A really strange suggestion for a ProgPower headliner...

Creeps said:
That being said you could argue that the majority of the bands that have played PP haven't progressed musically that much either. They have their sound and stick to it. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's true. Evergrey is a great band but they are very predictable, how many songs do they have that start out slow then go heavy then slow or vice versa? Gamma Ray is another, straight up power metal, every album is very similar. Both are amazing bands but don't take large progressive steps.

FatesFan said:
I remeber getting blasted by Zod and Dark One for suggesting that certain bands did not belong in this festival that have either played and or bands that were getting alot of recomedations from the forum members to play.
Blasted? That sounds a bit harsh. Who did you suggest that we disagreed with you on?

General Zod said:
Blasted? That sounds a bit harsh. Who did you suggest that we disagreed with you on?


Okay, maybe blasted was a bit harsh. I simply remeber a time when there was alot of rah rah going on about bands with extreme death vocals. I mentioned my dislike of these bands and felt that they did not belong or fit the prog genre. Then I was told that that the definition of progressive was blah blah blah and that these bands do belong because they are progressing blah blah blah and therfore these types of bands do belong at this festival.

Well if that was the argument, then I can't possibly see how Twisted Sister or any 80's hair metal band should play Progpower. Don't get me wrong, I love 80's hair metal. But, TS is not prog or power.

If your going to entertain the thought of a 80's metal band playing progpower, why not make it a band that did things a little differnet than the rest. Like Extreme ( Three sides to every storie was unlike anything else going on at the time) or Saigon Kick or T-Ride. Just a thought. This is just my opinion and I am not trying to be an ass. Hell, if Glen want TS at his show and it sells out then I guess that is all that really matters.
Zod, you definitely are getting bored to suggest Twisted Sister or a band of that ilk!!! Don't get me wrong, I loved them back in the day, but imo, they are definitely not for PP. Nothing wrong with discussing it though; these are simply my thoughts.
The topic of Twisted Sister performing is a moot point. Dee and the boys WERE (past tense emphasized) doing spottily consistant shows to give that "classic hollywood ending" to what had been a downer after the Love Is For Suckers era.

However, occasionally he and the boys play as The Bent Brothers (Bent from Twisted, Brother from duh).
Creeps said:
That being said you could argue that the majority of the bands that have played PP haven't progressed musically that much either. They have their sound and stick to it. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's true. Evergrey is a great band but they are very predictable, how many songs do they have that start out slow then go heavy then slow or vice versa? Gamma Ray is another, straight up power metal, every album is very similar. Both are amazing bands but don't take large progressive steps.

The main example of a big change or some progress being made of a band that's played PP would be from Tad Morose's 1st release to their next. Now THERE is a change.

Here's another, Manticora's new album compared to Hyperion. Another progressive change in sound. Their 1st 3 albums are very similar, this new one comes out of nowhere.

That's why Rage, Saxon, Accept, Motorhead and other old schoolers would fit nicely. Saxon's recent material is no different than Stratovarius' in terms of progressing the sound. I think Strat's whole catalog is VERY similar, some argue that the 1st 3 were original, but I have them and frankly hear nothing fresh on them, nothing that gives me a wow factor like Circus Maximus or Manticora's new one. That's not to say I don't like them, if I didn't I wouldn't have all their studio releases.

You had me until you said "That's why Rage, Saxon, Accept, Motorhead and other old schoolers would fit nicely"

I agree that not many bands are "progressing". But I think to say that because these bands are not progressing is a reason that they belong at ProgPower just does not make sense. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong. Hell, I never would have thought that Savatage or PC69 would play PP. It must just be me.
I honesty do believe that Saxon would fit just fine. I think if you listen to their last album 'Lionheart', they are still relevant, in my mind, as that one stacks up against some of their best work through the years. I really believe they would go down extremely well with the PP crowd. Hell, I see nothing wrong with giving a nod to a pioneering band, that never got the proper recognition in the first place...just my opinion, of course.

I don't see a problem with straying outside the bounds of prog/power, once in a while. One band on the roster, that doesn't strictly adhere to the progpower label, isn't going to destroy the integrity of the fest.
Creeps said:
That being said you could argue that the majority of the bands that have played PP haven't progressed musically that much either. They have their sound and stick to it. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's true. Evergrey is a great band but they are very predictable, how many songs do they have that start out slow then go heavy then slow or vice versa? Gamma Ray is another, straight up power metal, every album is very similar. Both are amazing bands but don't take large progressive steps.

The main example of a big change or some progress being made of a band that's played PP would be from Tad Morose's 1st release to their next. Now THERE is a change.

Here's another, Manticora's new album compared to Hyperion. Another progressive change in sound. Their 1st 3 albums are very similar, this new one comes out of nowhere.

That's why Rage, Saxon, Accept, Motorhead and other old schoolers would fit nicely. Saxon's recent material is no different than Stratovarius' in terms of progressing the sound. I think Strat's whole catalog is VERY similar, some argue that the 1st 3 were original, but I have them and frankly hear nothing fresh on them, nothing that gives me a wow factor like Circus Maximus or Manticora's new one. That's not to say I don't like them, if I didn't I wouldn't have all their studio releases.

although I agree with you about progression I would say Rage has progressed quite a bit. Listen to Prayers of Steel then Listen To Untity!!! Big difference!
FatesFan said:
Well if that was the argument, then I can't possibly see how Twisted Sister or any 80's hair metal band should play Progpower. Don't get me wrong, I love 80's hair metal. But, TS is not prog or power.

Sixteen hoofbeats on the horizon, I agree with FatesFan. I love a lot of '80's commercial metal, and Dee Snider is a damn cool guy to talk to, but I don't think that Twisted Sister would fit.

On the other hand, I'd like to say that I think, strangely enough, that Stryper would. A friend of mine bought their new album "Reborn" and played it for me. It was actually pretty good. They updated their sound to something more contemporary, but rather than try to throw in nods to commercial metal like rapping or metalcore, it sounds like good modern melodic metal. Even the ballads I heard didn't suck (always the killing blow as far as Stryper was concerned).
id much rather see a PP slot given to an up and coming band who could really use the exposure. also, lots of PP bands that dont play in the US may only come over for a show like PP. bands like Twisted Sister had their time, and either failed or faded. if they've still got some life left in them then great for them, but for PP i would rather see the opportunity awarded to a band without $30,000 of hair plugs and botox.
If Pink Cream 69 "fits" ProgPower then any 80's style metal band fits, and TS is far heavier than most of those.
TS may have caved to the MTV pressure when they did the cheezy Love Is For Suckers, but their older material, Under The Blade, You Can't Stop R 'n' R, Stay Hungry etc. kicks the crap out of anything PC69 ever did.
Heck, Glenn, just get Blue Oyster Cult. :grin:

-- I'm only being semi-serious, since their guarantee appears to be pretty high, and they're only marginally considered a 'metal' band...but I saw them earlier tonight, and they still put on a good show. :rock:
No "Veteran of the Psychic Wars," though, and nothing from the crininally overlooked Imaginos CD...which is mostly metal.
I don't know. A new band with a retro sound, like PC 69 is one thing. An old band that is still stuck in 1985 doesn't really make sense. So I wouldn't really want to see Twisted Sister, Saxon, Accept, or any other band like that at Progpower. Savatage, of course, has changed with the times, so I'm sure they are always welcome.

Fates Warning is another example of an older band that has evolved.

Actually, considering how well this year's pre-party has done, selling 550 tickets, I think it would be possible to get one of those classic bands here. Many of them play to smaller crowds than that in the US. I think Yngwie was doing clubs with under-500 capacity on his last tour.
nightwish58 said:
Zod, you definitely are getting bored to suggest Twisted Sister or a band of that ilk!!!
Agreed. My plans feel through yesterday, and I had nothing to do. Also, I've heard from a number of people who went to the Wacken fest they headlined, how the whole crowd was so into and they stole the show.

As I said in my original post, I'm not advocating TS play PP. I was just curious to see what the concensus was on a show like that. The fact of the matter if they recently played 45 minutes from my house, and I didn't go.

FatesFan said:
Okay, maybe blasted was a bit harsh. I simply remeber a time when there was alot of rah rah going on about bands with extreme death vocals. I mentioned my dislike of these bands and felt that they did not belong or fit the prog genre. Then I was told that that the definition of progressive was blah blah blah and that these bands do belong because they are progressing blah blah blah and therfore these types of bands do belong at this festival.
I think it's a bad idea to exclude a band based solely on their vocals. I definitely think there are a number of very talented, very original bands, very Progressive bands out there that use Death vocals (Orphaned Land, for one). While I think it's probably a bad idea to fill the bill with them, I don't think Glenn should shy away from having one or two of them one or two of them per show.

booB said:
okay, now I don't feel so dumb for suggesting Morgana Lefay. touchee, Zod. :)
Just to be clear, I don't think Morgana Lefay is a bad fit for ProgPower, just not a headliner. And I didn't suggest TS play PP, I merely asked the board how they felt about a classic act playing PP.
