A really strange suggestion for a ProgPower headliner...

adaher said:
Actually, I think Widowmaker is a better fit. For those who don't know, that was Snider's band that put out a couple of releases in the 90s.

Oooh... Widowmaker. I haven't listened to them in a while; I don't know if I still even have their stuff or if it belonged to an ex, but I particularly liked the second album.

Okay, silly question: where does it say in the Rules for Booking ProgPower Bands that they have to "progress"? Um, it is ProgPower, after all. Just a little confused as to why a band not "progressing" would mean they shouldn't play PP in some of y'all's opinions.

Overall, I think a classic act playing ProgPower would be fine. As to someone's suggestion that "up-and-coming" bands deserved a slot more, well, if they're up-and-coming, they're not going to be headliner status anyway, so no slots are being lost for them anyway.

Zod - concerning your initial question concerning a 'classic metal act' headlining a future PP... just see my post here: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4018655&postcount=143

I have the Twisted Sister dvd from Wacken, and yes, they KILLED!!! I think even they were surprised and humbled by the experience. From what I understand, Wacken had Accept headling this year. I wonder how well they went over - considering they were playing their home turf, I would have to think they received an even bigger reaction.

~Hoyt. (old-school Accept fanboy) :kickass:
Pellaz said:
Heck, Glenn, just get Blue Oyster Cult. :grin:

-- I'm only being semi-serious, since their guarantee appears to be pretty high, and they're only marginally considered a 'metal' band...but I saw them earlier tonight, and they still put on a good show. :rock:
No "Veteran of the Psychic Wars," though, and nothing from the crininally overlooked Imaginos CD...which is mostly metal.
"On your feet or on your knees" :rock:
Oooh... Widowmaker. I haven't listened to them in a while; I don't know if I still even have their stuff or if it belonged to an ex, but I particularly liked the second album.

It had to be yours. You've never dated a guy who was into metal before now.

You're welcome. Sheesh, you're lucky I pay attention to these things. :)
lady_space said:
Okay, silly question: where does it say in the Rules for Booking ProgPower Bands that they have to "progress"? Um, it is ProgPower, after all. Just a little confused as to why a band not "progressing" would mean they shouldn't play PP in some of y'all's opinions.

Overall, I think a classic act playing ProgPower would be fine. As to someone's suggestion that "up-and-coming" bands deserved a slot more, well, if they're up-and-coming, they're not going to be headliner status anyway, so no slots are being lost for them anyway.


I can only speek for what I have said about this. I had questioned at one time as to weather or not certain bands fit into the prog catagory(example: Orphaned land)

For the record: They are self desribed as a death metal band on their own website. NOT MY DESCRIPTION.

Then I was told by a forum member that by definition , Progressive music is music that changes and progresses(adds various things including death vocals) and that all prog music should not be Symphony X and Dream Theater clones etc.

I understand that does not take into account the power side of things.

My argument back then was that this is a PROGPOWER festival and not a Death Metal festival. There are plenty of those around. This is also not a 80's metal festival. There are plenty 80's metal shows touring around. You wouldn't see a Deathmetal show headlined by Quiet Riot would you? So why woud you have a PROGPOWER festival with TS, Accept, etc.

Imho, those bands don't qualify as a power metal band either. Most of the bands that have played PP are filled with IMHO "top drawer" tallent. Whenever Dio did that Hear-n-aid thing back in the 80's and he had a who's who of 80's metal icons involved, there was one guy that stood out like a sore thumb. Eddie " fingers" Ojeda. You had Malmsteen, Lynch , Brad Gillis, etc burning up the guitar leads....just smoking them. And then there was the man they call "Fingers". You would think with a name like that, he would kill. Take the guys tremelo bar away from him and he's dead in the water.

Bottom line is I think this festival has been about elite bands with elite talent in the prog or power genre and I feel it should stay that way.

As far as rules for booking for PP. The only rule is If Glen thinks it goes then it goes.
I think some are focusing too much on Twisted Sister, instead of the idea of a classic band.

I'll throw something else out there for debate. I would love to see a Paul Di'Anno set at PP consisting of songs from the first two Maiden albums. That would kick some serious ass, imo! :rock:
adaher said:
A new band with a retro sound, like PC 69 is one thing. An old band that is still stuck in 1985 doesn't really make sense. So I wouldn't really want to see Twisted Sister, Saxon, Accept, or any other band like that at Progpower.

How is PC 69 a "new" band? Haven't they been around since like 1989? So you credit them with having a "retro" sound, yet Saxon is "stuck in 1985"?

Saxon has done (I think) 8 studio albums since 1985; while they certainly retain many of their classic elements, I think they have progressed to some degree since 1985. Maybe they haven't progressed enough for your tastes, but I wouldn't really describe them as "stuck in 1985".
James said:
How is PC 69 a "new" band? Haven't they been around since like 1989? So you credit them with having a "retro" sound, yet Saxon is "stuck in 1985"?

Saxon has done (I think) 8 studio albums since 1985; while they certainly retain many of their classic elements, I think they have progressed to some degree since 1985. Maybe they haven't progressed enough for your tastes, but I wouldn't really describe them as "stuck in 1985".

I agree. PC69 is more "stuck" than Saxon. There's a huge difference between the Wheels of Steel era and the Lionheart era. Their sound and style started changing with "Crusader", and more so with "Innocents..." Arguably the only thing that that's really the same is Byford's voice.

Conversely the only change PC69 has had since the 80's is their voice, and IMO Redmond's voice gives them a more generic sound than Deris'.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I think Glenn should just get Dio

Of all the active "classic" acts out there, I think that Dio is the most relevant to progressive and power metal.
FatesFan said:
I can only speek for what I have said about this. I had questioned at one time as to weather or not certain bands fit into the prog catagory(example: Orphaned land)

For the record: They are self desribed as a death metal band on their own website. NOT MY DESCRIPTION.

Then I was told by a forum member that by definition , Progressive music is music that changes and progresses(adds various things including death vocals) and that all prog music should not be Symphony X and Dream Theater clones etc.

I understand that does not take into account the power side of things.

My argument back then was that this is a PROGPOWER festival and not a Death Metal festival. There are plenty of those around.

Well.....their musical style has changed a bit since they started, but Orphaned Land are definitely NOT death metal on 'Mabool.' The only, and I mean ONLY elements in there is the fact that they use harsh vocals. Orphaned Land would have about as much chance as Edguy for getting booked at the Maryland Deathfest. Just to clear that up.

Yes, as we've been through a lot here, there are two different things people mean by "prog" or "progressive." One person will say it and mean Dream Theater clones. Another person will say it (me) and mean bands that move music forward. You can book Dream Theater clones as much as you like as far as I'm concerned, but it doesn't make it progressive music, it would be the musical style called prog or progressive, as opposed to the literal meaning of the word. Personally, I would rather have more literally progressive bands.

But the real point, go listen to ANY of the bands that have ever been on the Maryland Deathfest, and compare them to Orphaned Land. Absolutely not similar. Orphaned Land are pretty folky musically. Adding harsh vocals really doesn't make it any closer to death metal. Lots of styles use them.
Having seen Twisted Sister headline Bag Your Head in 2003 I think they would be great. They are an incredble live band and their set was all the heavy stuff. I guess the real question is if they fit into the "Progpower mold". I guess people have a predetermined notion as to what should or shouldn't be on the fest so in this respect I say they probably wouldn't fit. Pretty soon there isn't going to be enough "ProgPower" bands to avoid constant repition - so maybe Glenn would add a band like Twisted Sister or Accept to avoid repetition and expand the appeal of the fest.
Mostly playing devil's advocate here...

FatesFan said:
For the record: They are self desribed as a death metal band on their own website. NOT MY DESCRIPTION.
I'm also sure it's not their description. I've never heard of any artist pidgeon-holing their sound into a single genre, not even those artists whose sound can be eaisly decribed with the broad brush that a genre description paints. Suffice it to say, Orphaned Land is not a Death Metal band.

FatesFan said:
Then I was told by a forum member that by definition , Progressive music is music that changes and progresses(adds various things including death vocals) and that all prog music should not be Symphony X and Dream Theater clones etc.
By that description, neither band would be considered Progressive any longer.

FatesFan said:
My argument back then was that this is a PROGPOWER festival and not a Death Metal festival. There are plenty of those around.
I hear that a lot. I wish I could find one near me. The closest thing we have is the Jersey Metalfest, and they have a very wide-variety of acts.

FatesFan said:
This is also not a 80's metal festival.
Yet the last two headliners, Savatage and Rage, were 80s bands.

FatesFan said:
You wouldn't see a Deathmetal show headlined by Quiet Riot would you?
Generally speaking, you don't see very many festivals headlined by Slade cover bands. :loco:

FatesFan said:
So why woud you have a PROGPOWER festival with TS, Accept, etc.
Does having played Metal in the 80s disqualify you from being a Power Metal band? If so, what the heck is Iron Maiden?

FatesFan said:
Bottom line is I think this festival has been about elite bands with elite talent in the prog or power genre and I feel it should stay that way.
I'd agree. Ironically, if Glenn announced Twisted Sister was headlining the fest, I'd be disappointed. As I've alluded to, I was just throwing this out for shits and giggles.

what's it gonna take to stop living in the past? is there not enough good new metal to keep you satisfied? im sick of seeing relics try and revive their careers to pay some bills or try and relive their glory days while there are other bands trying to get a piece of the pie, a well deserved piece at that. can't these bands just find some sort of senior citizens tour? i know that age doesnt necessarily mean anything in regards to ability to still rock and write great material, but it seems to me like there's too many people who missed out on being 18 in 1988 and cant get over it. there's plenty of great shows i missed due to my age, and it sucks but there's just too many great bands for me to lament about the past. imho...
rockyracoon said:
what's it gonna take to stop living in the past? is there not enough good new metal to keep you satisfied? im sick of seeing relics try and revive their careers to pay some bills or try and relive their glory days while there are other bands trying to get a piece of the pie, a well deserved piece at that. can't these bands just find some sort of senior citizens tour? i know that age doesnt necessarily mean anything in regards to ability to still rock and write great material, but it seems to me like there's too many people who missed out on being 18 in 1988 and cant get over it. there's plenty of great shows i missed due to my age, and it sucks but there's just too many great bands for me to lament about the past. imho...

Rage kick more ass now than they did in '83 when they started. So do Kreator. The last two albums by these respective bands destroys much of the music a lot of "new" bands are releasing. Who are you to say "sorry pal, you've had your time, now give it to someone else." ?

If these guys enjoy doing what they're doing, more power to them. Even more power if they can still do it just as good (or better) than when they were in their 20s.
Yngvai X said:
Rage kick more ass now than they did in '83 when they started. So do Kreator. The last two albums by these respective bands destroys much of the music a lot of "new" bands are releasing. Who are you to say "sorry pal, you've had your time, now give it to someone else." ?

If these guys enjoy doing what they're doing, more power to them. Even more power if they can still do it just as good (or better) than when they were in their 20s.

I couldn't agree more, and most of these bands haven't let up (especially Rage) so I don't get where the whole "relics" trying to revive their career thing. Old doesn't always = bad, and new doesn't always equal good. Doesn't matter if it's guitars, cars, houses, women (lol), or bands.... I actually get a kick out knowing that people like Dio, Priest, Maiden, & Nugent etc. are still putting stuff out, and still touring. Most of the "new" stuff they've done is pretty good too....
rockyracoon said:
what's it gonna take to stop living in the past? is there not enough good new metal to keep you satisfied? im sick of seeing relics try and revive their careers to pay some bills or try and relive their glory days while there are other bands trying to get a piece of the pie, a well deserved piece at that. can't these bands just find some sort of senior citizens tour? i know that age doesnt necessarily mean anything in regards to ability to still rock and write great material, but it seems to me like there's too many people who missed out on being 18 in 1988 and cant get over it. there's plenty of great shows i missed due to my age, and it sucks but there's just too many great bands for me to lament about the past. imho...

I was 18 in 1982! :hotjump: