After Orchid Opeth Sucks

Originally posted by Draconian Demon
hmm, I never knew I couldn't post my opinion... :rolleyes:

and in fact I gave my reason why I think they suck now.

Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
Youll be disappointed if you go to their gig because I dont think they play Forest Of October anymore

Its been replaced by teh NEW STUFF :grin:

I think so too... they didn't play anything off of Orchid at the recent London gig.
Despite all the hate on this board, I made a big step today. I went to Record Time. Well, I got some Opeth.

Morningrise ...I am listening to it right now and I like :grin:
My Arms, Your Hearse

I am giving Opeth another chance. I love Orchid so I am giving them a try.

You all were right, I should not of said they suck. Morningrise rules. I was wrong. You guys were right.
Wow, wow. Morningrise is like Orchid Pt. 2. This is great stuff.

Again, I apoligize. I am not kissing ass to make friends, as all of you should hate me anyway. But this band is better than I thought.

Does Still Life sound different from the rest of their library or something? I did not care for it, I sold it about a year back, maybe I am growing and developing (?)...I should give it another try.
I really like Still Life. I love the intermix of heavy and melody on it.. it's one of my personal favourites. It's worth another try, I feel. Especially for "Godhead's Lament".

A good way to hear the growth of Opeth (or any band) is to start from their first album and work chronologically to their most recent. That's the best way to discern if you really do like their older stuff more than their new.

But with Opeth, you have to give them ore than one listen.. I think anyone here will tell you that you can't make up your mind on an Opeth album after only one listen.
yaar.. another convert.

Won't you join us at the annual picnic? I have a lovely vat of Kool Aid of which we can ALL partake.

Opeth is like a plantar's wart. If it doesn't go away in the first little while, it's there to stay. (lovely analogy.. I'm too tired for this)
Still Life is pretty hard to digest but it's understandable that you couldn't get into it moving straight from Orchid. Morningrise is basically the only other album that is in a familiar style to Orchid production and general sound wise, after that they started going more and more standardised, but if you can digest Deliverance then I'm sure you're ready for the whole thing... and possibly to go back to Still Life :).
Jumped the gun a bit Draconion Demon?

I thought you had HEARD all the albums and that's why you voiced your opinion that the rest sucked. Now I see you'd only heard Orchid and Still Life. See that? Let that be a lesson to ya. ;)

I'm glad you like it.
It was in fact quite stupid of me. I had Still Life about one year ago, and I sold it, not liking it. But of course my tastes have grown since then, and I bet when I hear it again I will like it. I am listening to Deliverence right now...I like it. It is pretty heavy though, not what I was expecting.

I apoligize for my iggnorance.