Album to create an Opethian

see, that brings us to the question...what types of music are the people listening to before we introduce them to the peth?..if its metal, then +1 to luz..but if it isnt, then i say deliverance
Depends on the character. If thier musically retarded, go with Ghost Reveries, as tis the most diverse, and sicne they wont appreciate it, you can point out the fact htat they "change styles all the time" and they'll be like WOW!

If their a bit more musically inept, I say Deliverance, or BWP.
i got into opeth with morningrise. that would still be my first recommendation to someone new to the band, even if it is not too representative of opeth today.
my first one was also morningrise but i'd advise a chronological order..besides,the melodies in "orchid" are more repetitive,more easy to get into..but that does not means it's not that deep.."orchid" and "morningrise" are still my favourites....
Blackwater Park is the best album to play to someone who's never heard Opeth before - great production, great songwriting and an even mix of metal and prog. Ghost Reveries would be good too, but for me Blackwater Park represents Opeth better in general.
If they're not into metal and dislike growling, then Damnation is great to ease them in (that's how I got into Opeth). Otherwise, SL or BWP because they're probably the best albums and balanced.
I probably said GR, simply because the pure awesomeness that is Ghost of Perdition and Harlequin Forest.

I think I like the "rougher" sound of BWP more, so I would probably show someone that one first.

No actually, GR.

Oh fizzdarnit.
derbeder said:
i got into opeth with morningrise. that would still be my first recommendation to someone new to the band, even if it is not too representative of opeth today.

Someone should buy you a beer. Cheers :kickass: I'm with you.

@ Led Opeth: Pimpsmack me? You haven't met my Wrath yet. LOL.
Deliverence was the first time I heard Opeth . . . and the disc I passed on to a lot of my friends. In hind sight, I'd say Blackwater Park or Ghost Reveries are more well rounded. Hell, for that matter, Still Life. I love 'em all and will continue to spread the word.
Led Opeth said:
haha, introduce us

p.s. where the hell is my beer?,and what kind of beer is it if i do get it? lol

Nah, I keep it for those special moments I have with some fuckers. lol
Damn, that was for Derbeder, but since you also agreed with me... question: are you old enough to drink? If so, this is for you:


Enjoy. :kickass:
im old enuff for anything lol...never heard of, or saw that brand before, you have to ship me a bottle or two...i say the best beer up here isnt even american, sapporo,and baltika 9 are the best