Albums currently kicking your ass

Problem is radio stations now are too busy replaying AC/DC and Guns N' Roses for the 1 millionth time. Or all of that Mumford and Sons BS. Or Justin Bieber clones... Or Avenged Sevenfold ripoff "modern rock" etc

Was just talking about this with the wife the other day. There's a rock station in town that basically cycles through new A7X, 5FDP, Shinedown, 90s grunge, '00s altrock/metalcore, and Metallica. Like, nothing else even exists, unless you listen when they do the "extreme metal hour" at some weird ass time of day.
Was just talking about this with the wife the other day. There's a rock station in town that basically cycles through new A7X, 5FDP, Shinedown, 90s grunge, '00s altrock/metalcore, and Metallica. Like, nothing else even exists, unless you listen when they do the "extreme metal hour" at some weird ass time of day.

Yeah it's a sad state dude. I remember a radio station that used to play all different thrash bands. Another used to play prog rock pretty often like at least Joe Satriani and Dream Theater. Another was a modern rock station but at least it had a wide variety of new bands not just the same 10 songs on repeat. They would do interviews with the bands and then play their full albums sometimes.

Nowadays it's like they won't even Try to experiment. It's like the "Top 40 rock hits of the 70's 80's and 90's" all day every day. I would at least like to hear some B-side tracks from some of these bands. Even AC/DC and Guns N' Roses released some songs that aren't as well known, play those instead of Sweet Child of Mine and Back in Black again for the love of god.

And the "modern rock" stations are exactly what you said.

Fuck yea :kickass:

Ive been obsessed with this album for a while now. So damn good, no hardcore can touch this.
I prefer the rawness and intensity of Damaged, but I cant deny the excellence of My War. I can see why a doom fan would take more to My War than to Damaged, but man, Damaged is such a powerful album of songs that just hit hard. The chaotic guitar playing is just legendary, Ginn is one of those unsung guitar gods as far as im concerned.
Fuck yeah he is!
I mostly hold My War dear because I'm a die-hard Sludgehead and that's arguably one of the first developments in that style, but Damaged is definitely the better full album experience.
Meh, sludge. One of those huge hit or miss genres for me. Too much southern blues influence for me in most cases, though I do love stuff like Isis' Panopticon, Old Man Gloom, and some Electric Wizard. It's never been a genre ive been extremely fond of though. That Neurosis album you posted is pretty good though.
Meh, sludge. One of those huge hit or miss genres for me. Too much southern blues influence for me in most cases, though I do love stuff like Isis' Panopticon, Old Man Gloom, and some Electric Wizard. It's never been a genre ive been extremely fond of though. That Neurosis album you posted is pretty good though.

What Sludge Metal have you heard? Because if you're thinking that Neurosis, Electric Wizard, Old Man Gloom and Isis are examples of the style, that's where you're going wrong.
I'm not a fan of anything by Neurosis btw other than the one I posted, when they were still a raw Hardcore Punk band.

Though considering you mentioned southern Blues I have a feeling you've heard proper Sludge and still didn't like it, because that's a perfect description of a band like Eyehategod or Weedeater.
What Sludge Metal have you heard? Because if you're thinking that Neurosis, Electric Wizard, Old Man Gloom and Isis are examples of the style, that's where you're going wrong.
I'm not a fan of anything by Neurosis btw other than the one I posted, when they were still a raw Hardcore Punk band.

Though considering you mentioned southern Blues I have a feeling you've heard proper Sludge and still didn't like it, because that's a perfect description of a band like Eyehategod or Weedeater.

So im going wrong with sludge by listing the few bands/albums that ive enjoyed in that style, and not by the more southern blues influenced stuff? If true sludge is the stuff that is heavily influenced by southern blues, id say that im not very interested. I have no interest in bands like CoC, Eyehategod, or Crowbar. I am also not a big fan of Neorosis' widely renowned albums. I havent dug that deep into the genre because I havent heard much that has appealed to me, so what do you consider to be the essentials?
"I didn't want to go solo in the first place," Abbath told U.K.'s Metal Hammer magazine. "I wanted the best for IMMORTAL. I didn't want it to end this way. First of all, I just wanted my music out. I wanted to record the [next] album [because] it's been so many years since 'All Shall Fall'. And both Demonaz and Horgh, they have kids and families now, and it just hit that point where I couldn't work the way they wanted to work any more. I wanted things on my terms and they wanted things on their terms, and it was very difficult."

He continued: "I wanted to rehearse at least three times a week, but often it was only once a week and things went so slow. I sat there with all this material, I kept the rehearsal space and recorded the stuff on click track, but it was a very strained atmosphere and the Last time we worked together was in early June last year."

Asked if the decision to part ways and seek out new band members was inevitable, Abbath said: "I was forced to do it this way. I wanted IMMORTAL to continue, but not the way it was. The dialogue has not been there and it's also my mistake. I should have brought up this shit a long time ago, but IMMORTAL, after Demonaz's problems with his arms, it never became a band after that."

He continued: "IMMORTAL is a very special situation. [Demonaz] hasn't been in the band, but then I always wanted to do the best for everybody, to have the band spirit, and that's why when we decided to start IMMORTAL again, we tried to get the spirit back, and bring him on tour, and just share our thing and be a band and have a kick-ass time. But it never worked out. The chemistry wasn't there with the IMMORTAL guys and hadn't been for a while."

Abbath added: "I believe in my music and I believe in my expression, but time flies and we grow apart. Maybe in the future we can go back again, I don't know, but right now I just want to do my thing and just be ABBATH and have people around me who support that."

So im going wrong with sludge by listing the few bands/albums that ive enjoyed in that style, and not by the more southern blues influenced stuff? If true sludge is the stuff that is heavily influenced by southern blues, id say that im not very interested. I have no interest in bands like CoC, Eyehategod, or Crowbar. I am also not a big fan of Neorosis' widely renowned albums. I havent dug that deep into the genre because I havent heard much that has appealed to me, so what do you consider to be the essentials?

No what I mean is, you're going wrong because nothing you listed was Sludge Metal in any sort of real sense of the style.
But if you don't like Eyehategod it's likely not a genre for you haha, but maybe you might like the much slower side of Sludge Metal, like this:

Or, if you're a fan of Coffins, perhaps check out their Sewage Sludgecore Treatments EP which is all covers of Sludge Metal bands, it's a fucking great gateway into real Sludge.
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