a positive Maiden thread


Master Exploder
OK, so I bought the RIR DVD today, and I am just finishing watching it now, and I must say, it has gotten me back into Maiden more than I have been for a long while.

First a few criticisms:

Too much new material - I love the first three songs, and they tie in really well with the older material, but I think the inclusions of 'The Mercenary' and 'Blood Brothers' just over stepped the mark a little. Perhaps 'Fallen Angel' or 'Out Of The Silent Planet' instead of these two would have worked better...

The constant camera angle cuts - it actually doesn't bother me that much when I am sitting staring at the screen, but if I just look up at the screen for a second, it gives you the shits. Still, some longer shots would have been nice. No wonder it took Steve so long to edit the fucking thing...

The picture and the sound - the picture gets a bit fuzzy in places which I find strange, but is generally not too bad. The sound drops out in places, but not too often, and isn't too bad either.
These flaws weren't as bad as you guys made them out to be...

Now onto the good shit: :)

What can I say! I think this DVD rules! There is so much good about it it is hard to complain IMO. Overall, I think it sounds GREAT. From Nicko's thunderous drums, to the awesome sounding guitar trio, to Steve's awesome bass playing (as per usual!) and Bruce seems to be getting better with age! EXCELLENT performance throughout. The new material has a whole new dimension live, and it sounds great! It has definately gotten me back into BNW in a big way. I said I think 'Blood Brothers' shouldn't have been played, but I still quite liked it, and I think it works better live than on the album. Great stuff. Is also good to see them having fun on stage, particularly on songs like 'The Trooper' and 'The Clansman', and in the bonus material too. Nicko is a nut, and the easter egg on the Janick page in the band section had me in tears. :lol:
I read a review of the DVD a while back and it said 'Janick Gers really steals the show', but I couldn't really imagine it, but now that I have seen it, I can completely understand. I now have ALOT more respect for the man, and I don't think I will rag on him ever again! Also, how awesome is Bruce! He is definately the ultimate front man!

I am damn glad I bought this, and it is damn awesome, right down to the packaging! I am excited about Maiden again, which is probably the first time since BNW came out. The new material (not just from BNW, but VXI and TXF as well) sound great on RIR, and I can't wait for the next album, whenever that may be!

Can anyone tell me if the RIR cd sounds the same as the DVD, or is it better/worse? If it is no worse, then I think I shall buy it in the comming weeks! I really can't see why people would bag out this DVD. Sure, more extras would rule, but what you get is still excellent, and if the cd is anything like the DVD, I can't see why that has been getting a bagging either.

Cool review Blitz. It almost makes me want to get it myself.. almost.

I have a copy of the album you could have. :)
I want the album. :)

Sydo: if you don't want to buy it, you should see if you can hire it or lend it off of someone. It is definately worth having a look at!

I am just watching some bits again, and fuck me Bruce is insane! Does he ever run out of energy!? Awesome encore with NOTB too. :headbang:
Well thats what you get with 80 year olds Mark, they arent spring chickens you know!
I fail to see the humour in poor 80 year olds being exploited :(

Let this be a message to you people, make sure you have enough superannuation and have seen a financial planner, I dont want it happening to you guys. Dignity cant be bought. Take care of yourselves. And each other.