Albums currently kicking your ass

I don't know how they can be overrated while so many people overlook them. I often encounter people who know they from their name but never listened to any of their tracks.
Neurosis are a band that, in theory, I should love but for the life of me I simply cannot get into them.

No what I mean is, you're going wrong because nothing you listed was Sludge Metal in any sort of real sense of the style.

Well at the very least they are sludge influenced, no?

But if you don't like Eyehategod it's likely not a genre for you haha,

My problem with Eyehategod is that although I really like the style, im just not that drawn to their riffs. I havent really given it a good listen in a long while, so which album would you recommend from them most?

but maybe you might like the much slower side of Sludge Metal, like this:

Nope, that was boring as hell.

I liked this a lot actually, I love how the part when everything starts to build up reminds me a bit of Carcass. It's moody, but without that southern riffing influence. Sick video too. I remember hearing about Meth Drinker before, but I just never got around to checking them out.

Or, if you're a fan of Coffins, perhaps check out their Sewage Sludgecore Treatments EP which is all covers of Sludge Metal bands, it's a fucking great gateway into real Sludge.

Yea, I like Coffins, ill definitely check that out.

Stuff like this makes me want to get stoned and just get engulfed by the tone. Too bad I cant right now though.
Glad to hear you liked the Meth Drinker link, great fucking band.

As to the Neurosis question, I don't dislike them at all but they are somewhat overrated within the Sludge/Doom scene I guess.

That's not my beef with them though, I just don't really get into bands like them too much.
nah, Neurosis are some of the true master musicians of our time. Putting out 5 undeniable masterpieces isnt easy. Seeing them live was like a spiritual experience. Masters of their craft, no doubt.
I don't know how they can be overrated while so many people overlook them. I often encounter people who know they from their name but never listened to any of their tracks.

Maybe because most people who have heard them think they're awesome and they get good reviews? I find them underwhelming.