are working on a collaboration that I think is sounding awesome, so that should be up soon (he just needs to get his ass moving on coming up with a bridge :D)

Sickan, thanks dude, though I think the bass sounds pretty good for what it is (pitch-shifted guitar), and as I've said, I'm not bothering with the drums until I can ditch my current pirated half-assed solution in favor of SSD 3.0 EX! :D

Oh yeah, and words can't describe how psyched I am for the new Behemoth! :headbang:
And btw, the treble was at 11:30 and the presence at noon (and the knobs affect ~3k and 4k, respectively), and the mic half on/half off the dustcap, so there's no way I could get rid of that fizz without post-eq, trust me! And I'm using my TS7, but cranking the tone has almost no effect IMO, so I keep it at 11:00
Wow yeh that second clip definitely makes the fizz a lot more noticeable.

That Behemoth tone off Demigod definitely sounds great, but on my monitors I get a tiny bit of audible clipping happening which sounds a bit like fizz but it probably isn't. I'm not too good at picking apart a tone to that degree, and my tones are generally considered undergained by a lot of people so I don't have too much to worry about in the way of fizz...that is, until I start turning the gain up. :lol: I basically use Behemoth as influence for production/playing/composition, to the point where I feel like I seem like a Nergal clone, but then I tell myself there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from some of the best recorded Rectifier tones EVER!

I need to stop talking now. :)
How's the tone knob on your ts7 Marcus? I use an 808, but I definitely hear a great impact on the tone as a whole depending on how I dial in the tone knob on my pedal. I tend to keep the tone knob on my TS at aprox 9'o clock, and that really helps to take care of any fizz in my guitar sound.
Wow yeh that second clip definitely makes the fizz a lot more noticeable.

That Behemoth tone off Demigod definitely sounds great, but on my monitors I get a tiny bit of audible clipping happening which sounds a bit like fizz but it probably isn't. I'm not too good at picking apart a tone to that degree, and my tones are generally considered undergained by a lot of people so I don't have too much to worry about in the way of fizz...that is, until I start turning the gain up. :lol: I basically use Behemoth as influence for production/playing/composition, to the point where I feel like I seem like a Nergal clone, but then I tell myself there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from some of the best recorded Rectifier tones EVER!

I need to stop talking now. :)

Hahaha, no worries man, they're words of wisdom, so keep 'em comin'! :D

How's the tone knob on your ts7 Marcus? I use an 808, but I definitely hear a great impact on the tone as a whole depending on how I dial in the tone knob on my pedal. I tend to keep the tone knob on my TS at aprox 9'o clock, and that really helps to take care of any fizz in my guitar sound.

Hmm, I dunno, I tend to think the fizz is inherent to rectifiers (specifically 2-channels, though I'm of course not yet certain of that), so changing anything before wouldn't have much of an effect. Still, I'll futz around with it a bit, why not!

Haha, so all the 3 channel bashing come back to haunt you eh Marcus? :p

Well I don't think I ever "bashed" 3-channels, in fact I always thought I stuck up for 'em a bit as still sounding great but a bit less "raw/organic", but that's why I'm gonna rent one and do one of my trademark shootouts!
You know Marcus... most of the people say the opposite: 2 channel less fizz.
I noticed myself that the 2 channel has more fizz and mids, but I can tell ya, having at disposal a 2 channell and a 3 channell, that the latter is a bit more muddy and has less mids.
I love them both! just a bit different, not so much as all people let you think.
Well I had it cranked decently loud Mauri, and yeah, I know what people say, but that's why I'm gonna test it myself by renting a 3-channel, rather than just selling mine without playing one - I'm not one for rash decisions! That said, "This Godless Endeavor" has that similar 6k fizz as well, and I've done everything I can to try to reduce it (amp settings and mic position) to no avail, and as I mentioned, I can hear it in the room (though of course not as pronounced cuz my head isn't ~6" from the speaker :D). But listen to the clip with only HP/LP that I posted above, I think the fizz is pretty prominent and undeniable IMO! (and I also think besides that it's a pretty good tone ;))
I would say that the 6k fizz is from the cab. As soon as the mic is covering any more Dustcap than 50/50 Dustcap/Cone the fizz is there in bucketloads. The Traditional cab I had wasn't nearly as bad as this OS (for 6k fizz that is). I could have the mic 10mm off dead centre and the fizz was bearable with the Trad. Try notching around 6400 Hz. That is where it is for me. Both amps, any settings, fizz is there. Cab, not amps for me. I noticed it from day 1 with the OS.
Hmm, yeah, that may be the case Hack, and I have been doing the notching (~6.2k here, but close) with pretty good results IMO - still, I really wanna rent a 3-channel for reference regardless, but I appreciate your insight!
I also think the TS's tone could be the problem here, but I'm no expert. I like the tone, but yeah, I do hear a bit of the fizz you mean here. I'm sure you'll get there.