Albums currently kicking your ass


Good ass album! Heavy as fuck!

Haven't been able to stop listening to this. I have always liked it, but lately I've really been appreciating it a lot.

Straight up old school american death metal. This band manages to remind me of Malevolent Creation, Suffocation, and Immolation/Incantation all at the same time.

I find it very strange my local FYE had this. I really didnt intend on buying it, but hey when it's sitting right in front of your face, oh well.

Pretty good, too short of course.

When this album first came out I listened to it, got pissed, and swore it off for eternity...Well, time has ripened and Ive realized that this is a great album and I was fucking stupid for not coming to this conclusion sooner. I wish they wouldve explored this territory a bit more, than trying to resurrect their old sound in Eternal Turn Of The Wheel.
Temple of Baal - Lightslaying Rituals

This album will obliterate your testicles. That is a promise.

Hacksaw to the Throat - Wasteland

This one, too. It's fucking ferocious.