A Divine Wings appreciation thread


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
I recieved this baby today, plus Van Ee - Powerplay which I recieved yesterday (that Nightmare Sampler came in handy).

Anyhoo I was a little iffy about this album, this "iffyness" was based on hearing some clips of some of the songs and not liking them. Well after listening to this in the ol spinner I was hooked, this is some damn masterful melodic hard heavy progressive symphonic addictive up your nose with a rubber hose I ran over your son shit! Proud to have it on board with my collection, from this day forward I shall now refer to all my other CDs as maggots.

One thing that fooled me at first is when I opened up the case- I first thought someone accidentally put a 'Damnation Game' disc in there since the discs are both identical except for the album name of course.

Here's how each song hit me and no I'm by far not a professional reviewer or anything and I haven't listened to it much but here we go anyway.

1. Of Sins and Shadows - Ooooh yes! One of the songs I mp3 sampled years before I got this CD today! Doesn't touch Evolution and comes close to Inferno. Excellent opener.

2. Sea of Lies - Good song, rhythm-wise I thought I was listening to Evolution at first. I like it!

Moving on...

3. Incantations of...oh shit pardon me gotta get the case...

Ahh yes here we go...
3. Out of the Ashes - There much better! Love the chorus on this one, especially the backing vocal input too! Way too short though.

4. The Accolade - Yes YES YES!!!! Gold! Platinum! All the shit I said a few years ago when I first heard this song. This song alone should warrant the purchase of this album. I think it ties nicely with Accolade II.

5. Pharoah - The song I don't like as much as the others on the album. No further comments.

6. The Eyes of Medusa - Killer! Very aggressive and outstanding chorus! This song deserves a cookie!

7. The Witching Hour - Cool.

8. The Divine Wings of Tragedy - Long, melodic, long, entertaining and long! Me likey! Gotta break it in a little more first though.

9. Candlelight Fantasia - Good closer but after listening to it on mp3 so many times I became bored of it.
Originally posted by korruption
9. Candlelight Fantasia - Good closer but after listening to it on mp3 so many times I became bored of it.

I prefer the truncated version found on "Live on the Edge of Forever". It's far more soothing and intimate.

What is Van E?
He doesn't like Pharaoh much. :cry: That's one of my fav headphone songs.

I'm thankful for CDs. If all records were still vinyl, I would probably be on my 6th copy of DWOT by now. Actually, we have 3, one for the car, one by the boombox on the fridge, and one for the stereo. It's one of the most incredible collections of music ever made, IMO.

Wait till you experience them perform the "long song" on stage! :).......mesmerized!
I was thinking of buying that but I really think they could've chosen more songs like The Accolade, Edge of Forever, and A Winter's Dream. :(
A few comments:

I was upset that they didnt play all of Candlelight Fantasia on the live album, I dont know why you think the butchered version is better but hey whatever, I just hope they play the whole thing on their next US tour.

IMO the best 2 songs on the album are Of Sins and Shadows and Candlelight Fantasia. The worst song is easily Pharoah, never liked this song much.... but oh well.