A new, sober, thread about single malt scotch whisky thread.

Nigga, now THIS is a stein!

yeah, fuck irish whiskey...not that i have much experience with it beside Jameson reg.

although, i think you were trying to refer to Single Malt Scotch. And in that case, ignorance is bliss. ;)
it would be awesome if he did ...

there really is nothing better than bourbon.

fuck these irish faggy whiskeys from different valleys and regions.

Kentucky baby :kickass:

hahaha I need to find a way to get to NY and drink with Aurel
although, i think you were trying to refer to Single Malt Scotch. And in that case, ignorance is bliss. ;)

:lol: yeah exactly ...

I tried a lot of them shits ... too much moolah for flavor that really lingers for the first round.

it's like expensive wine ... after the first glass ... you can drink anything ... it won't matter.
hahhah .. an old friend from HS just posted this on FB ...
now I know where to go next month
