A bit of Dokken (in C) with the Rectifier :D

Well marcus don't trust the guys at vodoo amps, since most of the people sending their amps to them, have received the amp sounding the same as another vodoo amp.
I mean if you send a recto and a 5150 they will sound almost the same, that's what I read here and over the internet.
Anyway rent a 3 channel and discover yourself that the 3 channell has less fizz!
Good thing is to have them both: old one (2 channel) for the mids and the new one for the warm tone lol ;)
I love rectos
You and me both dude! Though I certainly won't be able to afford both (at least not now), but I'm sure between the Roadster, 3 ch., and 2 ch. I'll find one that's perfect! :D
How could I not see this thread until now? :) Marcus, although Mesas are some of my favorite amps, that's just plain wrong...early Dokken on a Mesa (and tuned down to C)! :D Just kidding. It may not be quite the tone you're looking for...but it gets better with each clip you do lately. I think even the tone in the fizzy version could have its place. Now, reamp that through a Marshall and slap a lot of reverb on there. ;)

How could I not see this thread until now? :lol:

My comment will be like yours: blablabla, downtuned slaughter of a classic, blablabla, good tone! ;)

But i have to say i really liked the "no eq"-version.. but on the other hand i dont have my real monitors hooked up ATM, so im just listening through some Panasonic stereo.

Edit: oh, and sorry for bumping an old thread, but its f*ing Dokken! :kickass: