A question to everyone, including Mr V.


New Metal Member
Aug 1, 2004
South Brazil - SC
What do you think about "Night Clubs". Yes, a little place, with a lot of people dancing "plastic music". And we can't talk with no one when we stay inside that place, cause the "plastic music" is playing too loud. For me, it's a infernal place... I really prefer a club with a good music and really cool people or a open air festival. So, what do you think about it ?
Those kind of nightclubs aren't really my thing either :yuk: I've never been a fan of pop/hip-hop/dance and techno. There is opening a new nightclub in Copenhagen that plays Rock-Metal. They already booked some quite popular names.
Such as: Pretty Maids, Gorgoroth, Samael, Sonata Arctica, Amon Amarth, Cannibal Corpse, plus loads of others. And that’s just in the first 3 months. I think I might go and check that club out :cool:
sparc said:
What do you think about "Night Clubs". Yes, a little place, with a lot of people dancing "plastic music". And we can't talk with no one when we stay inside that place, cause the "plastic music" is playing too loud. For me, it's a infernal place... I really prefer a club with a good music and really cool people or a open air festival. So, what do you think about it ?

I'm really a "pub guy" so I don't really like the clubs you're talking about.

mr V
i agree with mr.V&everyone who thinks that so called "clubs" r infernal places... really Moscow is becoming a very fashionable place,so many pop&techno-clubs r openin - i hate people spendin whole nights there, i've never been in such a place&i'm not gonna try :) actually,there r some cool places with lots of beer and metal bands playin but they're few...
There's another perspective. Those clubs are full of hot chicks. "Lady Metal"s dont' dress well I must admit. It is not the music that compells me to clubs but girls. However, this is not a part of this forum I guess
yeah i don't like these clubs either... especially when my non-metal friends from university try to drag me out to them... so bad!! i usually end up at pubs or the local metal clubs downtown \m/
Another question to Mr. V. I want to write a mail, yes, a real mail to you guy ! And I would like that you reply these mail. How can I do it? What address I should write ?
Hugs !
Bleh, I hate night clubs too. Terribly bad "music" (really dont think it qualifies as music, just 3-4 tones and as many words repeated ad infinitum :erk: ) played so lound you cannot speak to anyone, the beer is expensive as hell and your clothes smell of cigarette smoke after. Only good thing is that there's pretty girls everywhere. ;)
I prefer private parties anytime! Nice people, nice music and reasonably cheap beer! :D
sad to say, i've been clubbing a few times. to add to that shame, i can also rave. i'm not proud of it, but in my defense i used to do a lot of drugs.
Here most nightclubs play gay music & most pubs during weekends are full of hardcore alcoholics and depressed people trying to fill their hollowness. There might be some good music occasionally in some bars but you'll never know how it will be, including the people and atmosphere.
I´m pretty through with this drinking culture( getting drunk in the shortest time possible) But I go drinking with friends a few times a year perhaps...

Grrrr... I want a metal/rockbar here and metalchicks and there is a lack/absence of both:erk:
Djöfull said:
Here most nightclubs play gay music & most pubs during weekends are full of hardcore alcoholics and depressed people trying to fill their hollowness. There might be some good music occasionally in some bars but you'll never know how it will be, including the people and atmosphere.
I´m pretty through with this drinking culture( getting drunk in the shortest time possible) But I go drinking with friends a few times a year perhaps...

Grrrr... I want a metal/rockbar here and metalchicks and there is a lack/absence of both:erk:

Then move to another place or do something about it yourself....