Krilons Resa Jerry's married?! Nov 7, 2002 31,081 1,102 113 44 Inside dorian's gym bag. Feb 11, 2012 #1,081 had some lag16 with some brownies my wife baked up and now I'm onto some of my good friend Elmer T. Lee.
had some lag16 with some brownies my wife baked up and now I'm onto some of my good friend Elmer T. Lee.
ChaosLee Formerly Necromunchkin Nov 9, 2008 1,881 11 38 Arizona Feb 11, 2012 #1,082 1.75 liter bottle, most excellent...
Krilons Resa Jerry's married?! Nov 7, 2002 31,081 1,102 113 44 Inside dorian's gym bag. Feb 12, 2012 #1,083 lol, im gonna start taking pics of me holding my bottles ready to drink
ChaosLee Formerly Necromunchkin Nov 9, 2008 1,881 11 38 Arizona Feb 12, 2012 #1,084 We've seen your bar, can argue you've sort of shown your entire hand. I drink too fast, can't seem to acquire a bar.
We've seen your bar, can argue you've sort of shown your entire hand. I drink too fast, can't seem to acquire a bar.
lurch70 Active Member Sep 27, 2002 24,704 139 63 NYC Feb 12, 2012 #1,085 1.75 of BT? where'd you get that? how much is it? first time I've seen it.
Krilons Resa Jerry's married?! Nov 7, 2002 31,081 1,102 113 44 Inside dorian's gym bag. Feb 12, 2012 #1,086 they have it at my local spot too but you only save like $2 for it (at least at that store) so I dont bother.
they have it at my local spot too but you only save like $2 for it (at least at that store) so I dont bother.
dorian gray Returning videotapes Apr 8, 2004 21,258 489 83 Feb 12, 2012 #1,087 Chaos probably already polished off that entire bottle
lurch70 Active Member Sep 27, 2002 24,704 139 63 NYC Feb 12, 2012 #1,088 i will it make my mission in life to seek out the 1.75ml of BT and be a repeat customer of the establishment that was wise enough to stock it.
i will it make my mission in life to seek out the 1.75ml of BT and be a repeat customer of the establishment that was wise enough to stock it.
dorian gray Returning videotapes Apr 8, 2004 21,258 489 83 Feb 12, 2012 #1,089 That reminds me....I need to do some drinkin tonight
ChaosLee Formerly Necromunchkin Nov 9, 2008 1,881 11 38 Arizona Feb 12, 2012 #1,090 Lurch- I got it at Total Wine. Listed for 38.99, but I had me a five percent of discount, so got it at a steal
Lurch- I got it at Total Wine. Listed for 38.99, but I had me a five percent of discount, so got it at a steal
Krilons Resa Jerry's married?! Nov 7, 2002 31,081 1,102 113 44 Inside dorian's gym bag. Feb 12, 2012 #1,091 39? damn son.
dorian gray Returning videotapes Apr 8, 2004 21,258 489 83 Feb 12, 2012 #1,092 I really feel like doing some drugs
neal wizard in black Dec 17, 2001 23,386 120 63 california Visit site Feb 12, 2012 #1,093 dorian's got the right idea and Total Wine is my new favorite store since it opened a few months back. any booze you want, excellent prices on everything, and a pretty great beer selection. only thing i havent gotten there yet is wine!
dorian's got the right idea and Total Wine is my new favorite store since it opened a few months back. any booze you want, excellent prices on everything, and a pretty great beer selection. only thing i havent gotten there yet is wine!
lurch70 Active Member Sep 27, 2002 24,704 139 63 NYC Feb 12, 2012 #1,094 38.99 is a good deal ... considering its 20 for 750ml ... and that's the cheapest out there.
dorian gray Returning videotapes Apr 8, 2004 21,258 489 83 Feb 12, 2012 #1,095 Goddam it! I thought I had more in the house than a 1/2 inch of bourbon
Krilons Resa Jerry's married?! Nov 7, 2002 31,081 1,102 113 44 Inside dorian's gym bag. Feb 12, 2012 #1,097 Im calling out tomorrow. On my 3rd Sam Adams variation.
lurch70 Active Member Sep 27, 2002 24,704 139 63 NYC Feb 12, 2012 #1,098 watching/listening to Adele on the Granny's made me throw up in my mouth a little. 24 year old singer hiding in the body of a 50 year old secretary
watching/listening to Adele on the Granny's made me throw up in my mouth a little. 24 year old singer hiding in the body of a 50 year old secretary
neal wizard in black Dec 17, 2001 23,386 120 63 california Visit site Feb 12, 2012 #1,099 lurch70 said: 24 year old singer hiding in the body of a 50 year old secretary Click to expand... hahaha
lurch70 said: 24 year old singer hiding in the body of a 50 year old secretary Click to expand... hahaha
ChaosLee Formerly Necromunchkin Nov 9, 2008 1,881 11 38 Arizona Feb 14, 2012 #1,100 Fuck yes. Friend of mine sent me a bottle of Lagavulin 16 year as a gift Now with pics