Anyone else feel bad for Billy?


Apr 1, 2005
He spends all day on message boards bitching about SOD not being a full-time band, the Anthrax reunion taking place and whatever else he can put a negative spin on.

Billy, if you put half as much effort into writing songs as you do into writing posts, you might actually be relevant in todays metal scene. STOP BITCHING AND PUT OUT AN ALBUM!!!

And quit crying about Scott and Charlie not wanting to do SOD. Quit crying about royalties "owed" to you. Quit with the he-said, she-said shit. Quit crying and start working.

I bet you wouldn't be crying if we were talking about an SOD reunion instead of an Anthrax reunion.
Slag666 said:
He spends all day on message boards bitching about SOD not being a full-time band, the Anthrax reunion taking place and whatever else he can put a negative spin on.

Billy, if you put half as much effort into writing songs as you do into writing posts, you might actually be relevant in todays metal scene. STOP BITCHING AND PUT OUT AN ALBUM!!!

And quit crying about Scott and Charlie not wanting to do SOD. Quit crying about royalties "owed" to you. Quit with the he-said, she-said shit. Quit crying and start working.

I bet you wouldn't be crying if we were talking about an SOD reunion instead of an Anthrax reunion.

He did put out an album, and it sucked fucking balls.


1. It didn't have Scott, Charlie or Danny on it.
2. It had Billy on it.
I think billy is a great guy who is sometimes misunderstood, and speaks before he thinks, but I still repect the guy, as I do with anthrax, whatever decisions they make, its all about the music...I Like when billy speaks, its like what the dude going to say next..kinda thing,

hey does he still live in texas? Ive been out of the loop for awhile, wife and kids will do that to
I don't feel bad for him. Billy is nothing but a no talent guttermouth who should be happy Scott and Charlie took the time to work with his fat ass in the first place. He doesn't even have M.O.D. anymore, fuck him.