A timely reminder that I am a dumb-ass


Black Stone Wielder
May 21, 2001
New Zealand
Had one of those times today where I just really should slap myself.

Finally got my hands on a copy of Orchid today. Took it home all excited, played it, was rather bummed out. To be honest it kind of sucked and was nothing like I expected. Sure, everyone has raved about it, and I kinda heard it was in a similar vain to Morningrise. Cool, I thought, some of those great melodies I love so much. Well, no. It was boring, the riffs didn't really go anywhere, and the songs were too long. All annoyed, I waited about 6 hours before I played it again.....

Now I am floored. It's stunning. Stand out tracks so far (after only 3 plays) are #s 1 & 4, and the riffs on #5 at about the 6:50 & 8:00 marks- some of those riffs where they are just so gorgeous I could die.

I really do suck- been into Opeth since MAYH came out, Orchid was the only one I didn't have, you'd think I would know better by now, that it takes a half-dozen plays to understand. But nnoooooo....

Opeth fucking rule.

I'm a fucking idiot.
It happens to the best of us man, take it easy. :) <pats on back>
I actually was amazed the first time I heard Orchid, mostly from those first riffs of In the Mist She was Standing! :eek:
strangely enough orchid is the CD that grabbed me the most on first listen.
just the opening riffs to In Mist She Was Standing captivated me straight away, something which didnt happen with the other 4 albums. drooooooooooool.