AcmeBarGig Free VSTs - DIG, BIG, RedShift


New Metal Member
May 4, 2009
Liverpool, UK
Hey guys, I know I have a small number of posts here and this may seem like spam, but I'm a long-time lurker and signed up recently with full intentions of contributing here, not just to post one thread and bail, I owe you guys a lot and I've learned a shitload from reading through the threads here, so first I want to say thanks for that! :worship:

So, we're a free VST developer, just recently started up, and we're aiming for a new release every Saturday. So far we have DIG a dual amp sim which includes Whisper - a clean amp and DIG - a high gain monster, BIG, which is basically the bass version of DIG and RedShift Pickup Replacer which takes the sound of your pickup out of the mix and replaces it with an Impulse Response of another, there is also an option to change the 'material' of your guitar, with tame options like switching woods and crazy options like spleen and human tissue we added just for fun!



Anyway I hope this doesn't seem like spam, they're all truly free with no strings attached, we just ask that if you like it, spread the word, if you don't like it and you have the time, tell us what it is you dislike so we can try to make it a better product, we work hard at these effects and approach them professionally and love hearing of new ways we can improve them.

Anyway guys take it easy and keep up the awesome work here, any questions ask away I'll be glad to find the answers for ya :devil:

You can find the effects here:

AcmeBarGig Home | DIG | BIG | RedShift

Peace and love,
Hey guys, thanks a lot for checking it out and for the kind responses! You won't believe how many forums we've been kicked out of for trying to get our freebies out there, so the support is great.

I'm ABG's 'web guy' I designed and coded the website after hearing and paying around with DIG, Ken McClaren is the developer of all our apps and we all chip in testing them and offering up improvements.

Skeksis, thanks for the clip and great playing bud! Nice riff and love the heavy bluesy style movement, thanks man :)

et al - I'll let Ken know of your offer, that's really cool of you man, we already have someone working on the skins but we're all volunteering here for the time being so it's a bit of a strain on all of us, thanks man, it's down to Ken so I'll let him know!

Ahjteam - Yep, Ken uses Synthmaker for the interface controls, but all the tone comes from Ken's algorithms which he writes in assembly language, our forums are still pretty bare, but there's a section for DSP programmers there where you can ask questions and share algorithms if you want to sign up I'm sure Ken would be glad to answer a few questions.
Wow these look great!

Edit: I wonder, with reamping different tracks, how using Redshift before outputting back to the amp, how it would sound for creating slight variations in tone to open up/separate the rythmn guitars more (ie like layering with different guitars)
Why is DIG with an installer when BIG and RedShift arent? And another suggestion: Make a readme to accompany the files

Hey man, DIG is an installer because it was the first plugin we made and we thought it would be easier for people new to plugins to just select their DAW's VST folder and the installer would just move them into there, after a few people complaining that they didn't like the idea/non-transparency of an installer we decided to just give the DLLs for the others. Plus, when you think about it, if people know where their DAW's VST folder is I'm sure they know how to cut and paste files or use extraction tools :p

DIG comes with a manual and the instructions for using RedShift are on the site, I can see us including a manual with all our future releases though, we were a little pushed for time with these ones!

Thanks for all the feedback guys :)
And here is my quick test on a song I made a while back, so I just switched the plugins, I used DIG (and a tubescreamer plugin) on all three guitars and BIG on the bass. The pickup enhancer didn't seem to do anything so I skipped it. But the file:

edit: One thing came into my mind... when I found the tone I liked, I couldn't get enough volume out of it past -6.0dB even with master volume at max so I had to boost the volume 4dB with another plugin. The Aradaz amps plugins can make me go way over +12dB with the same DI... Any chances to make the master volume to be just a little bit hotter on the maximum values?
And here is my quick test on a song I made a while back, so I just switched the plugins, I used DIG (and a tubescreamer plugin) on all three guitars and BIG on the bass. The pickup enhancer didn't seem to do anything so I skipped it. But the file:

edit: One thing came into my mind... when I found the tone I liked, I couldn't get enough volume out of it past -6.0dB even with master volume at max so I had to boost the volume 4dB with another plugin. The Aradaz amps plugins can make me go way over +12dB with the same DI... Any chances to make the master volume to be just a little bit hotter on the maximum values?

Man that's a great track! If you're having to boost the volume with an external plugin then that's an issue we need to address, we are working on a new DIG and I will DEFINITELY pass this on to Ken for consideration, too much volume can be turned down, but if we've got people not getting enough volume from it then that's something we need to look into.

With regards to RedShift, I didn't notice much of a difference with my Schecter, but some of the humbuckers really beefed up my Strat's neck pickup, especially on some lower-gain settings where the single coils were bright and crisp and clean, the humbucker models fattened them up and pushed DIG a bit more.

I still haven't had the chance to really unlock it, but some people say they LOVE what it does to their sound, I'm thinking this works best with some low-gain light settings on the amp, but haven't tried that properly yet, I'm also listening through cheap-ass, OLD PC speakers, not in the position financially to even consider blowing £400+ on monitors :guh: - so that is an obvious hurdle for me.

You guys are awesome! I put this thread up less than 24 hours ago and you've already came up with 2 tracks and some great advice, thanks so much!! :D
Oh yeah, I played around with BIG, it is nice but the distortion is somewhat too fizzy to my taste... Here are some suggestions I have for BIG:

- There is a typo in the first BIG preset (stanAdard)

- Can you put the bypass buttons below the gain knobs instead of having them in the gut options? (same with DIG)

- And as I mentioned about the DIG doesn't go over -6dB, BIG doesn't seem to go over -3dB, and it seems that it is hardlimited there... Can you limit it to -0.3dB instead?

- Most of the EQ values (in the cabinet shaper) start to honk/screetch after +24dB, I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing, but atleast it gives you the option to try it :)

- Can you make the compression attenuation meter a lot longer with more numbers and preferrably horizontal? I mean I usually don't like to compress 48dB with one compressor, more like 3-10dB with one compressor but rather use two or three in series.

- I would also really want to know the compressor values. It's actually quite fun without knowing the values, but its also pretty hard to to know how far off I am. Just some small "3:1" "-30dB" "15ms" etc labels below?
Thanks AHJ Team, I'll make note of your points. I really like the idea of putting the tube bypass under the Gain Knobs, I never thought of that before. That saves me some room in the gut options for some new stuff in DIG 3.0. The Distortion of BIG...Yeah I figured that it may be too much and you are right inline with what I've heard elsewhere. So, that will be eliminated, somewhat, in the next version. The levels..I will be looking a lot more at increasing them across the board for every one of our effects. That has been an on going concern.
Label on the comp. Yep, will do

"- Can you make the compression attenuation meter a lot longer with more numbers and preferrably horizontal? I mean I usually don't like to compress 48dB with one compressor, more like 3-10dB with one compressor but rather use two or three in series."

Really?, thats an interesting technique, What does this do? First thought is that it would probably lessen the noise yet still give you the same amount of compression at the end ? Interesting, I want to experiment with this idea and perhaps build a compressor that does this internally. So you simply set one level and three compressors inside add together to give you the final amount that you set...
Comp Meter, Maybe..depends on screen real estate..

Thanks for the tunes guys...Very Cool.

Anyways I'll be popping in from time to time here so, I hope to converse..