A really strange suggestion for a ProgPower headliner...

General Zod said:
By that description, neither band would be considered Progressive any longer.

I would call then prog for the purpose of sticking a label on the. Agreed not in the literal sense. I mostly use the term "prog" as a label.

Yet the last two headliners, Savatage and Rage, were 80s bands.

Again, I did not get this.

Does having played Metal in the 80s disqualify you from being a Power Metal band? If so, what the heck is Iron Maiden?

It not really an 80's thing,more than the style of music. Helloween is an 80's band and I think they would fit the show. I think Iron Maiden would fit better than TS,Accept, or Saxon. I don't know about all of you, but we didn't use the term Power Metal in the 80's. At least I don't remeber if we did. I have heard some people say that Maiden was a Prog metal band and I never got that. Don't get me wrong. I think a concert with bands of all walks and eras (Gigantour) would be cool. I guess maybe I am hung up on labels and it is called Progpower, not 80's old school festival.

I'd agree. Ironically, if Glenn announced Twisted Sister was headlining the fest, I'd be disappointed. As I've alluded to, I was just throwing this out for shits and giggles.

No harm in that. Thats what the forum is for. I am not dogging you for your thoughts or ideas. Hell, if anything, maybee I need to lighten up a bit. If it's good music and a good time then who the hell cares.
adaher said:
I don't know. A new band with a retro sound, like PC 69 is one thing. An old band that is still stuck in 1985 doesn't really make sense. So I wouldn't really want to see Twisted Sister, Saxon, Accept, or any other band like that at Progpower. Savatage, of course, has changed with the times, so I'm sure they are always welcome.

I have to disagree here, you're saying a band that's stuck in 1985 is worse than a band who wants to be in 1985. :hypno: I see no difference.

I'm also sorry to say that Savatage has had the same sound since Gutter Ballet, not much changing with the times goin on there either. GB came out in 1990 I think, so 15 years isn't evolving at all really unless you count the singer changes and the new guy almost no one has heard or seen.
Silent Song said:
Pumpkin are you saying OL isn't Prog/Death? listen to Sahara and tell me they aren't DM.

I didn't say that at all. I said that Mabool isn't death metal in the least, and that they have changed styles over the years, but that Mabool is definitely not death metal. They're at Prog-Power for Mabool, not Sahara, so calling them some form of death metal because they're done it at some point makes about as much since as calling Therion a death metal band because they used to do it.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I didn't say that at all. I said that Mabool isn't death metal in the least, and that they have changed styles over the years, but that Mabool is definitely not death metal. They're at Prog-Power for Mabool, not Sahara, so calling them some form of death metal because they're done it at some point makes about as much since as calling Therion a death metal band because they used to do it.
what would you call Ulver then? you have some kind of attitude about labels yet throw them out yourself on a whim.
Ulver have been making basically experimental music for the past seven years, so I would call them experimental or progressive. I wouldn't call them black metal just because they've done a black metal album. If it was 1996, I would call Ulver black metal, because that's what they would be doing. I don't really look over a bands career and take some average of genres, I use what they're currently doing.

Edit: Basically the point is that Orphaned Land aren't death metal just because 'Mabool' has harsh vocals on it, which is what it seemed like FatesFan was implying. It's a Prog/Power festival, and Orphaned Land are progressive metal.
I don't want to start a genre war, but Mabool is progressive. This is their latest album. This is where they are now with their sound. It's a natural progression from their older material. It doesn't make sense to me for you to pull up an album made eleven years ago and suggest that they are Prog-Death currently because of an album they made eleven years ago. Were they progressive death then? Yes. Are they now, eleven years later? Not really.
a band is the sum (and sometimes more) of its parts, aka albums. you attempt to redefine bands upon each album, whereas it makes more sense to add each new album to the painting. who said anything about genre wars? i'm pointing out a discrepency in your logic system here. seems the point was completely missed, so i'll let it lie, so as not to start a 'genre war' when that is not only offtopic, but besides the point.
I don't know, I just don't want to see geriatrics on my ProgPower stage if I can help it. ProgPower is for new blood that never got their shot at the Billboard charts. Accept and Dio have been there. ProgPower is a springboard for entry into the US market for a lot of younger bands who are living hand to mouth. I just see little reason for Glenn to throw one of those old rich guys who made millions in the 80s unless that's the only way he can sell tickets.

Now Savatage I feel is an exception. Even if their sound hasn't changed much since 1990, it was still very influential and related to today's Prog and power metal sound. Helloween also qualifies. But Accept? Classic rock. Dio? Classic rock.
So I should categorize Ulver as experimental folk black metal? That just doesn't make sense to me. My logic with genres is they're for categorizing bands. Categorizing bands realistically. So if someone's favorite band is Ulver, should they ask for experimental folk black metal recommendations? That wouldn't help them much in finding other music like Ulver. :confused:

Edit: A band's history and other albums all influences what they are now. But what they are now is what they are now, it's the present. Elements of Ulver's black metal/folk material influences them today, parts are there in their experimental music, some parts aren't. That doesn't mean I think it would be best to call them experimental folk black metal though.
Silent Song said:
a band is the sum (and sometimes more) of its parts, aka albums. you attempt to redefine bands upon each album, whereas it makes more sense to add each new album to the painting.
While I don't think this logic is without merrit, I also don't agree with it. I simply think it makes more sense to describe bands based on where they are today, especially when they've altered their sound in a way that suggests they won't be going back to their roots. Calling Ulver Black Metal at this point in their career seems erroneous at best. Just my $0.02.

Barking Pumpkin said:
Basically the point is that Orphaned Land aren't death metal just because 'Mabool' has harsh vocals on it, which is what it seemed like FatesFan was implying. It's a Prog/Power festival, and Orphaned Land are progressive metal.

I'll say it one more time and maybe this time you will get it.


I did not imply it, they did.

I understand that Mabool is a turn in direction for them that may be more "progressive". Will this be the only material that they will be playing at PROGPOWER or will they delve into their Death Metal past.You know the past from way back to......well......the last album.
Well, I'm an absolute sucker for 80's hard rock/metal, so I'm game!!! I can honestly say that I don't see Glenn considering it or even taking this thread seriously, but this is a fun subject for me.

The one band I'd love to see play PP is Rainbow with any three of their lead vocalist! I know that's a long shot, but it would be great to see!
General Zod said:
I hear that a lot. I wish I could find one near me. The closest thing we have is the Jersey Metalfest, and they have a very wide-variety of acts.

Amen. There is a Maryland Death Fest - but 99% of the bill is always occupied by incomprehensible garbage death/hardcore metal from bands with names like Vomit Snack and Anal Blast.

I would so welcome an ultra-heavy festival in the U.S. that is actually able to sign quality death/thrash/black/traditional (or melodic/progressive variations thereof) on an annual basis.
edgeofthorns said:
Well, I'm an absolute sucker for 80's hard rock/metal, so I'm game!!! I can honestly say that I don't see Glenn considering it or even taking this thread seriously, but this is a fun subject for me.

The one band I'd love to see play PP is Rainbow with any three of their lead vocalist! I know that's a long shot, but it would be great to see!

Who asked you! :loco:
Dark One said:
Amen. There is a Maryland Death Fest - but 99% of the bill is always occupied by incomprehensible garbage death/hardcore metal from bands with names like Vomit Snack and Anal Blast.

I would so welcome an ultra-heavy festival in the U.S. that is actually able to sign quality death/thrash/black/traditional (or melodic/progressive variations thereof) on an annual basis.

Pardon me, but what do you think is quality Death Metal? Just classic stuff? Last year's MDF lineup had some of the top people in the genre. And at least eight bands I can tell you with 100% certainty have absolutely no relation to hardcore.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Pardon me, but what do you think is quality Death Metal? Just classic stuff? Last year's MDF lineup had some of the top people in the genre. And at least eight bands I can tell you with 100% certainty have absolutely no relation to hardcore.

Here was the lineup from 2005 (I've only heard of 3 of the bands, and by the way I did not imply that all acts are related to hardcore, but many are):

General Surgery
Rotten Sound Wormed
Pig Destroyer
Misery Index
Leng Tch'e
Lord Gore
Bodies Lay Broken
XXX Maniak
Despised Icon
Kill the Client
Ion Dissonance
Guttural Secrete
Amoebic Dysentery
Screaming Afterbith

Here was the lineup from 2004:

Rotten Sound
The Red Chord
Leng Tch'e
Pig Destroyer
Vomit Remnants
Misery Index
Internal Suffering
Mortal Decay
Circle of Dead Children
Man Must Die
Swarm of the Lotus
Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus

Shall I go on? You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but I do NOT define those lineups as quality death metal