"a must" songs on tour

Wolftribe said:
you should release it with another album that has Brutal-as-fuck versions of your old songs :D hah
i'm joking of course
Hehe well I know you mean it in jest but unfortunately alot of people actually are probably going to accuse us of ripping off Opeth's idea, even though they're not the first ones to do an all acoustic album either. Hopefully the music will speak for itself.
larry i;m the most likely of all to say you're ripping off opeth because well i'm an asshole but if you did an acoustic album, i;d say you were ripping offf simon and gsrfunkle then vomit in the palm tree
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Hehe well I know you mean it in jest but unfortunately alot of people actually are probably going to accuse us of ripping off Opeth's idea, even though they're not the first ones to do an all acoustic album either. Hopefully the music will speak for itself.
yeah....tesla did it waaaaaaaay before both ya all.... yeah....cowboy....of the modern daaaaaay
I only wish Simon and Garfunkle had put more songs on the graduate soundtrack. Rotating between the three = annoying
Greg B. said:
!!!!!!!demon Of The Falll!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it whenever there is a serious topic being discussed on anyones forum here at UM, this guy always seems to have some idiotic response, that never has a thing to do with the topic on hand? Pathetic moron.
Only problem there, is that the dark edit version of Silent Tomorrow consists mainly of keyboards, which makes it nearly impossible for us to do live, since we don't currently employ a keyboardist.
We've performed Silent Tomorrow live in the past but we've performed the regular version of it. It's a great song on album but I don't think it translates well in a live setting. Same with "Last God" which is one of my favorite songs we've recorded. When we tried playing that song live, it just didn't work as well, much too long and slow.
We played Silent Tomorrow at Metalfest once, and it was OK. If we worked on it a bit, and tried to come up with a way to make it sound a bit more full, we might play it again. As we ssaid though, the new material is full of live type songs, so i'm sure we're going to play lots of the stuff.
Novembers Paul said:
.... so i'm sure we're going to play lots of the stuff.
...and hopefully also sometime over here in Austria. :wave:
BTW: Thank you guys for your answer @ "Silent Tomorrow"