A forum meeting: is it ever possible?

Apr 12, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
i've been here for five years by now and i met some really great people and some not-so-really great people (i have no other classifications, honestly. even armaggedons child, his girlfriend justin s, nothinggod and some other bullshitters from the past included!) but other than a few foreigners who came to visit me in turkey and a few i met abroad, i never got to meet anyone else in real life. this is sad.

as being one of the active members since i joined (active mostly on opeth, anathema, antimatter, in flames, katatonia, orphaned land so far), if i actually sat down and calculated the time i spent here, it might very well be much greater than the time i spent with some of my friends here in istanbul. im not saying this means i know you guys well, but hey, didnt we influence each other's tastes and; therefore, personalities even just a little bit?

all sins undone, nfu, bumblefoot, mr.samsara, moonlapse, metal wrath, liquid diamonds, wankerness, in absentia, tubbs, pethical, biggsy, alex78, demilich, tubbs, requiem and all the rest...and many other forum members who stopped coming here a few years back (yeah where are they?) this goes for you.

so, as gay as this post sounds, im asking: wouldnt a forum meeting sometime in the future be fun? what do you guys think? anyone else who thinks this would be cool? i whole-heartedly believe a once-in-a-life-time event of such sort (maybe at an opeth gig at a festival or something) would be nice.

i know it's hard and i know everybody's busy but setting up a date in the next few years could be a start. or maybe even start talking about it.
Haha, you said my name twice. :p

Anyway, I'd love the idea, although I've been known not to interact with people outside of my band very often, and I've never been anywhere past New England.

I'm thinking maybe something a little less lower scale so as to not stir a bunch of confusion amongst everyone. (I have no ideas as of right now though...)
The very least that ought to happen is meet ups at shows. I know I often have to go alone (though my wife went once, that was probably it), so it'd be cool to grab a brew or something before the show and be like, "Holy crap, you don't look like your avatar at all..."
I would really like that. It's too bad much of the old crowd left, as i like a lot of them more than a lot of you now (muahahahahHAHAA!!!), but regardless there's a bunch of people here i would want to meet. I don't know how it would work though, as the world is a pretty big place ;p
a bunch of people at the katatonia forum had a meeting last year and they were all from different places in europe. but the world is too big. if opeth plays a one-time special gig that people would really like to attend, then that would be the place to meet up.
we had this a little bit at the melbourne opeth gig 2 last year, i ran aroud the venue shouting "whos from the opeth forum" and managed to meet moonlapse and a few others which was quite cool. i know hubster, in_absentia an a few of the others from sydney too.

i actually want to meet metal_wrath and see if hes a noob in real life, would be most humorous. i was going to meet led opeth whilst in NY but hes busy with school so i don't think thats happening. i'm sure in real life nfu would be the nicest guy ever, srs. we all know his big boy antics are just for show.

as with this forum generally even though i get in a lot of fights and what not i think most of you are good people and still enjoy coming here. i'd be down for a forum meet but with everyone being from different parts of the world it is quite the difficult! one day i do want to go to europe for some festivals though, so that might be an opportunity to stop by in turkey and other places for some forum hellos. one day... :)
haha. i want to see how his noobness transposes to the real world. would be quite funny. m_w, please send in a video of yourself arguing against us instead of posting.
i've been here for five years by now and i met some really great people and some not-so-really great people (i have no other classifications, honestly. even armaggedons child, his girlfriend justin s, nothinggod and some other bullshitters from the past included!) but other than a few foreigners who came to visit me in turkey and a few i met abroad, i never got to meet anyone else in real life. this is sad.

as being one of the active members since i joined (active mostly on opeth, anathema, antimatter, in flames, katatonia, orphaned land so far), if i actually sat down and calculated the time i spent here, it might very well be much greater than the time i spent with some of my friends here in istanbul. im not saying this means i know you guys well, but hey, didnt we influence each other's tastes and; therefore, personalities even just a little bit?

all sins undone, nfu, bumblefoot, mr.samsara, moonlapse, metal wrath, liquid diamonds, wankerness, in absentia, tubbs, pethical, biggsy, alex78, demilich, tubbs, requiem and all the rest...and many other forum members who stopped coming here a few years back (yeah where are they?) this goes for you.

so, as gay as this post sounds, im asking: wouldnt a forum meeting sometime in the future be fun? what do you guys think? anyone else who thinks this would be cool? i whole-heartedly believe a once-in-a-life-time event of such sort (maybe at an opeth gig at a festival or something) would be nice.

i know it's hard and i know everybody's busy but setting up a date in the next few years could be a start. or maybe even start talking about it.

I believe you were in cambridge not so long ago, visiting your gf. Perhaps you were too busy humping to go out for a beer.....