Adrian, You Fa...Bah What the Fuck?!?!

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
What the fuck is this I just received...

Nad said:
Turns out now we might not go. We just moved to Loma Linda 3 days ago and are dealing with the associated exhaustion, not really in the mood to head to LA on a Wednesday night. It's now a 70 mile journey for us, but we're 10 minutes away from the mountains, CSORE.

So, three things:

1) We still need to get drunk one of these days.

2) Acid Bath are PERFECT to listen to on a soggy day such as this.

3) If you know anyone who wants two tickets tonight, give them my number. Free, they just have to pick them up.

Or who knows, we might show up anyhow!
Yeah, so I showed up. :Spin: It basically came down to this: "it rained today for the first time in 8 months. We need to see Katatonia." So off we went, and holy living fuck, it took nearly 2 hours to get there.


I like The Whisky. Given the legacy of the place, the venue falls a bit flat but I've yet to go to a non-amazing show there, so perhaps the mojo is there, and that is what counts. We showed up around 8:30pm, and there were approximately 50 bands on before Katatonia.

Melodic death/thrash band, pretty okay. Hot ballbag biting bint for a singer/guitarist, hippie drummer with a keen ability toward blastbeats. Wouldn't mind giving a relatively warm review to, would likely never listen to again.

We travelled upstairs at this point, to a find a perch and wait for who we came to see. Somewhere in the middle the leavins of a drink is spilled on me by one idiot manchild from the opening band who we thankfully missed. His crew was full of more backward ass redneck fucks than the 50% dropout portion of my high school graduating class. I'm pretty sure they shared a set of teeth between them, "I'm eating corn today, gimme Chomper!" Later, the same fucking douchebag spills a full drink all over my woman and the two people next to us. Now what can I do? It's 10 against 1, and even though my IQ doubled what all of theirs was combined, I stood no chance. Either way several apologies were made, but the evening was left a little tainted.

Swallow the Sun:
Like Novembers Doom but slower, and not as good. I don't even like Novembers Doom all that much, so this was forgettably average.

Rehashed melodeth. Energetic performance.

At this point we're just getting irritated, thinking perhaps it would've been best if we would have stayed home. The prospect of giving up on shows altogether becomes discussed, both of us have put in our tenure going to underground shows anyhow (me of metal, her of industrial), and perhaps wading through shit is not worth finding a Snickers bar. I receive a garbled phone call but can't quite make anything out, and then the bombshell hits:

Scar Symmetry:
What the fuck is this shit?! Imagine Limp Bizkit mixed with Papa Roach and neoclassical guitar solos. This was like a 3rd rate Soilwork, a band whom I already don't like to begin with. I'm so fucking tired of this tough guy riffery shit, nu-metal was in the throes of death but now seems to be coming back in the form of bad metalcore. This shit is worse than "punk" bands who form in 2005 bankrolled by their parents and think they are hardcore because they wear a giant anarchy patch on their purchased-brand-new-from-Millers-Outpost denim jacket. The worst part about shit like this is that the musicians are talented folk, but insist on making Bad. Fucking. Music. It was bad enough when the American scene dealt us this hand, but now I'm dealing with it from Scandinavia, a place ten years ago just being from there was nearly a guarantee that it'd be at least worth some attention. Go home already!

At this point we are fucking pissed. No, not drunk, angry. This night went from boring to bad, and I've already heard that Katatonia are a bit lackluster in concert, so I'm assuming nothing will make up for the disasterpiece already laid down for the evening. Right about then I finally connect with Mike Thar Hill via cell, and we head downstairs to the corner him, his woman, and Reign in my Heart have apparently occupied for many rounds by now. The tide begins to turn.

As I walk past the bar in search of two dudes that I have no idea what they look like, I think I hear a bearded longhaired fellow yell "NAD!" but I can't quite tell, so approach him hesitantly. "Hey, I'm Mike!" "Oh shit, well hey there, howdy there, what's happening?" Pleasantries are exchanged between man and womanfolk, when out from the middle of the crowd comes a giant bald dude, mouth full of red, wearing a Heathen Crusade shirt, and bear tackles me. "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!" "Jerry, you're as crazy as I knew you'd be." He throws a $20 at me and orders me to the bar, where Mike beats me to it and begins our first round of several Cape Cods (so Jerry wasn't drinking Koolaid, but rather this marvelous concoction of those damned not to get scurvy).

Katatonia come on, and start off relatively well. Between songs and various spillings of Cape Cod, chants of "ARGHOSLENT! ARGHOSLENT! ARGHOSLENT! ARGHOSLENT!" are heard to my right. Unfortunately it didn't catch on, but that didn't stop Jerry from moving on to "SLAVE! WHIPPING! BLASPHEMY!" later in the evening. After about 3 songs, the band are absolutely ON FIRE, just fucking amazing. The new material is incredible, first I've heard it because I'm a horrible fan who hasn't bought the new one yet, but that will very soon change. About halfway through Mike and I are guaranteed sore necks the next day, and Jerry starts to fall back a bit behind us. He'd get up periodically to yell and throw more Cape Cod in everyone's direction, which was welcomed by all. Any that might have opposed were outweighed by a few bills so didn't bother complaining. It's not long before Jerry is puking over the side of the bar, cleaning up with a stack of seemingly strategically placed magazines, which promptly get launched into the air upon finishing their destiny on this mortal coil. After Katatonia closed with an astounding version of Murder :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: , Jerry runs up toward the stage and I assume he was going to try and meet the band. No, he just had to find a spot to lie down. :lol:

Horrible beginning to an awesome night, thanks to you fellers and Katatonia giving a mindblowing show. Glad to meet ya'll, see you at Gojira/Behemoth next month. :kickass:
My plan is to get so blitzed, that we recruit the closest person that resembles him at the venue in to our party.
Dude, you fucking did! "HEY MAN, THERE'S TWO NAD LOOKALIKES IN HERE AND ONE OF THEM IS YOU. HERE'S THE OTHER ONE!!!" *Jerry grabs white dude with a fro* "THIS IS NAD JR.!!! YOU'RE COOL, NAD JR.!!!" :lol: x298579234875982
Good to hear someone else appreciates Katatonia's live act - seen em 3 times now and loved each one!

And yeah, Scar Symmetry was pretty rough... they should just fucking call it a day now and save all our ears!