A forum meeting: is it ever possible?

we had this a little bit at the melbourne opeth gig 2 last year, i ran aroud the venue shouting "whos from the opeth forum" and managed to meet moonlapse and a few others which was quite cool. i know hubster, in_absentia an a few of the others from sydney too.

Was gonna mention. It takes balls to do that, haha.

It seems the only likely forum meets happen locally when Opeth come along. To create a sort of world-wide forum meet would be an arduous task... plus who'd really bother? It'd be big bucks to go overseas, and who's to say the event would even be organized properly?

Don't see it as likely.
At the very least, as many of us North Americans should try to make it to some kind of fest over here in the summer or something!

I think I'm gonna be going to Alehorn of Power II in Chicago, June 6th I believe!
lol, you guys would probably be better off meeting up with other members at shows, etc. on a more local scale, before planning anything grandiose.

Here's a site where you can put a marker with your screen name and city on a world map, and view other users. At least this way you'll know which part of the world has the highest density of UM Opeth forumers.


ATTN: please actually enter your screen name and add yourself to the map, otherwise we'll just get a bunch of useless anonymous pins!
lol, you guys would probably be better off meeting up with other members at shows, etc. on a more local scale, before planning anything grandiose.

Here's a site where you can put a marker with your screen name and city on a world map, and view other users. At least this way you'll know which part of the world has the highest density of UM Opeth forumers.


ATTN: please actually enter your screen name and add yourself to the map, otherwise we'll just get a bunch of useless anonymous pins!

might as well :erk:
welp, we have 3 names on the map, and a bunch of anonymous markers.

lol guys, it's really not that hard to take 5 seconds and add yourself if you've already bothered to click on the link.

props to Pethical and metal_wrath for participating.
O, I look like a dufus, but it was during fucqing cold and grim thunderstrom 3 years ago. :grim:
and the guy taking the picture was pissed off at me.
you can click on them, and it makes them big. :D

Me and NFU should meet up. Your somewhere in South Cal, right? What city?

This would be an awesome idea, that way I can see i aint play this and kick him in the nuts! Ya! And you all could see that I am truely 13, heh.

Just joking i aint play this, no need to start a fight!!!

I added myself, you can check me out.
I'll add myself when i'm on the other PC where i can put a photo up of MYSELF haha i am not STEVEN! And sorry for the late reply, Don. But yeah thank you for the mention, i think it sounds like a freakin awesome idea and i am 100% up for it, i am going to Europe the end of this yr/ early next so i'll try and stop by in Turkey again :). I'd love to meet some people from here, some of which i already have, i'd live to meet Don, biggsy, mr. bland are just a few mentions, but most definetly sounds like an awesome idea Don :)
I don't know... Istanbul has a lot of really good kebab places. ;)

Damn! I miss Canim Gierim's sis kebab.

thats true (even though i dont know about canim cigerim. is it in taksim?) but we cant have this meeting in istanbul only for the kebabs...hmmm or maybe we should? :tickled:

I believe you were in cambridge not so long ago, visiting your gf. Perhaps you were too busy humping to go out for a beer.....

hhahahaha sorry, wasnt THAT busy humping but i helped her with some of her household work in daytime, too. but youre right, i was the one who mentioned to you i was in cambridge. i'll make up for it ;)
this time i'll meet her in london on friday march 9th. i'll be in london that weekend and leave on monday to come back to work. if you happen to be there, just email me beforehand. if not, i'll come back to cambridge for a longer time in july for her graduation. i might be there in may, too. then we'll grab that pint :cool:

At the very least, as many of us North Americans should try to make it to some kind of fest over here in the summer or something!

you said it! thats what i actually had in mind when i opened this thread. im not calling anyone to turkey actually, even though i would be more than delighted to host any of you if you plan your vacation here anytime in the year (i can host at most 3-4 people, not a whole forum, though haha). now the common interest among all the members on this forum is opeth so the natural thing to do would be to meet at an opeth gig...somewhere in europe. this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing so if everyone would suddenly decide to do this in...say san francisco, i would save the money and go there. nobody said it was easy, so dont quit before even trying. this was for you moonlapse!

im not a metalhead yet still i want to go to at least one big metal festival in europe. i want a taste of that piss-taste beer, meet cheap gothic chicks and wake up in someone else's tent dead drunk and amnesiac in the morning haha. how about a meeting at a fest like wacken where opeth plays after the release of the new album? this summer seems quite unlikely but how about summer 08? there's a whole year for everyone to make plans and save money.

I'll add myself when i'm on the other PC where i can put a photo up of MYSELF haha i am not STEVEN! And sorry for the late reply, Don. But yeah thank you for the mention, i think it sounds like a freakin awesome idea and i am 100% up for it, i am going to Europe the end of this yr/ early next so i'll try and stop by in Turkey again :). I'd love to meet some people from here, some of which i already have, i'd live to meet Don, biggsy, mr. bland are just a few mentions, but most definetly sounds like an awesome idea Don :)

well in absentia, this thread isnt only for people i mentioned in my post...i left out many more whom i would deffo like to meet. dont forget to send an email or pm before coming to turkey. :)
Yeah, i realise that haha i'd love to meet all you guys (well not all of you but the vast majority), and i added myself to that thing as well. And i promise to e-mail you or PM you or something when i am in Turkey :)