Felix, your live drums sounds have always kicked ass dude, so fortunately at least you have nothing to worry about there!(also, it helps that you can actually play them
just be sure to post some of your drum samples when you record them
can't say I like it, but I don't hate it either. If the song will have vocals, the hollowness might actually be a good thing as it gives a lot of room for the singer, similiarly the way the guitarsound is on the latest Freak Kitchen album, which is very unorthodox.
It would work really well for kind of dirty death metal or something.
sounds cool to me; I know you're not asking about bass, but I love how the bass guitar kinda jumps out at ya during the faster part at 0:10.
however, the hollowness might be the result of some room issues; where do you have the cab positioned?
For my update I need to quote Metaltastic.
FUCK, YOU WERE RIGHT! :zombie: I forgot, that for my other songs I used the left speakers of the mesa rectifier (16ohm for the amp). So it was a different room/position situation after all! So I re-recorded THIS, and I even didn´t use any equalizer for the guitar tracks..this is totally pure.
For some of you guys this will be sound kind of weird, because the bass sound is extreme. But that´s the way I want it to sound.
Here is it: JVM205 Yellow Channel - Mesa Rectifier 4x12
What do you think?
The guitars are definitely better, but the bass could do with being more even. All that high mid stuff is fine, but at the moment it's kinda coming and going all the time so it sounds a bit sloppy
If that's intended and OK then... it's ok.
i still dig the bass dude
but overall im not feeling it still
care to upload some tracks for me to mess around with for the fun of it?
new one ain't bad; for some reason the bass sounds a tad louder now, possibly too loud. not sure if you turned it up, or the new guitars make the bass a bit more prominent. I personally wouldn't compress the life out of it, just bring it down so the loud parts jump out. But if you consider Sadus's Chemical Exposure album, man that bass is jumping the hell out of the mix loud and proud!! I wouldn't wig out on it too much, it would seem you know the sound your going for and are honing in on it.