About "Burning In Hell"


chemical mysteries
Sep 27, 2001
Berlin and sometimes Athens
Carlos, since you are Brazilian you could perhaps tell what became of a group named Burning in Hell. I have their demo (it was pretty:hotjump: ), but haven't heard anything else about them since then. Do you have any information?

Thanks anyway
Ha ha ha. I thought this post was going to be about religion... and I even went to the trouble of putting my 'argueing boots' on...

:lol: Trapped, man, i guess the "r" word has influenced you a lot. not everything revolves arround it (even though some would like to think so).
and get those stinky boots off your feet right now!!
...Does it strike anyone else as mystifying that so many people can beleive that a man walked on water, and another man parted the seas?? :err:

I reckon that we should make this thread into a religious thread, just for the fun of it.

Actually, i just put my boots to good use on the opeth forum. :D
Originally posted by Trapped

I reckon that we should make this thread into a religious thread, just for the fun of it.

We could make it! I would loooove to argue about this topic again!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
Perhaps we could invite some religious people or people from the Saviour Machine Forum :heh: :heh: :heh:

But I forgot! :s These one use no computers!!! Shit! :bah:
If god did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

You've got the quote the wrong way around dude.

(and no, it isn't "If god did not exist, would it be necessary to invent him??" either)

Listen to the cd.
Religious threads are always very large and very in depth in arguement. I remember I was taking a look at the Opeth forum out of curiosity once, and the largest thread I have ever seen on a board was on there and it had something like 100 replies(I think, could be more) and the title of the thred was something among the lines of "Is there a God?" Very heated discussions over religion, that's why they are cool, even if you don't reply to them. It's interesting just to read them.
...Does it strike anyone else as mystifying that so many people can beleive that a man walked on water, and another man parted the seas??

lol...ppl believe in Aliens that capture them and stuff...lol...why not believe in a man that walked on the water!
Originally posted by Trapped
If god did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

You've got the quote the wrong way around dude.

(and no, it isn't "If god did not exist, would it be necessary to invent him??" either)

Listen to the cd.

Zanex told me the same thing. Everyone who uses quotes other people have said writes their name beneath. I haven't written noones name, I prefer my own version.
I don't think that it would be -necessary- to invent him, people just can't live without him. That's why they would do anything!

Anyway, like I said I prefer my version, it is MY quote!

(And like so many nowadays say: "Thnks god I am an atheist!:lol: It used to be funny, but after so much use and abuse of this sentence, it has become boring)
Hey enitharmon !!

Sorry for reply so late cause I'm don't use to come here every day but here we go!
They still kickin some asses here in Brazil! But some people here close theyr eyes for some of our bands.
They record two demo tapes Under my dominate ('96) and World of Illusion ('98).
They use to play in some pubs here in Brazil.
Go to URL: http://www.burninginhell.cjb.net/
and I think you can find all you need, right!!

So,thanks to taste some brazilian Heavy Metal and If you need more help about it just ask!

Cheer my friend!
Why don't i see NoLordy in this?
I mean if there is a devil there must be a christ as well.
anyway enitharmon is quite well informed about religious things and i wouldn't dare disagree with her (yes she is a lady! a greek one!)!
as for the splitting the seas i only know this:
when Moyses and his tribe were chased after he lead his ppl to a mount. hebrews got the chance to quickly pass through, and they opened the mount, thus there was a big flood.
concerning the walking on water subject, i dunno nadda. maybe he had some kind of booster on his sandals or ... well i don't know.
anyway the conclusion is this:
if god did not exist, you would have to invent me.:lol: :lol:
but don't worry i DO exist.:loco:
don't invent me again for there might be some kind of conflict in our genetic wisdom, thus through a hyper allignment of every planet in our solar system, every single unfaithfull to me will be transcended to a planet (that has been existing) since my birth year, hence the beginning of time (=1976). on this planet the only thing that ppl can hear is g-war and my voice when i want to curse them.
Ture hGilt can only be through me. all you have to do is believe. NoLordy will be sitting next to me when judgement day comes. for he already has pleaded faith.