Any second opinions on albums that have been recently released?


Nov 19, 2001
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After letting a fairly recent release sit around a while- and upon giving the album a few extra listens- has anyone changed their minds on recent albums?

I say this as I have been reevaluating my opinions on recent albums, and I have come to the conclusion that some albums are just not very good at all, and a few are much better than I though at first listen.
Epica - The Phantom Agony ... At first I thought it was it is really starting to win me over.

Same with Ion Dissonance - Breathing is Irrelevant

And Skepticism - Farmakon ...which at first I wrote it off as boring, but came to find out that it is an AMAZING epic funeral doom album.
Yeah, St. Anger. When I first got it I liked it, now its just so-so. I coulda just picked up "We've come for You All". :(

And "Damnation", when I got it I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, now its just a great album.
Sometimes, but not very often. If I don't like an album on first listen, it usually doesn't get a second spin. It helps that the albums I instantly dislike are often those which require comparitively little time to "get" (or "write") - second-rate brutal death, for example. A little depth is always intriguing.
I wasn't really grabbed by Dance Of Death on first listen, but I"m still getting into it, and I like it more and more now.

I loved Steal This Album by SOAD on first listen, but a week has passed, and I haven't desired to hear it. Toxicity it is not.
St Anger. At first my ears hurt listening to it, but I realised my error, and concede that it is the masterpiece that it is professed by the band to be. I am, of course, talking out of my ass, as the record is pure trash.
St Anger - I didn't think it was that great when I first bought it on the day of release, but I now think it's a piece of fucking shite.

Morbid Angel - Heretic. It's good, some stupid shit like the dodgy guitar solo and drum solo at the end are nice novelties but I'd have preffered some more songs. :zombie:
Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion. I liked it alot when I bought it, I thought it was fantastic. A few listens later and it was pretty good. Now it's just mediocre. The whole album is very repetetive.
Ive also found Green Carnation's newest to be nothing more than decent 70's prog rock- what a let down.

Nevermores last album, Ive found to be too solo centered for the first 5 songs- then they remember they have an excellent bass-drum duo- so the opinion of that album has been declining everyday.
I'm really diggin Dimmu Borgir's 'Death Cult Armageddon', Lamb Of God's 'As The Palaces Burn'.

I have yet to hear Dying Fetus' new one. Can anyone shed some light on the subject? (i.e. is it any good?)
Oh, of course, SOAD are obviously Country Music, "dumbass".

Anyway, first time I listened to Dance of death I thought it was pretty boring, mainly because I had been digging Brave New World for a few weeks when I got it, and because Wildest Dreams and Rainmaker aren't all that great, but after a while, I started realizing it is a rocking album, and I love it.