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Hmm, I'm surprised, I thought a lot of people here would like them. Clearly I was wrong. I fucking love them, although I must admit the really low death grunting is a bit annoying - you can't make out a thing. I think his clean vocals are good though, the guitar solos are excellent and for the most part so are the riffs. The guitar sound could do with thickening up, but so could most black metal band's. I also think the variety on their albums is one of their strong points - you don't get bludgeoned constantly with blastbeats.
And what's this about intros for every song? :guh:
Ivan the terrible said:
Don't these guys like dress up in suits for live gigs...?

They're members of the Church of Satan. I said in an earlier post that all members of the Church of Satan wear traditional suits.

TakinTheMusicBack said:
And what's this about intros for every song?

Ever notice how there's a 1-2 minute intro before every other song after Praise The Name Of Satan? Yeah that's it. Pretentious as shit.

I'm one for variation, too...when it fucking fits.
HAHAHAHA...no they fucking are not, most definately not...who told you that load of old codswallop?

and there is 1 intro at the start of the album and 3 electronic tracks plus 1 with vocals to end so :loco:

pfff...church of satan my ass....haha

V.V.V.V.V. said:
They're members of the Church of Satan. I said in an earlier post that all members of the Church of Satan wear traditional suits.

Ever notice how there's a 1-2 minute intro before every other song after Praise The Name Of Satan? Yeah that's it. Pretentious as shit.

I'm one for variation, too...when it fucking fits.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
3. The guitar tone. Listen to the beginning of Becoming The Adversary. That sounds terrible. It's like a really low din in the back of the song. I realize that this tone isn't always there, but when it is, it's PAINFUL to listen to.

5. The pretentiousness. I don't like the lyrics at all. They sound like a joke unto themselves, and, although I am quite aware that they are "truly Satanic," that doesn't change the fact that they're goofy most of the time. I can excuse lyrics, but whose fucking idea was it to have intros to practically every track on the album?

None of the other songs have samples going into them. And if you mean the tracks with the atmospheric/synth stuff....I think those are interludes.

I don't quite see what you have against the guitar tone and production....
I was going to see them, but I had school that day. Yes, school is more important than metal.

But anyways here are my two cents:

-I love their guitarists
-I love their drummer
-I like how the deep vocals sound like the guy is puking.
-The higher pitched vocals are a little bit annoying.
-Son of the Morning is the best song on Choronzon.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
VVVVVVVV obviously has one album so he's an expert on Akercocke. Where he got the "intro to every song" thing I have no fucking clue.

Mr.V knows what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
They're members of the Church of Satan. I said in an earlier post that all members of the Church of Satan wear traditional suits.

According to who?

Do Phil Anselmo, Anton Crowley or Marylin Manson wear suits...
Allow me to restate what I said in an easier-to-understand statement.

Members of the Church of Satan wear suits to their masses, not constantly and out in public. Akercocke do it for image/emphasis. Please do not say "pfft ya k buddy" because it is true.


I have heard The Goat Of Mendes and Choronzon.


Not every track has an intro. The tracks "Prince Of The North", "Choronzon", "Upon Coriacious Wings", and "Goddess Flesh" are what I was referring to. I don't appreciate them at all, although it may add to the atmosphere, it just seems like they are trying to cram too many ideas into an album.
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