After ProgPower...

That's cool Metal! I can't wait to hear that you've done it!!

Yardley runs. She reads this web board:
It's obviously all about running. They have a program called "couch to 5k" or something like that. It's designed to help you go from not working out at all to running a 5k in a really short period of time. That might be a decent place to start.
Yep, I'd recommend getting started now and taking a break when PP comes around. Classic Marathon (and half marathon which I run) training works such that you work to form a base, increase your mileage a bit then take it back a step and re-form the base. It should be a slow process so that you do not get injured. I got a stress fracture when I ran my first half marathon so I speak from experience when I say please take it slow and careful and if you struggle with your mileage one week, repeat that week and do NOT increase the mileage the next week.

This type of training also encourages cross training (I weight lift) and rest days.
I've never gone for a run while at PP but have been heavy into training several years and I just picked it up after.

Speaking of which, I should probably get out to my run this morning before it gets too hot.

Good Luck MetalRose!

Feel free to bounce stuff off me, I've never run a marathon (don't want to really, too much training time for me with 2 jobs) but I've run several half marathons and decently if I do say so myself :)
I agree with the why wait. It's like willing to start a diet and saying "I'll start it next week."

I say if you really want to make a change that significant, you shouldn't wait 'till after ProgPower. Start the work now, and then give yourself a week off when ProgPower comes. You'll be feeling better already by then.

Good luck!
I've never run a marathon (don't want to really, too much training time for me with 2 jobs) but I've run several half marathons and decently if I do say so myself :)

You can run a half marathon and you are worried about the time it takes to run a marathon? Doesn't take any more time ;p

Actually, if I were to make a goal of a marathon at this point, I'd only have 2 days a week where I'd put in more than an hour of training. The other days would mostly be under 30 minutes.

First off, I'd start out a little slower than you're speaking of here. IMHO, I think you should start out by quitting the smoking regardless if you run a marathon or not! I can't stress the importance of that enough.:hotjump: I think you should start out by simply walking a mile per day, gradually working your way up to several miles per day. Then do the same with running. Run a little at a time until you find yourself increasing in distance. You'll have to push yourself, but the key is to not push yourself too hard all at once. In other words, don't burn yourself out too quick. You'll get there if you stay persistent, but take it one step at a time.

Good luck, Metal.
I have been on a seriously asskicking regimen for about a month and I'm already seeing results.
Portion control and straight-up cardio will get you in shape quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.
Oh, and NO BEER.
God, beer makes you gain weight and bloats you...ugh.
I quit smoking too, and I feel fantastic.
Good for you!

As far as waiting until after ProgPower, you could put the wheels in motion with your food choices...hell, you'll be rockin' hard enough at PP that if you cut your calories down, you'll weigh less by the time you leave than you did when you got there LOL!

What I had to do when the Air Force finally got serious about fitness was start out by walking 30-45 minutes a day for about 5 days straight. Then I started running gradually. At first I would run as far as I could go and then I would alternate walking and running. I would do it for 30 minutes at a time. I started with 4 minutes walking 2 minutes running and gradually increased the run time and walked less. Within a month I was able to run 30 minutes straight so I started concentrating on speed. In 3 months my mile and a half time went from 18+ minutes to under 15. I am running mid 13's now and I've lost some 20 pounds. As for distance, I couldn't do a marathon, but 3 miles a day is pretty easy now. Quitting Nicotine has also helped tremendously. One last word of advice would be to find a store that is dedicated to running and have them do a Gait analysis for you. Then they will suggest shoes that are tailored to your specific running style. I can't put into words how much of a difference the right shoes make.

Best of luck to you! It will be hard work and I guarantee there will be days when you will hurt and want to quit, but hang in there!
Good luck, Metal.
I have been on a seriously asskicking regimen for about a month and I'm already seeing results.
Portion control and straight-up cardio will get you in shape quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.
Oh, and NO BEER.
God, beer makes you gain weight and bloats you...ugh.
I quit smoking too, and I feel fantastic.

Congratulations! Those are some hard changes to make.

How often do you work out, and for how long? I find it hard to work out more than a couple times a week, but I am lazy. :p

I've been dieting and lost 30 pounds. But, back in january I got an inguinal hernia from my job and couldn't do anything for 9 weeks. Hence, 23 of the 30 pounds I lost came back. I went back to work on march 17th and lost 18 pounds again, so I'm only 5 pounds from where I was before. I plateaued, so now I'm using a gazelle to burn weight. Those who know Tony Little from infomercials know what I'm talking about. And, I started doing pushups to tone up the arms and chest. They suck, but they work. That's for sure. Good luck to you Metalrose. But, I gotta say it's best to start now while your iron is in the fire. That's what I did and I kept it up since.