AAAAHH!!!! Fucking spiders!!!!


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
So I am on my bed eating some tacos and fries and I dropped a fry, so I go to pick it up to eat it and bam, I GET A FUCKING SPIDER!!!

I fucking screamed and then crushed the fucker think, I ALMOST ATE IT!!


anyone else come close to eating bugs before?
close call,.,.

I was walking down stairs to my basement to shred one time and one huge fucking wolf spider dropped on me from the ceiling,.,.,.scared the shit out of me,.,..,then my dad turned off all the lights.,,.,.oh boy,.,.,.,.,...,.,..i hate spiders,.,..,the fuckers,..,.,
:yuk: Ahh! i fuckin hate spiders. well once i was out with some friends and we got hamburgers and went to the park i took it out to eat and right before i took a bite out came a spider. :zombie:
My old drummer use to set his beers down next to his drums while we would practice and in between songs he would take a few drinks. Well, this place we rented was horrid when it came to bugs. You can probably see where I am going with this... lol. Well, in between a set he reach for his beer and took a drink. He said he felt these little leg like things tickling his tongue. When he spit out his beer a cockroach went sliding across the tile floor. LOL No that was close. eeewwwwww
retarded penguin said:
So I am on my bed eating some tacos and fries and I dropped a fry, so I go to pick it up to eat it and bam, I GET A FUCKING SPIDER!!!

I fucking screamed and then crushed the fucker think, I ALMOST ATE IT!!


anyone else come close to eating bugs before?

I think I swallowed a small flying summin once while runnin :(
i don't particularly like them, but as long as they leave me alone, i leave them alone, except for the occasional brown recluse which i kill immediately.....those fuckers are bad for consuming bugs, i've inhaled a few gnats, but i think that's all, heh
Chromatose said:
I have 2 places I think I've been bitten by spiders.

one on each arm, in an almost identically symmetrical spot.
ooooo hope it wasn't a brown recluse....if your skin starts to rot, oh, no, i can't bear to think about it