Marshall Test! (JVM/Mesa rectifier 4x12)

Felix, your live drums sounds have always kicked ass dude, so fortunately at least you have nothing to worry about there! :kickass: (also, it helps that you can actually play them :lol: )

Thank you, Marcus :kickass:

I´m probably one of the less, who is more experienced in recording drums than recording amps. The majority of the guys here are absolute guitar sound fetishs and experts :)

just be sure to post some of your drum samples when you record them

Okay, I promise :)
can't say I like it, but I don't hate it either. If the song will have vocals, the hollowness might actually be a good thing as it gives a lot of room for the singer, similiarly the way the guitarsound is on the latest Freak Kitchen album, which is very unorthodox.
can't say I like it, but I don't hate it either. If the song will have vocals, the hollowness might actually be a good thing as it gives a lot of room for the singer, similiarly the way the guitarsound is on the latest Freak Kitchen album, which is very unorthodox.

Thanks Anssi :)

Wise words you speak. My real intention actually was it, to let some space for the percussive bass "clingclang". It would have been quite much deleted by the 1000 hz, if the guitars would have much of it. But I make the mistake to cut too much in the area 4000 -8000 hz! THAT is the stumbling block and the reason for the displeasure, I guess. But nothing, I couldn´t fix. I´ll post an update tonight.
Sorry being late to this, Felix ;)

I have to agree with Anssi ;) we tend to forget about the vocals in the big picture and I think it could work great, but then again, we're used to hear a lot more "in your face" ultratight kind of sounds :)

The sound is not the one I'd choose, but what I like about this one is that it has enough deffinition and gives room for the OH and vocals. Sure, it lacks "sparkle" or "air" to it, but that's just a matter of fine tuning mic positions ;)

Was it quadtracked?
the riff is cool !

about the sound, i don't quite like the ousticking bass tbh
the sound itself i think is good charakter wise, but i think the fizzy high end needs work...more a mic-positioning thing i guess.
I actually really like that tone. I dont' think it fits the music particularly well though. Try putting some really grimy industrial stuff through it to see what happens. Also, maybe find some other instrument to fill in the gap in the mix.

I like the fact that this is a bit different to the usual.
sounds cool to me; I know you're not asking about bass, but I love how the bass guitar kinda jumps out at ya during the faster part at 0:10. actually, I think that's why I like the guitars - cause they mesh with the bass guitar so well.
Thanks to all for your opinions. I´m glad, not all blow through the same pipe :) There are issues for sure though, I´ll post an improved version in the next hours.

It would work really well for kind of dirty death metal or something.

I really dig the sound/bass on "tomb of the mutilated". I grew up with this old Death Metal stuff and I love how the bass is shining through the massive guitar wall.

sounds cool to me; I know you're not asking about bass, but I love how the bass guitar kinda jumps out at ya during the faster part at 0:10.

Thanks J. That´s why I wanna have the bass sound exactly how it is. And my interests about the bass is absolutely equal to the guitar sound, when I talk about my idea of a sound.
For my update I need to quote Metaltastic.

however, the hollowness might be the result of some room issues; where do you have the cab positioned?

FUCK, YOU WERE RIGHT! :zombie: I forgot, that for my other songs I used the left speakers of the mesa rectifier (16ohm for the amp). So it was a different room/position situation after all! So I re-recorded THIS, and I even didn´t use any equalizer for the guitar tracks..this is totally pure.

For some of you guys this will be sound kind of weird, because the bass sound is extreme. But that´s the way I want it to sound.

Here is it: JVM205 Yellow Channel - Mesa Rectifier 4x12

What do you think?
For my update I need to quote Metaltastic.

FUCK, YOU WERE RIGHT! :zombie: I forgot, that for my other songs I used the left speakers of the mesa rectifier (16ohm for the amp). So it was a different room/position situation after all! So I re-recorded THIS, and I even didn´t use any equalizer for the guitar tracks..this is totally pure.

For some of you guys this will be sound kind of weird, because the bass sound is extreme. But that´s the way I want it to sound.

Here is it: JVM205 Yellow Channel - Mesa Rectifier 4x12

What do you think?

The guitars are definitely better, but the bass could do with being more even. All that high mid stuff is fine, but at the moment it's kinda coming and going all the time so it sounds a bit sloppy
The guitars are definitely better, but the bass could do with being more even. All that high mid stuff is fine, but at the moment it's kinda coming and going all the time so it sounds a bit sloppy

Haha now the guitars are cool, the bass is the stumbling block :lol: But I hear ya, dude. There are some irregularities dynamically, which I can fix with a bit more compression, I think. Otherwise it´s not my intention to get a continous "clang". If you hear some bass players like Alex Webster or Steve Harris (my two faves), there are some nice random irregularities caused by very hard playing style with fingers.
The high frequencies of the bass are really annoying. The guitar tone it´s not bad but a bit scooped. The bass and the guitars are not working very well IMO.
new one ain't bad; for some reason the bass sounds a tad louder now, possibly too loud. not sure if you turned it up, or the new guitars make the bass a bit more prominent. I personally wouldn't compress the life out of it, just bring it down so the loud parts jump out. But if you consider Sadus's Chemical Exposure album, man that bass is jumping the hell out of the mix loud and proud!! I wouldn't wig out on it too much, it would seem you know the sound your going for and are honing in on it.
First, thank you very much for taking the time to listen :)

If that's intended and OK then... it's ok.

In a certain way, yes! I´m in search of a new unusual sound for me, and although I come nearer to my goal, this is far beyond being satisfactory enough. To implement the bass, how is my idea, isn´t easy, because it´d cover some important guitar frequences. I didn´t use a TS, but maybe I´ll try this for the next soundtest. I have to admit, it could sound a bit more powerful.

i still dig the bass dude

but overall im not feeling it still

care to upload some tracks for me to mess around with for the fun of it?

@Jonesy, yeah that would be interesting to hear. Unfortunately I´m not at home at the weekend, but I´d love to send you the package at monday, if you are still interested. So you think, it´s a matter of EQing and Compression then? What would you do to let the guitar sound more bad ass, without disturbing the 1000hz bass frequences?

new one ain't bad; for some reason the bass sounds a tad louder now, possibly too loud. not sure if you turned it up, or the new guitars make the bass a bit more prominent. I personally wouldn't compress the life out of it, just bring it down so the loud parts jump out. But if you consider Sadus's Chemical Exposure album, man that bass is jumping the hell out of the mix loud and proud!! I wouldn't wig out on it too much, it would seem you know the sound your going for and are honing in on it.

@-J- Thank you very much! Yeah Sadus is a good keyword, when we talk about bass presence in the mix. Do u know "out for blood"? This album is so extreme and although I dig Steve´s bass, I think the mix is quiet messy and dirty (with intention I guess), but it´s not a pleasure to listen to. I dig the old stuff more.
Right now the bass' plankyness seem more apparent to me :/
The guitars sound ok but they still need more air they'd be lost in a full mix if the balance is the same as now.

I'd try to make the bass sit better because I feel it's taking energy from the guitars, or maybe distracting, dunno, I feel a lack of cohesion between guitars and bass right now, maybe it's a level related problem? the bass midrange is really prominent and the only thing I feel about the guitars is some grinding, but way lower to the bass ;)

However it's just my opinion :)