"a must" songs on tour

Dead_Lioness said:
Im wondering, ND guys,
when you'll release a new album, and have an album tour,
which old songs do you consider "a must" on your set list?
Well we are pretty much done writing the tunes. After that August tour we plan on hitting the studio. So early next year the album should be finalized. As far as older songs that will stay in the set the only song that i can pretty much guarantee is, With Rue and Fire. We've done that song live every time I've played out. Not the Strong is another one I can say for sure will stay in the set but I wouldn't consider that old. I'm really itching to play these new songs live, they rock so much I can't wait.
It's an interesting question because it does seem to get more difficult, with the release of each new album, to decide what songs to play. Like Vito mentioned, we usually make room for "With Rue And Fire" from the "Of Sculptured Ivy..." cd, and at this point it's the oldest song we play now. We never rule out the possibility of playing something else from back then as well, though, but it just depends on how much time we're given to perform on a particular night or particular tour. Lately the only songs from "The Knowing" that we've been performing have been "Awaken", "In Memories Past", and "The Day I Return". Whether those will stay in the set or be replaced with other songs from that album I guess just depends on our moods basically.
A good question to you is, what songs would YOU like to hear us do? We've asked this question on the forum in the past and while it doesn't necessarily dictate exactly what songs we decide to play, it does help knowing what you all are looking forward to hearing when we come around on tour. So please by all means, if you have certain songs that you'd like to see and hear us perform, let us know.
I will say though, that the new songs are definitely more structured for coming across better live than some of the songs we've written in the past. Alot of the material is more aggressive and moving......well I won't say too much about it just yet! But, anyhow, I do foresee the new material taking up alot of set list space in the future, so I hope everyone likes this new cd when it comes out!
Oh, and to basically answer your question, I think that right now the only song that will most always stay in the set is "Not The Strong" because it's one of our more popular tunes, and we all love the energy it gives off when we perform it.
If you ever drop 'For every leaf that falls' I will be forced to have a tantrum.
That song is a must! And while we're at it, bring back 'Dawn breaks' eh?
You can make room for it by removing 'Oops I did it again' from the set. Thanks!
Usurper Dan said:
If you ever drop 'For every leaf that falls' I will be forced to have a tantrum.
That song is a must! And while we're at it, bring back 'Dawn breaks' eh?
You can make room for it by removing 'Oops I did it again' from the set. Thanks!

Hahaha! We actually havent played For Every Leaf in ages. We talk about pulling it out from time to time, but it being a slow song, we try not to play too many slower ones live, so it usually gets bumped for Within My Flesh, only because it's newer.

Dan, you may be happy to know, shortly after we finish this new CD, we will start on the next one, which will be "Unplugged" ND. All Acoustic, 35 minutes of new stuff, and the rest will be existing ND songs, only with a new feel to them. I do believe For Every Leaf will end up being one of them.
Novembers Paul said:
Dan, you may be happy to know, shortly after we finish this new CD, we will start on the next one, which will be "Unplugged" ND. All Acoustic, 35 minutes of new stuff, and the rest will be existing ND songs, only with a new feel to them. I do believe For Every Leaf will end up being one of them.

Dude! This makes me do the Safety Dance!!!!!!!!
Outstanding, man! Cant wait.
And then everyone can talk about how we're just copying Opeth, even though Paul and I came up with the idea to do this acoustic cd like four years ago LOL
But like Paul mentioned, it's not going to be completely acoustic I think. The new material will most likely be all acoustic, but I think the disc will also include some reworked older songs (i.e. For Every Leaf...) and possibly some live tracks. I'd still love to get a good recording down of our updated version of "Chorus of Jasmine", so who knows, maybe that'll wind up on there too.

I'd say you have a better chance of hearing "Dawn Breaks" live nowadays than "For Every Leaf..." just because it's so slow and long. I think Vito and Mike still have to learn it though, come to think of it!
Actually, when I saw you guy in Milwaukee back in January, I thought In the Abscence of Grace was killer, and I loved Silent Tommorow live. Those would be awesome songs to see again. Also if you want to see a guy shit a brick, play Dark Fields for Brilliance and it might happen.
Usurper Dan said:
Silent Tomorrow for sure. And I would love to see how Last God would sound unplugged.
Ugh, Last God would sound awful, I'm sure...that song is dependent on all the sustain and feedback from distorted guitar, I'm sure that the acoustic chords would stop ringing long before they were supposed to.
wankerness said:
Ugh, Last God would sound awful, I'm sure...that song is dependent on all the sustain and feedback from distorted guitar, I'm sure that the acoustic chords would stop ringing long before they were supposed to.

Well, being an acoustic version, we would have to re-work somethings a bit to compensate. Almost make it a different song. It could be interesting. MAYBE silent tomorrow. That one seems to obvious, but im sure we'll try and rehearse many of our songs to try them out.
Acoustic would be great indeed :D I'd love to hear silent tomorrow acoustic... My guitar teacher and I are figuring out how to play it (and I play acoustic) were not far yet but it sounds quite nice :D Dark fields for brilliance acoustic would be great too.
Dark Fields For Brilliance could probably work acoustically. Silent Tomorrow does seem a bit too obvious to me in some ways, though. I have a few ideas on what songs could be redone acoustically...but frankly I'm more into the idea of just writing all new songs.
Not too long ago, I plugged in one of Mike's acoustic guitars into my guitar rig. I threw on some crazy distortion and played "Last God" and it sounded insane. Not truly "acoustic" anymore but it still had a pretty unique sound to it.
And I definitely don't want the disc to be completely acoustic....BAND FIGHT ON THE FORUM!!! Yeehaw lol
Actually I dunno, completely acoustic would be okay I guess but then I definitely wouldn't want to do "For Every Leaf..." acoustic, that seems like it would just drag, and some of those chords would sound very odd on acoustic......well maybe that'd be a good thing hah!
Dark Fields would have to be shortened acoustic, or this may drag on. To be honest, I had envisioned an entire CD of just acoustic versions of our existing songs, with maybe one or 2 new acoustic songs on it. But, with all the great acoustic stuff you guys have come up with, this actually seemed more interesting to me now to make it more new material and a few "cover" versions of our stuff. The whole appeal to me on this would be to make it completly "unplugged" to do something totally different then the other CD's. I think it would be interesting enough to hold its own, and not get confused with a disc with a mixture of the two, where we would get the whole "They changes their style" thoughts. I guess my original vision for the disc would be promoted as an "unplugged" CD, to not only do something totally different, but also to challenge ourselves a bit.