A sad reality


Aug 30, 2001
Watching this forum dwindle down to nothingness the last couple months is honestly rather sad. As the latest threads wither and fall off into the empty, black, non-displaying-but-still-searchable abyss, I can't help but think of a rotting corpse slowly decomposing down to nothing but a skeleton.

How long until all threads are gone and this board is just a blank vBulletin template, blowing in the desolate wind?

We've all seen this coming... maybe even attempted to stop it. Every now and then, relevant news pops up and a glimmer of hope is cast upon us all. But all things go the way of the flesh one day or another. Is this the end?
Warrell has been awful quiet. I haven't heard boo on Sanctuary, never mind anything for Nevermore.
Was thinking the very same thing the other day, Kevin. I think we've all just moved on. We've always talked about other topics and even joked that if you speak about NM you should GTFO, but even off-topics aren't coming up.

I'm sad to see it go but that's the way of things.
Of course I could always start another troll thread like I've done for the past 10 years, if that would make you happy.
I'ts not the end forum peeps. Things are happening, just slowly, that doesn't mean you guys can't interact like you always did about random shit. Sanctuary is now signed to CM. Nevermore will return fear not.
I just expected things to pick up once either bands get moving. It will brings the people back in. As for myself, I'm still checking in but 2012 was horrendous for me and 2013 is pickin up where it left off.
Once things hopefully get back on track I'll be annoying everyone again.

Still waiting for WD to post some rehearsal/Studio footage for us to drool over.
just scrolling down i saw this thread and i though the title was interesting even though i haven't come to the Nevermore forum since all the way back when you could make a post whithout becoming a registered user

goddamm, that was forever ago

i think your problem is all the fun people have left

i remember the gap of time when none of the threads had anything to do with the band

i remember the young guy flirting with a cougar that turned out to be older than his mom

i remember that crazy drag queen

i remember the "post-whore wars"

that creepy guy with the foot fetish

the married woman that kept saying "i would ...[insert random activity here]...but it would piss off my husband"

i remember a girl claiming to be a lesbian here and bitching about males flirting with her

the guy that always had a seizure-inducing gif in his signature

someone at some point using the phrases "polar bear eating a penguin" and "mermaid's nipples"

your problem is that all the fun people left
IMHO this forum started fading away when Mr. Loomis decided being Mr. Guitar Hero is more important than composing quality songs for a quality band. funny thing, he recently posted another new song w/death vox and it's still the same ol' shit as the other one. hopefully, he'll be able to pull that head outta his ass and come back to earth, 'cause unless you're Ihsahn or Devin Townsend, a solo career will only take you so far.
i personnally liked the gap of time (several years ago) when none of the threads had anything to do with the band
Nice job turning his departure into an attack. While it was low class of Jeff and Van to leave the way they did (Warrell learning about it on Blabbermouth, not directly from them), we don't know all the details or reasons. It could be they really did just give up. Nevermore ran for 18 years and was going nowhere, playing the same shitty clubs year after year, watching their opening acts become headliners and getting passed on shows like Ozzfest for far lesser acts. I personally think they deserved the success that Lamb of God and Mastodon and Shadows Fall have enjoyed but I don't get to make that call.

Then again, Jeff isn't exactly escaping those clubs by being an opening act. I had thought he was doing this solo stuff for a big payday side man job but it's not happening. Anthrax and Slayer both had openings and went elsewhere. So who knows what's in his head.

And the old habit of not talking about the band did wonders to drive people away, which is why this board is a clique of a half dozen people talking among themselves.
I love you guys. Even the ones I haven't met. This place has been a part of my life and even if it did die, all I ask is we all keep in contact, somehow.

And Warrel, please, hurry up. Your Chosen Misery is the best song you've done since Dreaming Neon Black. Give us at least one song, solo album or Nevermore. I know I have no right to make demands from you, but I'm begging, just give us one song.
Said it years ago, I'll be the last person, sitting on the dead board and the corpses of the long-past posters.
I'ts not the end forum peeps. Things are happening, just slowly, that doesn't mean you guys can't interact like you always did about random shit. Sanctuary is now signed to CM. Nevermore will return fear not.

Awww someone misses us.

And yeah im periodically reminded that this place still exists.

Also, holy shit, UM! When was the last time this forum(s) seen a vBulletin update? :erk:
I took the absence of WD to mean that he was busy as hell creating the new Sanctuary masterpiece! Once that comes out we will all have something to talk/rave/complain about - now we just have to wait for that first snippet of studio footage to get us geeked.