A great opinion piece...

tomass74 said:
Big fucking deal.. They have been touring for over a year and they are working on a new album..

You think that touring and playing the same shit over and over again means any direction? Well, for somebody who "relocate" his favourite band after long 13 year might it be a direction because he's fucking happy that the "classic" line-up is back. I think you're blinded man. You can see things only you want to see.
Give me some proof they're working on a new album! Pleeeaaase! ......And because you don't have any, smack your face and wake up! Compare Scott's Alpha Mails (if you've ever read any) with his recent posts. When they were in a writing process, Scott was always full of enthusiasm trying to reveal a new info about a new record they're working on. In his last post he said they had a plan to record a new album. In my opinion, when you have a plan it means that you're going to do something in future, right...?
CesspoolOfSkulls said:
Let your friend go to the show with that gay banner, I'll see him, do nothing, then maybe get some oysters and angrily mumble something as I pass him, then finish by pissing through my ass while doing a wicked burnout all the way back to the handicap section. See ya at the show, dweeb.

Sounds like a plan, cool guy:rolleyes:
Why in the hell is everybody so fucking worked up about this? OK, I get it, some of you prefer one lineup to another, please, for your own sake, GET THE FUCK OVER IT! I've been a huge fan of every lineup, and if I want to hear them with John Bush, I'll listen to one of the albums they did with him. The way I see it is instead of having one great band(Anthrax), we now have two great bands(Anthrax and Armored Saint).
Every show I saw with Bush was either sold out or pretty damn close.

I love the McRib comment. That fits this band now perfectly!!!! :rock:

And Cesspool, we may be whiney bitches, fine, whatever, but where the fuck were you before April of 2005?? 13 years of a great band wasted in a minute, and for what?? Music is about passion and feeling, right?? People who get into a band, especially heavily into, become passionate about that band and the bands music as much, if not more than the band does. To have a great thing taken away fucks with people, especially when it doesn't make sense. How many reasons have there been for this reunion now?? Let's see:

1) Dimebag died, (I'm sorry but for these guys to use Dime's death as an excuse for this reunion is truly fucking pathetic.)

2) There wouldn't be an Anthrax without this reunion

3) It's our anniversary

4) John wanted to spend time with his baby girl, but him and Rob are still part of the "family".

Any I missed?? Like I've said before, people would still be pissed, but it's all the bullshit that these guys feed out that really fucking drives us crazy. Take some of that integrity that Anthrax talks about and be honest with your fans and tell them what's up. Don't say we don't deserve that, we fucking bought the albums, we fucking went to the shows and bought the merchandise, we don't deserve the truth?? That's bullshit. And please don't say it's because of the contract that was signed, more bullshit. Be straight, be honest, that's all.
tomass74 said:
Obviously not since they got to the point where they couldnt sell 500 tickets.. Now they are packing shows everywhere....
right... because quality of music is related to its popularity :rolleyes:
Dredd74 said:
How many reasons have there been for this reunion now?? Let's see:

1) Dimebag died, (I'm sorry but for these guys to use Dime's death as an excuse for this reunion is truly fucking pathetic.)

2) There wouldn't be an Anthrax without this reunion

3) It's our anniversary

4) John wanted to spend time with his baby girl, but him and Rob are still part of the "family".

Any I missed??
While technically not an excuse for the reunion, there's the excuse why John and Rob aren't mentioned on the web site: "Island Records paid for the website". Great, sell your souls and screw your friends for $50 a month? Fuck, if you guys were that hard up for cash, I'd have chipped in a few bucks for the website just so you could acknowledge that a member of your band for the past 13 years existed.
nafnikufesin said:
While technically not an excuse for the reunion, there's the excuse why John and Rob aren't mentioned on the web site: "Island Records paid for the website". Great, sell your souls and screw your friends for $50 a month? Fuck, if you guys were that hard up for cash, I'd have chipped in a few bucks for the website just so you could acknowledge that a member of your band for the past 13 years existed.
I'm in. How much?
you said McRib, uh, huh, huh. I used to love me a McRib. What I meant before was, both Anthrax with Bush and Joey solo had trouble selling tickets when they played the chance. All that proves to me is that the people in my area don't know shit about good music. I wasn't trying to say they were less popular with John, as let's face it, every metal band in the 90s seemed to be drawing less and less, except for Pantera, who seemed to get more popular. I agree with the posters who say if they don't get a new product out soon, that it might be detrimental to the band. However, I trust Scott and Charlie know what they're doing. And who are we to say who they enjoy more as their lead singer? I just think all this bickering is counter productive. We're all here for a reason, and that's Julio Egliasias, lol. But seriously, who cares who's singing? I'm just glad that Anthrax is still around and still has something to say.
Dredd74 said:
1) Dimebag died, (I'm sorry but for these guys to use Dime's death as an excuse for this reunion is truly fucking pathetic.)

2) There wouldn't be an Anthrax without this reunion

3) It's our anniversary

4) John wanted to spend time with his baby girl, but him and Rob are still part of the "family".

Any I missed?? Like I've said before, people would still be pissed, but it's all the bullshit that these guys feed out that really fucking drives us crazy. Take some of that integrity that Anthrax talks about and be honest with your fans and tell them what's up. Don't say we don't deserve that, we fucking bought the albums, we fucking went to the shows and bought the merchandise, we don't deserve the truth?? That's bullshit. And please don't say it's because of the contract that was signed, more bullshit. Be straight, be honest, that's all.

Dude..... If you ask me tomorrow morning what I am having for dinner in five days chances are I dont havwe an answer. An answer cant be given when there simply isnt one. Ya know?

I dont think they ever "used Dimes death" as an excuse. IIRC the event opened Charlies eyes in a way to the fact that this isnt all forever and can end any minute. This thought creates a sense of urgency to do things you have already been thinking about doing. KNow what I mean? Ever had one of those "shit life is short and sometimes brutal" moments?
As for 2-4, isnt it possible to have several motivations?
I was pissed off and vocal about all the same shit that (from an anti-reunion point of view) is hashed and rehashed here for the last year. Mostly I think I was just being selfish in wanting what I wanted and pissed that I may never get it. When I stepped back and looked at the whole thing with perspective its all good. These fucking guys are taking huge lumps merely for trying to keep the fucking thing alive. For doing whatever it took to keep the Anthtrax boat afloat as long as they can some of us decide to bash em for it when they are doing it because they love it and love what they give to the fans. Like it or leave it and move on.......
MikeyBong said:
Why in the hell is everybody so fucking worked up about this? OK, I get it, some of you prefer one lineup to another, please, for your own sake, GET THE FUCK OVER IT! I've been a huge fan of every lineup, and if I want to hear them with John Bush, I'll listen to one of the albums they did with him. The way I see it is instead of having one great band(Anthrax), we now have two great bands(Anthrax and Armored Saint).

WORD! :rock: :rock: :rock:
ThraxEm said:
... These fucking guys are taking huge lumps merely for trying to keep the fucking thing alive. For doing whatever it took to keep the Anthtrax boat afloat as long as they can some of us decide to bash em for it when they are doing it because they love it and love what they give to the fans. Like it or leave it and move on.......
WORD back at ya!:kickass::kickass: :kickass:
Anthrax rules in whatever shape or form.

Why people continually insist that ones opinion on a preferred line up is incorrect and must be changed to the point of sheer ridicule is beyond me.

I love John Bush but I personally prefer Joey's vocals on record and live. I prefer Danny's guitar work to Robs.

Doesn't mean I don't get wood everytime I put on SOWN (one of my all time favourite albums). Doesn't mean that Bush fans are wrong either. Your opinion and good luck to you with it as well.

All this Sch Sch Sch Sch Schizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm.

Its done with lads. Its history. Lets just enjoy the fact we still get Anthrax performing live and writing new material.