A GIGANtic disappointment

Walter_Langkowski said:
I know that we all have to support the 'Metal Underground' and go see bands that we know we don't like, but oh well, call me a Metal Poseur, I guess I'll pass.
No we don't. I'm a consumer, if I don't like the product...I won't buy it. I don't care who Mustaine fills the line up with, or for what reasons, but if it isn't to my liking - I'm not going to attend. This line up will be to many people's liking and will probably do well for gigantour. I will never feel obligated to go to a show just to support the 'metal underground'.

If he believes this bill will sell more tickets than last year's tour, good for him. He's a businessman and that's what a good businessman should do. Good attendance will ensure future tours...good business plain and simple.

By the way, just so no one can misunderstand my take on this. I don't like this year's line up. I won't say it is worse than last year's, nor will I say that last year's was better. I simply like last year's line up better. One should be able to voice their happiness, or displeasure, with a fest's roster without other's taking offense.
AngraRULES said:
I don't mean to be always disagreeing with you, but maybe you forgot that we told you that a couple of times at that show about all of their line-up problems. :heh:

Oh, then your memory is much sharper than mine, because I really don't remember. Sorry!

And well, no two people should ever always agree on the same thing. It gets boring that way.
Hmmm, I'll probably go to this, depending on if there's an Atlanta date, preferably at Gwinnett Arena again (free parking!). I won't travel for it.

LoG is quite good, Arch Enemy are great live, Opeth are great and MUCH more entertaining live than they used to be (Mikael sheepishly and halfway-seriously admitted he'd been taking onstage banter cues from Devin Townsend :)), looking forward to seeing IE again, Overkill should be passable and Megadeth as well.

The two-stage idea is kinda unworkable at Gwinnett Arena, though.
In Dallas it was at a regular indoor theater, and they simply divided the stage in half. When headliners came up, they got the whole thing. It was actually quite a cool system.

The biggest issue I have with this current tour...I can swallow screaming bands, but last year's experience was special because my dad and I drove up to Dallas from Houston so I could show him his first metal show, and my oh my did he enjoy Symphony X and Dream Theater. And Megadeth too.

Problem is, this year he'll have no affection for these mostly screaming bands, and thus I can only go if its a local gig. And I dunno about that TBA between New Mexico and Wisconsin, but its looking like it'll hit El Paso, maayyyyybe San Antonio, but not Houston.
AngraRULES said:
They already played that show (Gamma Ray) with the same lineup that will do Gigantour, with Colin on guitars and Jim Austin on drums. They got much tighter since then and it'll be a very good tour to catch them. No, I don't think Colin is a permanent member. Your ass will be kicked just like everyone else's, it'll be great.

Yeah, I think Tim said Colin is just filling in on tour, but Rob is definitely no longer in the band (which really sucks). Hopefully they can find someone just as good. At least it'll be nice to hear some new songs on tour.
I think it's pretty obvious that none of those Power Metal bands would have ended up on Gigantour, I don't know anyone who thought that. So I don't know where this idea even came from.

According to the way some people think and feel about some of these bands in this forum, yes, people probably expected that. The idea came from the simple "reading power metal forums" act.

IIRC, Mustaine said in an on line chat that a power metal band would be, or might be, on the bill. So, apparently it came from DM.
After listening to Into Eternity and Sanctity, this lineup seems good. Not as appealing to prog/power metal fans, but a solid metal lineup nonetheless. The Smashup is a weird choice though. I listened to them and they only lean a little towards metal, they are moreso punk...
I don't mind this one bit. Unlike last year, the bands that blow are the ones that I don't really know nor care about; Unlike last years, where it was obvious which bands were the stinkers. I actually think this lineup is pretty good, in the sense of seeing Opeth, Arch Enemy and Into Eternity all in one night. Lamb of God is always great live, and surprisingly for touring here a good 2 - 3 times a year I always end up missing Overkill, so cheers! Maybe this year I may even stick around for Megadeth, haha. Lets hope it makes it to the md/dc/va area this year.
I have to admit that i'm a bit surprised there's a second coming of this event.

Dave Mustaine is a GOD and a real risk taker but I was kinda following the tours attendances with "Polstar" which is very reliable and 95% of the venues were nearly empty, example 1200 in a 6000 seater.

And that lineup kills the current line up, but maybe with the new sponser?

:danceboy: :danceboy: :danceboy:
I like that it is being held in the dodge theater here in Phoenix. I don't have to worry about the weather and the sound is awesome! I loved seeing Dream theater there.

I do have a question for those that didn't have 2 Gigantour stages last year due to where it was held in your town. Which bands didn't end up playing? I ask as Overkill are headliners of 2nd stage and there obviously won't be 2 stages here in Phoenix.
Sean, trying to remember back to last year's Atlanta date, I think they just tried to start the show earlier and officially dropped maybe one band from the lineup. (Symphony X didn't count; they were supposed to play but had bus-driver issues.)