Albums that have grown on you


Proceed to Ultraslamming
Feb 10, 2006
Toronto ON
What albums have you at first disliked, but now like a lot?

One of the biggest examples for me of this was Incantation's Decimate Christendom. I really only like Horns of Eradication at first, the rest sounded bad. Then I kept discovering how cool the guitar work was and how good songs like Blaspheme the Sacraments and Merciless Tyranny were. Now it is definitely one of my favorite albums.

Another example for me is the album Sheol by Naglfar. I bought this because I heard and loved the song I Am Vengeance. However, none of the other songs were as good and I really didn't like it besides that song. Now I have disovered that, although no other songs on the album are as good as I Am Vengeance, there are some great ones like Devoured by Naglfar and Black God Aftermath.
Carcass - Heartwork - just been listening to necroticism...
Black star rising - Barbed wire soul
Celtic Frost - To mega therion - couldnt see what all the fuss was about, then i found out that it ruled
Kreator - Pleasure to kill - see above
The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph
The bad production and thin guitar tone really put me off, but then as I listened more and more, I realized how great the compositions were, and now I even think that the production fits the music

Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
When I first bought this album some eleven years ago, I thought it SUCKED. I hated the riffing style, minimalism, and production, and almost thought it sounded more like punk than metal. Then I began to appreciate the melodies and atmosphere.

Graveland - Thousand Swords
Similarly, the guitar tone and production put me off, and I also thought it lacked energy/aggression. But now I appreciate it as the great piece of atmospheric black metal it is.

Primordial - all
It took me a while to get used to the vocals, but now Primordial are easily one of my top three favorite bands.
Danallica said:
Celtic Frost - To mega therion - couldnt see what all the fuss was about, then i found out that it ruled

Yeah same.

Another one recently is Ammit's Hammer of Darkness - when I first got it I thought it was total garbage. I still don't think it's amazing, but now I quite enjoy it.
Queensryche - Promosed Land : Hated it at first but over time I came to like it quite a bit. It was a bit too much of a change and it was unexpected.

Lost Horizon - A Flame to the Ground Beneath : The debut was so godly it took me a while to like this one because I was comparing it too much to "Awakening the World" - I still don't think it touches that album but it's a decent album. The guitar work is nowhere near as tasty compared to Awakening.
Yeah, Deathcult took a while to really grasp, mainly because of the production. Decimate Chrisendom, Pleasure to Kill and Thousand Swords are all albums I've never been able to get into.

Slough Feg - Traveller
At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness
Mournful Congregation - The Monad of Creation
Isis - Panopticon
This one started out as a sheer chillout disc without depth for me. Now it's easily one of my favourite CDs. The ambience and feeling is amazing

Malevolent Creation - Eternal
I've had this album for years, and started appreciating it just months ago. Old school riff-based Death Metal is teh shit.
Isis - Panopticon
Totally thought of this as the worst waste of money ever, but I gave it a few more spins. Now I realize just how beutiful this was.

Agalloch- The Mantle
Same as Above.

Pretty much every release from Bruzum, that I have loved since about last year.
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. Not the greatest album of all time as many say, but very good. Took a while for me to get into because it takes much more patience than the straightforward Det Som Engang Var album.
at first I didn't really like the Axis of Perdition but now I find that "Deleted scene from the transition hospital" is really good.

the new Cryptopsy (Once was not), I didn't really like it at first cause the production kinda suck but now I listen to it often.

there's a lot of band I don't really like at first that grow on me after a couple of listen.
Lacrimosa - Echos

I didn't like it at all when i frist heard it, but i've been listening to it A LOT lateley, and now it's my favorite Lacrimosa album! :)
There are a number of albums that I uploaded from a friend of mine that took me a while to get into, namely Annihilation of the Wicked by Nile, Warkult by Malevolent Creation, and now one of my favorites, Demigod by Behemoth.

Albums that I bought myself have usually pleased me from the start, with the exception of Opeth. When I first bought Ghost Reveries, my first Opeth album, I played it a couple times and from there it lived on my shelf for a couple months. One day I came back to it and bang! It was like a divine revelation. From that day on I considered myself among the "enlightened ones".
Emperor-In The Nightside Eclipse: For some reason I just didn't like it that much the first time and then the second time I listened to it it became one of my favorite cds. :headbang: