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Yeah, Akercocke sucks the big one. And they're so fucking overhyped by Terrorizer, just like Mithras was. I know it's just cause they're from the UK too. If goddamned music journalists would grow some balls and tell the fucking truth then bands like this wouldn't get so much recognition.
I'm still appalled at how no one seems to understand that V.V.V.V.V. was just expressing his freakin' opinion. My God, it's like he punched your sister in the crotch or something. Lighten up. People are allowed to not like bands.

Especially when they're average. ;)
Hahaha. Look at what he just replied to me up there. :rolleyes: The guy's a nob - that's why he changed his nick from Worm Infested Intestinal Twat, so people wouldn't know who he is. He posts his opinion like he's a fucking expert on every band that ever played a fucking power chord, despite the fact he clearly hasn't even heard the albums (or if he has he was stoned. As a few people have pointed out - there are no intros for every song on Choronzon).
I agree with Cythraul - Terrorizer does tend to overhype bands. Not just UK ones either, although their review of Mithras latest album was a fucking joke.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Hahaha. Look at what he just replied to me up there. :rolleyes: The guy's a nob - that's why he changed his nick from Worm Infested Intestinal Twat, so people wouldn't know who he is. He posts his opinion like he's a fucking expert on every band that ever played a fucking power chord, despite the fact he clearly hasn't even heard the albums (or if he has he was stoned. As a few people have pointed out - there are no intros for every song on Choronzon).
I agree with Cythraul - Terrorizer does tend to overhype bands. Not just UK ones either, although their review of Mithras latest album was a fucking joke.

Yeah, I agree...

I am also annoyed to see him post in every blasted thread with his artificial babblings.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I'm still appalled at how no one seems to understand that V.V.V.V.V. was just expressing his freakin' opinion.

His opinion was that all members of the Church of Satan wear suits all the time. They don't. He may not have explicitly used those words but his meaning was clear. He then changed his opinion when proved to be full of shit and not the expert he proclaimed himself.
His "opinion" was also that "every other" song on Choronzon has an intro and thus "pretentious as shit". Which is bullshit, so he clearly hasn't heard the album. So why give an opinion, other than to pretend he's some kind of Metal Guru that knows all about every metal band? He did the same in a Vader thread I started. Pretentious as shit? Yes, "he" is.
I tend to like Akercocke. I agree it often sounds like they're trying too hard, with too much material, but in the end I find the overall result very appealing regardless. Their music has a pleasant occult warmth to it. I like all the vocals too.
I like the clean vocal style. I just seem to find a great majority of death vocals completely over-the-top and Akercocke are no exception. I break out laughing at times.
Haha I love how everyone takes my opinions personally and starts making up poorly worded insults over an internet forum.

Get it together people, we'll never become the best damn metal board on the internet with this kind of charisma and fortitude.
Isn't Phil's ideology "smoke dope and talk shit"?
If you smoke dope VVVVV you could join his church.
BTW I think you'll find ANY religious ideology is fake - unless you can prove otherwise?
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Haha I love how everyone takes my opinions personally and starts making up poorly worded insults over an internet forum.

Poorly worded? excuse me for not being schooled at the "heavy metal academy for gooks"

[/QUOTE]Get it together people, we'll never become the best damn metal board on the internet with this kind of charisma and fortitude.[/QUOTE]

Never period...and frankly, who gives a shit.
Fuck off VVVVVVVVVVV - you turned the thread to shit with your fantasy song intros and lack of left hand path knowledge. Why you have such a high opinion of your musical and religious knowledge is beyond me, you're clearly fucking clueless.
Shut up, and let people answer the thread that have actually HEARD Akercocke and know a bit about the music you fucker.
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